Prereferral Process

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Identification of learners with sensory and

physical impairment
Presented by: Yanis O. Capinpin BSNED1
Pre-referral process
• A pre-referral process is a preventative
approach intended to address struggling
students’ academic or behavioral challenges in
the classroom. All students who need extra
support should participate in interventions
designed to meet their specific needs.
Stage 1: Initial concern regarding a student's

• Initial concern can be vocalized informally or

• Informal concern is when a parent or other family
member can ask the school for health concerning a
• Formal concern is when a teacher or other stuff
member fill out a form to express their concern to
the school.
Stage 2: Information Gathering

The next step is to gather information to help assist in the pre-

referral process. Some information that might be gathered is
instructional methods, strategies, and materials that have been
previously tried or used. The student’s skill level. The
student’s background knowledge and experiences, and
classroom behavior management techniques are a few.
Stage 3: Information sharing and team

• After the information is gathered the team will

meet to begin reviewing the information
collected to date and to start discussing ideas
and interventions that may help the student.
Stage 4: Discussion of possible strategies

• During the meeting, the members brainstorm

strategies that they believe are most likely to meet
the needs of the student. One or more strategies
may be selected for each area of concern.
Stage 5: Implementation and monitoring of strategies

• Implementing an appropriate intervention and

monitoring its effectiveness are critical components
of the pre-referral process.
Stage 6: Evaluation and decision making

• In the final stage the student’s parents or guardians are

always involved. This is the time to determine whether the
student has made progress. If yes, the team decides whether
the teacher needs to continue the intervention. If no, the
team determines whether the strategy should be continued
or modified, or whether the student should be referred for
special education.
Pre-referral Strategies
Before a formal assessment of a student for
possible placement in special education
occurs, his or her teacher meet with the
prereferral team to discuss the natures of the
problem and what possible modifications to
instruction of the classroom might be made.
Prereferral Strategies
• Team Meeting with Teachers
• Parent Interviews
• Medical Exam
• Hearing Test
• Vision Test
• Classroom Management Techniques

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