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Internal Weekly Follow-up

Payments and Refunds

June 8th
Project Tracker - Refunds
As of June 9th

Lead: Javier Gutierrez

Overall Status: PMO AV: Juan Camilo Guayana Equipo AV:  Karen Vargas, Carlos Rivera, Sandra Magaña

Project Objective:
Automate the process of refunds and its calculation to streamline it.

Activities Performed Last Week Milestones Responsible Due date

1. Delivery of the engine and Accelya requirements for GAP estimations. Gaps finalized Accelya/Dealengine 15/Jun/2023
2. Sessions with legal and commercial for clarifications. Technical Architecture definition Karen Vargas 19/Jun/2023
3. Socialize with C-Level the gaps founded at the workshop.

Blockers Responsible Date

Risks Responsible Criticality

Activities Perform / Performed Current Week Delivery out of time of gaps estimations from Accelya/
vendors DEalengine

1. Receive the GAPs estimations from the vendors. Conclusion out of time of requirements PMO
2. Conclude requirements refinement to deliver them to IT for technical refinement

Low Medium High 2

As of June 8th

Additional Items

Assessment .

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