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Expectorants: Expectorants are the drugs that help in
removing sputum from the respiratory tract either by
increasing the fluidity(or reducing the viscosity) of sputumor
increasing the volume of fluids that have to be expelled from
the respiratory tract by coughing.

-Classification of Expectorants:
a) Sedative Expectorants: These are stomach irritant
expectorants which are able to produce their effect through
stimulation of gastric reflexes.
b) Stimulant Expectorants: These are the
expectorants which bring about a stimulation of the
secretory cells of the respiratory tract directly or indirectly.
Emetics:These are the drugs which give rise to forced regurgitation (emesis) by
which the contents of the stomach get expelled through the oral cavity. Emetics
constitute a valuable part of treatment in posioning cases.
Examples: Copper Sulphate, Sodium Potassium Tartarate, Ammonium Chloride,
Ammonium acetate, Ammonium Carbonate, Potassium Iodide, Sodium Iodide,
Antimony Potassium Tartarate, Zinc Sulphate.

Haematinics: These are the substance required in formation of blood and are used
for treatment of aneamia. These drug increase the number of red blood cells and the
amount of hemoglobin to normal level and above when they are below normal.
Examples: Ferrous Sulphate, Ferrous Gluconate

Astringents: - Astringents are the substances which percipitates protein.

- Is a drug which makes the cell shrink by percipitating the proteins
from their surfaces.
Examples: Potash Alum, Zinc Sulphate
Poisons: A poison may be defined as any substance
administered in whatever way ( by mouth, injection,
inhalation, skin) produces ill health, diseases or death.

Antidotes: It may be defined as those substances which

react with an ingested poison or toxic substance or an
overdose of a potent drug.
-They act either by neutralising the poison of its toxic
effect or pharmaceutically(antagonistic action) or
chemically by converting them to non-toxic or less toxic
forms(e.g. chelates, acids, insoluble derivatives).

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