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The Importance Of Business

Coffee Shop
Factors In The Coffee Shop
1. Your Target Market
2. Your Unique Selling Proposition
3. Your coffee shop location and layout
4. Products
5. Equipment Needs
6. Marketing Strategies
7. Risk Factors
Target Market
You cannot hope to sell to every
coffee drinker as they belong to
different target markets. Before you
even begin your marketing, you must
understand your chosen target market
and their needs.
Unique Selling Proposition
Your business does not exist in a
vacuum, so you need to research and
understand your competition. Learn
what they are doing that works and
observe how they set up their coffee
shop layouts, what kind of food they
are serving,
Coffee Shop Location and
When you know where your target
customers are likely to hang out, you
already narrow down the choice of
locations. If you target students and
metropolitan customers, you need to
lease a place at a shopping mall and
set up some Wi-Fi facilities.
There are many decisions to make
like how many tables are suitable to
be set up, what kind of collection
system to be used, how many kitchen
utensils to order
You need to test your product and get
feedbacks from customers which one
they like. Depending on your USP,
the food you offered must be
specially catered to the customers
you targeted
Equipment Needs

Espresso Air pot/Thermal Tea Brewer Decanter Brewer

Machine Brewer

Cart Refrigerator Coffee Decanter Paper Filters

 Marketing Strategies
1. Have a unique logo.
2. Have a website so that the local
patrons can find you.
3. Give away T-shirt to get free
4. Place your signs and banners in
places where the traffic is or in
any public places.
Risk Factors
1. A big competition comes and wipe
your coffee shop business
2. Change in coffee shop trends
3. Fire that damages coffee shop
4. Staffs problems
5. Changes in laws and regulations

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