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This is English 10!

I am Vera Mae R. Rigor,

your English Teacher
Classroom Rules

1.Turn on your camera

2.Turn off your audio unless I ask you to turn it on
3.Wear decent clothes
4.Don’t chat during the discussion
5.Respect everyone
Checking of
Identify the structure of a
news report
What is news?
The word “news” comes from the word
“new.” New things were called “news.”
Directions: Read the excerpt and answer the following
questions on a separate sheet of paper.

1.From the excerpt, what is the stand of the

speaker regarding ‘Bullying’? Is the speaker in
favor or not? _____________________.
2.Extract two sentences from the excerpt to
support your answer.
Bullying is a constant problem in schools today. It starts with
annoying comments, but escalates to more severe matters.
We’ve seen it happen, and a lot of us know how it feels.
None of us like it. People might say they are just ignorant
kids, but bullies truly are criminals, stealing self-esteem and
at times ending lives.
Bullying needs to stop! Bullying is a criminal act. Bullies harass,
make threats, terrorize, and use verbal and physical abuse on their
victims. We need to stand up to bullies and not let them strip us of our
self-esteem. Bullies must face the consequences of their actions with
either therapy or some version of criminal punishment. Maybe if we
take a group of bullies to visit a jail to show them how rough their life
could turn out, they may rethink their behavior. Please sign my
petition asking the principal to arrange such an outing.
News Reports
News reports are found in newspapers and
their purpose is to inform readers of what is
happening in the world around them. News
reports have a certain structure that you need to
follow. This structure is sometimes called the
Inverted Pyramid.
Key Components of a Good News Story
• Attention-getting headline
Key Components of a Good News Story
• A strong lead containing 5 Ws and H (who,
what, when, where, why, and how)
Key Components of a Good News Story
• Use of quotes
Key Components of a Good News Story
• Real facts (truth and accuracy matter)
Key Components of a Good News Story
• Organization of the news (presenting
information from most to least important)
What makes a story newsworthy?
Some key elements when considering “newsworthiness” are:

• Timeliness
If it happened today, it’s news, if it happened last week, it’s not; with
24-hour news access, “breaking” news is important.
What makes a story newsworthy?
• Significance
How many people are affected?
What makes a story newsworthy?
• Proximity
The closer a story hits home, the more newsworthy it
You are more concerned about the COVID case
here in San Jose City than in Manila!
What makes a story newsworthy?
• Prominence
When famous people are affected, the story matters (i.e., car
accident involving your family vs. a car accident involving the
What makes a story newsworthy?
• Human Interest
Based on emotional appeal, they are meant to be amusing or to
generate empathy or other emotions.
A “feel good” story
Meant to draw attention to something particularly amusing, quirky,
or off-beat.
• Human Interest
AN INSPIRING STORY! Directions: Identify the W’s
presented in the news report below (if available). Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

Who -
What -
Where -
When -
Why -

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