Autostore TOS For Vietnam (Final) - en

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Central Systems & Automation Ltd

Software Developers & System Integrators

Part of Terex Corporation

Supply Chain Sector & Ports

Capt. Mahim Khanna

Regional Director
 Who are we
Part of Terex Corporation – Founded in 1933. It is a leader in material handling & port
technology. +15,900 employees & USD2.6Bill in sales in over 170 countries. (includes
Demag & Gottwald cranes)

Developing Operational Excellence in the Supply Chain

DBIS – Dry Bulk Information Systems

Central Systems & automation

»7 TBA b v “Autostore”
Leaders in terminal design & simulation Container terminal System
& automation &
Warehouse management
Central Systems & Automation Ltd.
• Developers of ‘Autostore’
• Installations in 14 countries from UK to Australia
• Full development and 24/7 support
• HO in UK. Regional office in Middle East & Asia
• Financially very stable organisation built on organic growth
• Members of Terex Corporation (
• Sister companies in related field are all leaders in their respective areas.
– Gottwald- Cranes, Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV)/xe tu lai, Straddle
– TBA bv - Terminal design, automation & simulation experts (
– DBIS- Dry Bulk Terminal Operating system (
Terminal Operating System
 Container Terminal Management System
 Inland Terminal Management System
 Warehouse Management (including full automation)
(Complete software solution for container & warehousing)
Container Terminal Management System
Standard Server Licence
Modular structure for full versatility & flexibility

Operational van Interface Modules

hanh/Modules Automatic Gate Control Interface
Graphic Vessel Planning Module Customs Interface
Berth Planning Module EDI Messages
Graphic Rail Planning Module/Module bố tríHost (SAP, Oracle, etc.) Interface Messages
đường ray
Vessel Data Interface Messages
Move Optimisation Module
Weighbridge Interface/cầu cân xe
Multi-Terminal Management Module
Value Added Services Module/gia tăng giá trị
DGPS Container Positioning
Vehicle Booking Module/đặt chỗ tbi phương
tiện cvhuyen Container DGPS Server Interface Module
Container DGPS Base Reference Station
Activity Charging Module (Billing)
Container DGPS Mobile Unit (RTG, S/C, etc.)
User Licences (Windows/Browser/RDT)

Vietnamese language dropdown & manuals

Automatic Yard Planning Functionality

 Good graphics
 User friendly
 Deployable for container, empty
park, rail or inland
 Automated house keeping/Lưu
kho tự động
 Hot boxing for gate
VESSEL PLANNING • View vessel and voyage profiles from
the top, port side and bow.

• Define vessel profile templates./Xác

định thông tin của tàu

• Lập ctrinh dỡ và xếp hàng cho từng

tàu/Create a set of default loading /
unloading sequences for each vessel.

• Modify specific voyage profiles/Thay

đổi thông tin hành trình.

• Plan containers to stowage locations

(load and discharge)/Lập Kế hoạch cho
container xếp vào vị trí (chất tải/dỡ

• Release Load lists/Phát hành list tải.

• Release Discharge lists/Phát hành list

dỡ hàng.

AUTO VESSEL PLANNING TO BE RELEASED SOON • Transfer containers from stock

inventory to voyages for loading.
EDI Messages- Large administrative savings
Inbound Outbound
Operational Charges Ad-Hoc Charge

  Change Owner From

  Change Owner To



Value Added Services Fumigating

  Part De-Stuffing

  Part Stuffing

  Plugin Unit Inspection

  Plugin Unit Plug-in

  Plugin Unit Un-Plug

Storage Charges Storage Unit Charges   Relining

TEU Storage Charges TEU Storage Unit Charges   Repairs

Transfer Load Charges Transfer Unit Loads   Unit Inspection

Transfer Surcharges Transfer Unit Surcharge   Washing

Value Added Services Module
 Manage - stuffing/de-stuffing, cleaning, inspection, repair etc
 Maintain full record & data for each container while it moves through the terminal
 Invoicing / Charging

Autostore's Value Added Services Module (VASM) gives you the software tools
you need to ensure that containers are maintained to the right condition, in the
right place and at the right time. VASM cung cấp cho ng sử dụng công cụ phần
mềm cần thiết để đảm bảo rằng các container đc lưu giữ đúng nơi, đúng chỗ,
đúng thời điểm

The operational tasks include : Destuff (Devan), Part Destuff, Stuff, Part Stuff,
Wash, Reline, Repair, Unit Inspection, Plug-in, Unplug, Temperature Inspection,
Fumigation, Veterinary Check/kiểm tra thú y, Customs Check, Removing/Adding
Stickers, Scan, Sweep
Autostore Report Generation

- Customized by user
- Preview on screen/Xem trước trên màn
- Export to a file or printer
- Periodic Automated Scheduling
- Real time web based
Container Positioning System
Equipment or Crane positional signals (received from the Differential Global Positioning
System) is converted into TEU bay references as configured in the Autostore CTMS.
Các tbi hay các tín hiệu định vị cẩu ( nhận từ 1 hệ thống định vị toàn cầu khác) được chuyển
sang TEU để tham khảo như cài đặt trong Autostore CTMS.
Automatic confirmation of container movements for storage areas within the reach of the
crane. / Tự động xác nhận sự di chuyển của container cho khu vực kho bãi trong tầm với của
The CPS User Interface provides the operator with a move list generated by the Autostore
CTMS along with real-time position indication./ bộ phát tín hiệu định vị phản ánh tg chính

Quay crane
Hand held Typical Reference Sites
Reach stackers
Terminal trucks
Other functionalities Automatic Gate Control Interface
Move Optimisation Module Customs Interface
Berth Planning Module/Module kế hoachjEDI Messages
tàu neo đậu
Vessel Data Interface Messages
Multi-Terminal Management Module
Weighbridge Interface/Giao diện cầu cân xe
Vehicle Booking Module
Port Community interface
Activity Charging Module (Billing)
Host (SAP, Oracle, JDE, Sage etc.) Interface
 Cutting-edge system that efficiently manages every component of your terminal.

 Best in class graphics/Hình ảnh đồ hoạ đẹp

 Best practices of hands-on operational management with secure, scalable and reliable
technologies that help boost your bottom line. /Quản lý các hoạt động tại cảng an
toàn,đáng tin cậy.

 Real-time inventory management, flexible workflow tools and comprehensively

integrating with other business-critical systems./ Quản lý thời gian thực, thanh công cụ
linh hoạt, tích hợp toàn diện với các hệ thống khác.

 Complete visibility and control of all cargo- at the gate, in the yard, quay & in repair
workshop as well as on vessels or rail wagons/Khả năng hiển thị hoàn chỉnh và kiểm tra
được tất cả hàng hoá tại cổng, bãi, cũng như trên tàu
Business Benefits
 Powerful, real-time graphical user interface providing best in class ‘standard
product’ look and feel./Cung cấp 1 giao diện chuẩn để người sử dụng dễ dàng
cảm nhận.

 Optimisation of operational gate, yard & vessel processes. Savings in

equipment & labour

 Reduced data entry and paperwork therefore reducing costs and improving
data integrity/đồng bộ hoá.

 Full visibility of information within the terminal and with terminal customers.

 Increased customer service for terminal customers and users through real-
time, interactive, but controlled Web access to terminal operating data./Nâng
cao dịch vụ k/h trong cảng và người sử dụng thông qua việc truy cập web
tương tác với thông tin vận hành tại cảng.

 Electronic receipt & delivery of data such as manifest information, booking

information, and gate activity./Biên nhận điện tử & tt giao nhận như bản kê
thông tin, thông tin đặt chỗ và các hoạt động tại cổng.
Looking forward - the view to the customer….
Autostore / Commtrac
Front end

Autostore TOS Autostore TOS CommTrac

(Container Terminal (Inland / Rail-freight Bulk & Break Bulk
Management System) Terminal Management System

GUI* for Mobile Devices

GUI for PC Client
Quay Crane Planning

* (Visual) Graphical user interface

Easy to understand
graphical format process

Information gathered
Accurate information
from automation
allows you to analysis
systems gives us
performance and help
reliable, accurate
make key decisions on how
process data. .
to improve. 18
Resource Management System (RMS)
 RMS enables planning & manage labour, time,
 Record timesheets and overtime,
activity and payroll quickly and easily.
generating payroll based on those

Assign staff to teams on a shift-by-shift
basis/Phân công cán bộ làm việc theo ca,

 incisive and fast reporting -profitability and  Web-enabled.../Cho phép duyệt trình web
labour cost per tonne to profitability by
customer, product and facility type./Khả năng
làm báo cáo nhanh & chính xác.  Allocate and manage your people /Phân
bổ và quản lý con người
 Manage internal or contract labour,
configurable rules, maintenance of holiday
and sickness records,
 Performance... Improves profitability, cuts
costs, increases productivity, eradicates
 Split payroll by types of worker, pay rates,
errors and optimises./Thực hiện..nâng cao
worker grades, worker skills, worker
allowances, special duties, cost codes,
khả năng sinh lợi, tăng hoạt động sx, giảm
activity/delay codes and time monitoring. thiểu lỗi.
• Improve operations performance of
terminal/cải tiến việc hoạt động tại cảng

• Better control & reporting

• Better service to shipping lines & trucking Co.

• Tested & proven system using in container,

inland & related activities.

• Web-enabled...& using EDI & activity charging

& integration with accounts/liên kết tài khoản

• Belonging to Terex group – with financial

stability & excellent history

• Choice for up to medium sized terminals ( not

mega terminals )
Customer Feedback 22

“Autostore is crucial to the further evolution of our intermodal network; it gives us a proven multi-terminal
management capability that we can grow into while giving us flexible, real-time control of cargo assets
through the supply chain to the point of delivery..”
Adam Adamek -
VP of the Board, PCC Intermodal SA

“Autostore's proven capability gives us the control, agility, oversight and traceability we need to cut costs,
improve efficiency …. It has an exceptional track record in driving superior productivity, throughput and
profitability - and is a key component of our strategy for growth.”
Peter Eriksson -
Logistics & Environnemental Manager, SCA Logistics AB

“… precise control over what we lift, move and store for who, when and where lets us allocate resources
very precisely. Autostore has helped to smooth out the spikes and troughs of demand to deliver a faster,
more flexible service for our customers and enhanced profitability for the business. We can offer typical truck
turn times of 30 minutes or less, and often achieve gate-to-gate times as low as 12 minutes to receive, strip,
reload and depart a truck. Such pace and accuracy supported by the scheduled automated reports we
provide our customers directly from the Autostore system gives us terrific credibility”
Martin Philpott ABP’s manager of inland operations

Support from start to finish

Kick off Customer testing Go Live

 Discuss/finalize project plan  Test functionality  Prepare go live

and schedule  Training on-site  Go live
 Take on data  Support during go live
 Fine tune training

Configuration & Internal testing Maintenance & support

Customization (ongoing)
 Internal testing
 Write software and according to test plan  Solve bugs/lỗi phần mềm
configuration  Supply new releases
specification  Supply
 Write test plan
enhancements/nâng cấp
 Configuration and

Customer comment “Confidence in the operational data is everything, and with Autostore we
have it. We’ve moved from approximate management to exact management.”
Full Project Support - training, testing, data transfer, go live + on going

Vietnamese Language Sets & manuals

It is not based annual
license or per TEU

Additional cost for :

Implementation, training, go
live & annual support fee

24x 7 support & with support

upgrades are free
Supply Hardware + Software* + DGPS Mobile equipment

Supply software + DGPS Mobile equipment (maximize use of existing EQU)

Supply Software only

* Software- includes implementation, training go live support /hỗ trợ đào

tạo trực tiếp

Typical Reference Sites

Section of - Terminal Operating System Clients
Section of Warehouse Management & Control System Clients

Trinity Mirror plc

ABP is the UK’s largest port operator by tonnage, running 21 ports. It handles over 125
million tonnes of cargo annually.

Immingham is also one of Britain’s fastest growing ports. Located on the south bank of the
Humber – the UK’s busiest commercial estuary customers.
Immingham Terminal
Autostore TOS & Customs Interface
• Container / Trailer Operation
• Windows/SQL Dual-Host Platform
• Deployed via Windows Terminal Services
• Site Wide Narrow Band R.F. Network
• STS, RTG, IMV & Reach Stackers

Autostore Terminal Operating System

Autostore Warehouse Management System
Klaipedos Terminalas

Autostore TOS, Vessel Planning, Charging & EDI

• Container Operation
• Windows/SQL Dual-Host Platform
• Site Wide LXE Spread Spectrum R.F. Network
• English & Lithuanian Language Sets

Autostore Terminal Operating System

22/06/2023 31
Autostore Warehouse Management System
Lyon Terminal

Autostore TOS, Charging, Rail, Container Positioning, & EDI

• Multi-Site Container Operation (Road, Rail & River)
• Windows/SQL Dual-Host Platform
• Site Wide Psion Teklogix Narrow Band R.F. Network
• Reach Trucks Across all Sites
• Wide Span Gantry Crane
• Citrix Deployment
• English & French Language Sets
Terminal Operating System

 Autostore Container Terminal Management System

 Autostore Move Optimisation Module
 Autostore EDI Module
 Autostore Vessel Planning Module
 PC & RDT User Licenses
 System Configuration
 Training & Implementation
 Software Support
Central Systems & Automation Ltd.
2 Thorpe Way, Grove Business Park,Enderby, Leicester
LE19 1SU, United Kingdom
+44 116 282 1800.

PO Box 29805, Level 28, Al Habtoor Business Tower, Dubai Marina,

Dubai, United Arab Emirates
+971 4 453 2623

Mahim Khanna
+61 468 719 077
57 Fiddens Wharf Road, Killara, NSW 2071, Australia

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