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• Many people are afraid to leave the
• Worried about financial problems
• Meetings between people are limited
• Many employees are laid off (layoffs)
• People's behavior has changed from
What does it impact the world of

• Sluggish Market
• Blocked Distribution
• Turnover Down Drastically
• Disrupted Capital
• Bad credit
• Rejected Raw Materials
What's the Choice?
• Quit the business?
• Reduce production and employees?
• Survive so that the business can keep running
and employees can keep working?
• Product diversification to survive?
• Changing business?
• Choose quitting the business, then work
What to do to Survive in the Time of the
COVID-19 Pandemic?
Building Team Strength
• In the midst of a Corona pandemic like this, all
entrepreneurs need to adapt as quickly as
possible, one of which is by building a more solid
team strength

• By having a solid team, all burdens and

difficulties will be lighter and will be easier to
Managing Cash Flow

In essence, reduce
expenses that are not
urgent /
not important.
Building Empathy

In a situation like now,

running a business is not
just about profit, it's also
Regulating the Way Employers
and Employees Work
In the COVID-19 pandemic situation, Work From Home (WFH)
be an alternative suggested by the Government. The aim is to reduce
risk of exposure to the Corona virus. For this reason, employers can arrange
work procedures
the WFH.
1.Set the right time and duration of work
2.Regulate employee work procedures, both for work to be done at the business
location, as well as work that can be done from home.
3.Set SOPs so that production continues as desired
Depleted Capital, How?

If the choice is that there must be additional

capital in order to survive, then Small and
Medium Enterprise (SME) actors should look for
low-risk funding (affordable interest) and avoid
the trap of moneylenders.
Source of Capital?
1. Funding from Banks with low interest
2. Cooperative
3. Non-bank financial institutions (with affordable
4. State-Owned Enterprise. and private institutions, in
the form of revolving loans from CSR funds
5. Government support/stimulus program
New Marketing Strategy
1. Maintain relationship with consumers
2. Utilize all resources, including community
3. Make sure your business can be seen online (social
media and others) or in online stores, gofood,
gomart, etc.
4. As often as possible offer the products needed at
affordable prices
Product Diversification
In the COVID-19 pandemic situation, where almost all businesses
have decreased turnover, but there are some businesses that
benefit greatly from the sales of their products. What's that?
Business in the Time of a Pandemic
1. Medical equipment business: masks, face shields, hand sanitizers, PPE
(personal protective equipment) and several other medical devices.
2. Healthy food/beverage business and basic necessities
3. Business of pharmaceuticals and supplement products: Vit C, Vit E, and
similar supplements.
4. Fruit, vegetable, fishery, livestock and other businesses.
5. Herbal medicine business: turmeric, curcuma, ginger, aromatic ginger,
cinnamon, galangal, and lemongrass leaves.
6. Hobby-based business: ornamental plants, freelance writer, graphic
design, etc

Sale Offline or Online!!!

Being Sensitive to Momentum
Importantly, in the current
situation, running a business
is not just about profit, but
also providing what the
consumer/market needs.
Plan and Execute
No matter how good a business idea or business plan we have, if it
is not implemented or done, it will never become a business, let
alone become a success. Then start running the business that has
been planned with full confidence and perseverance. Running a
business to achieve success, requires struggle and a long journey
and hard work.

Wise man says:

"Plan Your Business,
Work on Your Plan”
Thank You

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