H2S Training - China

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The 6th HSE Management training for International

HSE Supervisor

Beijing - China

:Prepared by
Hussein Abdulzahra

23 July 2019
H2S Training
Hydrogen Sulphide
• This class is in accordance with ANSI-Z390.1-2006
Accepted Practices for Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Safety
Training Programs
I. Physical & Chemical Properties
II. Work Procedures
III. Methods of Detection & Monitoring
IV. Breathing Apparatus
V. Human Physiology
VI. Respiratory Protection
The objective is to educate employees about the physical & chemical properties,
toxicity, concentration levels, personal protective equipment use, detection
measures, rescue and first aid.
The best way to reduce the chance of employee exposure to H2S is to provide the
best possible training, provide appropriate personal protective equipment, and
ensure employees follow correct work procedures, rules and requirements.
Hydrogen Sulfide Gas:
The silent killer is a toxic (poisonous) gas that can kill you the first time you
breath it!
The silent killer
What is H2S?
H2S is naturally occurring chemical produced by
bacteria as it decomposes organic material.
It may develop in low oxygen
environments, such as, sewers,
swamps and polluted water.

It is a natural Product of
Decay or Putrefaction
You may find H2S in:
Mud Tanks
Shale shakers
Chemical processes
Geothermal exploration
Low-lying areas
Well Head
Christmas tree
Any enclosed facility or piping that contains
H2S or H2S-contaminated fluids
Vacuum trucks
Confined spaces
General Properties:
Odor of Rotten Eggs
Water and Oil
Iron Sulfide:
H2S reacts with iron and steel which forms iron sulfide which can be Pyrophoric !
Iron sulfide treated with acids results in H2S being released.
By-products of Burning
When H2S is burned, it produces Sulfur Dioxide
Short-term exposures to high levels of sulfur dioxide can be life-threatening.
Exposure to 100 ppm of sulfur dioxide is considered immediately dangerous to life and
health (IDLH)
PEL for SO2 is 2 ppm
H2S ADCO incident
‫درجة حرارة االشتعال التلقائي‬:
Hydrogen Sulfide will automatically
ignite at 500 0F
End of lit cigarette – 1400 0F-760 0C
Diesel exhaust – 600-2400 0F-316-1315 0C
Auto Ignition Temperature :
Hydrogen Sulfide will automatically
ignite at 500 0F
End of lit cigarette – 1400 0F
Diesel exhaust – 600-2400 0F
:How to get rid of exhaust gas
Low concentrations of gas are removed from natural gas and separated from the
.well site
.These few quantities are burned by the torch
Disposal of hydrogen sulfide gas
.The gas is sent to the torch where the sulfur dioxide gas is burned
2H2S+3O2 2H2O+2SO2
2SO2+O2 2SO3
SO3 + H2O H2SO4 (Sulfuric acid – acid rains)
We burn S2H to get rid of its flammable or
explosive properties.
Sulfur recovery unit :
Large volumes and high concentrations of gas can be treated industrially for the
extraction of sulfur by the sulfur removal unit.
Confined Space
Hazardous Characteristics
H2S dissolves in water to form a weak acid that corrodes and pits metals.
H2S is an Irritant :
When H2S mixes with water it forms a
weak acid.
There’s water in our eyes, nose, throat
and respiratory system which leads to
Examples: burning eyes, sore/scratchy
throat, coughing, respiratory irritation.
Toxicity :
Hydrogen Sulfide Gas is trying to kill you in three different ways!
We breath in Oxygen and a gas exchange takes place through the air sacks
(alveoli) in our lungs.
We then breath out some O2 and CO2.
Oxygen is absorbed into the blood and then transported by the Red Blood Cells.
H2S blocks Oxygen from bonding to your Red
Blood Cells causing Oxygen Deprivation (shortage ).
H2S is also transported to the brain by the Red Blood Cells.
Once H2S is in the brain, it attacks the
Respiratory Control Center.
H2S seeks to shut down respiratory system or…
Slow it down at lower concentrations
It deadens your sense of smell!
Never trust your nose to detect H2S.
H2S mixes with the water in our lungs forming a weak acid.
Weak acid in the lungs attacks the alveoli (air sacs ).
Symptoms of Exposure
These are your last line of defense.
Commit these to memory.
You may not experience each one of
these as everyone’s physiology is
UNIDO | United Nations Industrial Development Organization
Things that make a fit test fail?
Facial Hair
Mask Size or
Grease or Dirt
Facial Structure
Remember that your company is
responsible for providing you with a
mask that fits, but it’s your
responsibility to maintain the
condition of the mask and avoid
Any facial hair or other issues
that may interfere with the fit
of your mask.
Variables that determine the effects of H2S exposure:
Time (how long)
Concentration (how much)
Frequency (how often)
Variables associated with the
Exposure limits :
PEL 10ppm/8 hrs TWA
PEL 6.6 ppm/12 hrs TWA
PEL 5ppm/16 hrs TWA
STEL 15ppm/15 min
Ceiling Concentration : 20 ppm
Ceiling Concentration – 50 ppm / once per shift 10 min.
Human Lethal Concentration
100 - 800 ppm / 5min.
Revised IDLH – 100 ppm
Not Reliable
Olfactory Accommodation also known as odor fatigue or olfactory adaptations /
Paralysis is a loss of muscle function in part of your body. Occurs About 50-100
A Good Method for Getting Killed!
Personal Monitors
Small and Convenient
Easy to Use
Monthly Bump Checks
Yearly Calibration
Personal Monitors
Wear on your hip or chest.
Keep the Sensor Head exposed.
Alarms will sound at 10 ppm, why?
Alarms can be sounds, lights, vibration or
any combination of the three.
Take care of your monitor!
Fixed Monitors
Found on Rigs, Well Sites, Refineries,
Storage Facilities, etc…
Sound at the P.E.L.
Alarm usually consists of light as well.
TRUST the fixed alarms! When
monitors go off, leave and move to the
safe area immediately.
Contingency Plan
Evacuate in an upwind / uphill direction.
Report to briefing area immediately.
Do not return to the area
until someone using proper detection equipment has re-evaluated the area and
approved it safe to re-enter.
Stay Wind Smart
Always pay attention to the flags or wind socks.
When alarms sound, retreat cross wind to the safe briefing area.
Well Head
Wind Direction
H2S kills many of us when we don’t think, or aren’t trained, and we attempt a
Remember, always protect yourself first, then assist any victims in an H2S
In Order to Rescue:
You must be rescue trained, Use the Buddy System,
You must be CPR & 1st Aid Trained, You must be trained for the specific
environment, in this case, an H2S environment.
Confined Space
In Order to Rescue:
You must use the correct Personal Protective Equipment (P.P.E.),
Maintain good communication with other rescuers and off site personnel,
Notification of E.M.S. Emergency Medical Services , and follow your
Emergency Action Plan
If you do rescue of victim of H2S,be careful when providing rescue breathing.
Above all else, follow your company’s policy on rescue.
Never, ever, rescue unless you can do so the right way!

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