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The Interrogative Pronouns are
used to ask questions.
The words :

who, whom,
whose, what
and which

are called Interrogative pronouns.

“who” and “whom,” refer only to
people. Others can be used to refer
to objects or people.
Explanation :
1. Who / Siapa - is used to ask questions
about people can be used as the object of
a verb as well
as the subject..
Example :
Who is coming?
Who is going to be your group leadr?
2. Whom / dengan siapa - is used to ask
questions about people and only as the object.

Example :
Whom are you playing with?
Whom do you live with?

3. Whose / milik siapa – is used to ask questions about
people or objects, always related to possession.
Example :
Whose sharpener is this?
Whose bags are those?
4. What / Apa – is used to ask questions about people
or objects.

What kind of people do you like?
What is the name of this food?
5. Which / Yang mana – is used to ask questions about
people or objects.

Which color do you prefer?
Which girls do you like?
Yuuk adik adik kita berlatih
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