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Pre-synaptic Inhibition
•caused by release of an inhibitory substance onto the
outsides of the presynaptic nerve fibrils before their
own endings terminate on the postsynaptic neuron.
• mostly inhibitory transmitter substance is GABA.
•Causes opening of anion channels, allowing large
numbers of chloride ions to diffuse into the terminal
•The negative ions inhibit synaptic transmission because
they cancel excitatory effect of the positively charged
sodium ions that enter the terminals when action
potential arrives.
•Pre-synaptic inhibition occurs in many of the sensory
pathways in the nervous system. In fact, adjacent
sensory nerve fibers often mutually inhibit one another,
which minimizes sideways spread and mixing of signals
Time Course of Postsynaptic Potentials

•When excitatory neurotransmitters arrive; the post-
synaptic membrane becomes permeable to sodium ions
for 1-2 msecs
•Cause enough rise in millivolts to cause EPSP
•Returns back to normal in next 15 msecs

•Exactly the opposite happens for an IPSP
•Ions= ? ?
•Spatial Summation:
•The various EPSPs or IPSPs from various synapses firing
simultaneously are collectively summed up
• The net effect may end up in generation of action

•Temporal Summation:
•The various EPSPs or IPSPs from a single synapse firing
at different times are collectively summed up if they’re
fired within 15 msecs
• The net effect may end up in generation of action

•Simultaneous addition of IPSPs and EPSPs may nullify

each other's effect.
Special Functions of Dendrites for Exciting Neurons
•Large Spatial Field of Excitation of the Dendrites
1. Dendrites extend 500- 10000 micrometers in all
directions from cell body
2. Allow large area for summation
3. 80 -95 % of all the presynaptic terminals of the
anterior motor neuron terminate on dendrites,
whereas only 5 -20 % terminate on the soma.

• Most Dendrites Cannot Transmit Action Potentials

—But They Can Transmit Signals Within the Same
Neuron by Electrotonic Conduction

• Decremental conduction
• Decremental conduction

Summation of Excitation and Inhibition in Dendrites

Some Special Characteristics of Synaptic

1. Fatigue of Synaptic Transmission

2. Effect of Acidosis or Alkalosis on Synaptic


3. Effect of Hypoxia on Synaptic Transmission

4. Synaptic Delay

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