Group Presentation

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Group members

Haseeb ullah
Abdul Samad
Hassan Zaman
Sultan Awais
Waseem Ullah
 Project closer and termination
 Introduction of topic
 Importance of evaluating project success
 Project and project management success
 Success criteria for project
Outline  Project Audits
 When to terminate a Project
 The verities of Project Termination
 The Termination process
 Summary
 Q&A

A project is a temporary endeavour undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result. Its
key characteristics include a defined objective, specific start and end dates, a dedicated project
team, and the utilization of resources.
PM success
Project management success refers to the ability to effectively
manage and deliver a project within the constraints of scope,
schedule, budget, and quality, while satisfying stakeholders' needs
and expectations.
Project closure

Project closure is the formal process of concluding a

project, ensuring that all project activities are
completed, deliverables are achieved, and
administrative tasks are finalized. It involves assessing
project success, documenting lessons learned, and
transitioning resources, ultimately bringing the project
to a controlled end.
Project closure

Objective Completion Administrative Tasks

Knowledge Capture Team Disbandment

Project termination refers to the premature ending of a
project before its planned completion. It occurs when a
Project project is halted due to factors such as changes in business
priorities, budget constraints, or the project no longer
termination aligning with organizational goals. Project termination
involves evaluating project viability, reallocating
resources, and analysing the reasons for discontinuation
Project Termination

Lack of market
Lack of Budget Management

Project length
Evaluating project success

Evaluating project success is the process of assessing

whether a project has achieved its intended objectives
and delivered the desired outcomes. It involves
measuring project performance against predefined
success criteria, analysing data and metrics, gathering
stakeholder feedback, and documenting lessons
Why Evaluating project success

Accountability and
Learn lesson

Stakeholder satisfaction Continuous improvement

How to evaluate project success

Success criteria analyze data Conduct reviews

Success criteria

 Success criteria for a project are specific and

measurable goals or objectives that define what
needs to be achieved for the project to be considered
successful. They provide a clear benchmark against
which the project's performance and outcomes can
be evaluated.
Success criteria

Desired Budget
outcomes management

Project Audits

 A project audit is a systematic and independent

examination of a project to assess its performance,
adherence to project management processes, and
compliance with established standards. It involves
reviewing project documentation, analysing project
activities, and evaluating the project's progress, risks,
and controls.
Why project Audits

Area Of improvement Lesson learned

Ensuring compliances Success rates

 Change in business priorities:
If the project no longer
aligns with the organization's goals or strategic plans, it may be
necessary to terminate it.

Lack of Resources:
When to

Insufficient resources, such as budget,

terminate project personnel, or equipment, can hinder the project's progress and
necessitate termination.

 Technological and Environmental changes:

If external
factors render the project obsolete or no longer viable, termination
may be the appropriate course of action.
Unresolved conflicts or stakeholder issues:
Persistent conflicts,
disputes, or irreconcilable stakeholder issues can hinder progress
When to and make project termination necessary.

terminate project Project objectives no longer align with organizational goals:

cont.…… the project's objectives are no longer relevant or valuable to the
organization, it may be wise to terminate it.
Verities of  Normal Termination
 Premature termination
project  Perpetual termination
termination  Failed termination
Normal termination

 This occurs when the project reaches its planned

conclusion, meeting all objectives and delivering the
expected outcomes.
Premature A project may be terminated before completion due to
various reasons, such as changes in business priorities,
termination budget constraints, or external factors.
In some cases, a project may be temporarily suspended
Perpetual due to unforeseen circumstances or a shift in priorities. It
may be put on hold indefinitely but could potentially
termination resume in the future.
This refers to a situation where the project fails to achieve its
Failed objectives or deliver the desired outcomes. In such cases, the
project is terminated without completion and may require
termination: additional analysis to determine the reasons for failure.
Termination process
following are some process of termination

Documenting Conducting final
deliverables and
lessons project review

Disbanding the
Closing contracts
lessons learned  It is crucial to document the project's successes,
failures, challenges, and lessons learned to inform
and capturing future projects and improve organizational knowledge.

best practices
Conducting a  This review involves assessing the project's
performance, deliverables, and adherence to success
final project criteria. It also provides an opportunity to evaluate the
review: effectiveness of project management processes.
Transferring  Ensure that project deliverables, documentation, and
knowledge are appropriately transferred to relevant
deliverables and stakeholders, such as end-users, maintenance teams, or
knowledge: other ongoing projects.
Closing contracts  Complete any outstanding contractual obligations,
and finalizing settle financial accounts, and ensure proper closure of
agreements with vendors, contractors, and suppliers.
Disbanding the
 Once the project is terminated, the project team members
project team and can be reassigned to other projects or departments based
on their skills and availability.
 Project
 Project management
 Project closer and termination
 Evaluating project
 Success criteria for a project
Conclusion  Project audit
 When and how to terminate
 Varieties of termination
 Termination process
Thank you

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