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Qualitative Research and

its Importance in Daily Life


@ikawyong @itsme_SirYong @YoyongSastrillas

• Describe characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of
qualitative research CS_RS11-IIIb-1
• Illustrate the importance of qualitative research across fields
Learning Task 1
Directions: Try to determine what senses you will use to describe the things listed below.
If it is to be seen, write MAHAL in your notebook. Write HINDI if you’re tasting it,
KITA if you’re smelling it, SIR if you’re touching it, and EGIT NIMO SIR if you’re
listening to it!

1. Music 2. Stone 3. Rubbing Alcohol

Mahal Mahal
Egit nimo Sir
Kita Kita
Sir Sir
Learning Task 1
Directions: Try to determine what senses you will use to describe the things listed below.
If it is to be seen, write MAHAL in your notebook. Write HINDI if you’re tasting it,
KITA if you’re smelling it, SIR if you’re touching it, and EGIT NIMO SIR if you’re
listening to it!

4. Bag 5. Book

Mahal Mahal
Sir Sir
Characteristics of Qualitative Research
Characteristics of Qualitative Research
Strengths of Qualitative Research
Weaknesses of Qualitative Research
Kinds of Qualitative Research

1. Phenomenology – it is the study of how people give meaning to the their

experiences. Like the death of a love ones, care off of the people,
friendliness of the people.
2. Ethnography – it is understanding of how particular cultural group grows
about their daily lives which includes their organizational set-up and
internal operational life style.
3. Grounded Theory – this requires when the researchers discover a new
theory from the data collected.
4. Case Study – this study involves an investigation of a person, group,
organization, or situation for a long period of time to explain why such
thing occurs the subject under study.
Kinds of Qualitative Research

5. Content and Discourse Analysis – this method requires the examination of

analysis of the substance or content of the communication skills that takes

6. Historical Analysis – primary documents to explain the connections of the

past events the present time.
Learning Task 2

Directions: Determine if the following statement describes a quantitative research’s

strength, or weakness.

1. To arrive to accurate results and meaningful conclusions, the researcher

must give full data information.

Learning Task 2

Directions: Determine if the following statement describes a quantitative research’s

strength, or weakness.

2. The findings of the research can be visualized after many attempts of

analyzing the data.


3. Realistic experience of the people is one attribute of qualitative research.

Learning Task 2

Directions: Determine if the following statement describes a quantitative research’s

strength, or weakness.

4. In qualitative research, the researcher needs collect a lot of data to

understand and analyze it.

5. Qualitative research requires few respondents. The results may not be
generalizable to a broader population.

Learning Task 3: Importance of Qualitative Research across fields.

Directions: Write T, if the statement is true, and F, if it is false.

___1. Qualitative research can be subjective .

___2. Qualitative research takes place in a natural setting.
___3. The researcher in a qualitative study is the primary instrument in
data collection.
___4. Phenomenology is studying a certain cultural group.
___5. Grounded theory is discovering a new theory along the process of
data collection.
Importance of Qualitative Research Across fields

1. Qualitative Research in Education

2. Qualitative Research in Technical communication
3. Qualitative Research in Psychology
4. Qualitative Research in Advertising
5. Qualitative Research in Social Work
6. Qualitative Research in Marketing
7. Qualitative Research in International Business

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