Consumer Behaviour

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MKT 532
• Definition of CB and its process
• Consideration of CB areas focus
• Personal consumer Vs organizational consumer
• CB interdisciplinary science.
Definition CB
Solomon : Consumer behavior is the study of the processes involved when
individuals or groups select, purchase, use, or dispose of products, services, ideas,
or experiences to satisfy needs and desires.

Leon G Schiffman, Leslie Lazar Kanuk : As the behavior that consumer display in
searching for purchasing, using, evaluating and disposing of P/S that they expect
will satisfy their needs and wants.Cb focus onhow Ind make decisions by spending
their resources (money,time efforts) and includes what to buy, when, why buy it,
how much how often, ect.
Defination CB (continued)
• The decision process & physical activity of individual engage in when
evaluating, acquiring, using and disposing of G&S.

• A consumer- a person who identifies a need or desire, makes a purchase,

and then disposes of the product during the three stages in the
consumption process. Consumers are categorized as organizations or
groups; and one person may make the decision for the group.

• The purchaser and user of a product might not be the same person. A
separate person might be an influencer. This person provides
recommendations for or against certain products without actually buying or
using them

What is Consumer Behavior?

Consumer behavior:
the study of the
processes involved
when individuals or
groups select,
purchase, use, or
dispose of products,
services, ideas, or
experiences to satisfy
needs and desires.
CB studies includes (as a marketers
we needs to study;)
• What consumer buy
• Why they buy
• When they buy
• Where they buy
• How often they buy and used it
In the early stages of development, researchers referred to the
field as buyer behavior. Marketers now recognize that consumer
behavior is an ongoing process and need to understand to diff.
the consumer segmentation.

Stages in the Consumption Process

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Pearson Education, Inc.
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Segmenting Consumers:

• Age
• Gender
• Family structure
• Social class/income
• Race/ethnicity
• Geography
Consumers’ impact on Mkt strategy
• How to divided consumer – heavy users, light users.
• Different age’s segmenting – ex Milk.
• Gender – Masculine and Feminine, ex perfurme.
• Family structure – ex spending pattern & lifestyles.
• Social class – Upper, middle and lower income.
• Races – Muslim, Buddhist, hindu’s, etc.
• Geography – Rural, urban, city.
• Lifestyles.
• Popular cultural – global cultural (majority) and etnicity – adoption
of IT’s products and populations.
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Popular Culture
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• Music
Marketers influence preferences
• Movies for movie and music heroes,
• Sports fashions, food, and decorating
• Books choices.
• Celebrities
• Entertainment
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Pearson Education, Inc.
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Consumer-Brand Relationships
• Self-concept attachment- the product helps to
establish the user’s identity.
• Nostalgic attachment- means the product serves
as a link to the consumer’s past.
• Interdependence- the product is a part of the
user’s daily routine.
• Love- the product elicits emotional bonds of
warmth, passion, or other strong emotion.
Personal consumer Vs organizational
• Personal : personal consumption, use of the
household, as gift for friend, and in a context as
final used.
• Org. : includes Not for pT org (eg. Edu) and to
run the org.
CB interdisciplinary science
• Becoz. Cb is a new field and had no history or
body of research on its own, the mkt theorist
borrowed it from concepts by developing others
scientific disciplines eg. Psychology study how
Ind operate in group), sociology (study on
group), anthropology (the influence of society on
ind.) and economics
Disciplines in CB field
• Psychology – the study of the behavior & mental process of Ind. Includes
( Perception, Motivation, personality, learning and attitudes).
• Sociology –the study of group behavior – it describes how individual
influences and are influenced by group. It encompasses group membership,
family structure and social class.
• Social Psychology – the study on how individual operates in a group,
influenced by peers, references groups, families and OL.
• Cultural Anthropology- a study of people in relation with cultural. It traces
the core belief, values, norms and customs.
• Economics – a study of people’s production, exchange & consumption of GS
and spending $ & evaluate alternative to reach max satisfaction.
• Marketing
Example of marketing roots in cb
Production concept : Focus on efficiency of internal operations.
Selling concept : Focus on aggressive techniques for
overcoming customer resistance.
Product concept : Focus on favor the customer customers.
Marketing : Focus on satisfying customer needs and
Implementing the mkt concept : to identify unsatisfied consumer needs/wants co engages the Mkt
Research. (regarding to market segmentation, targeting, positioning, 4p’s cust. Value, satisfaction, retention,IT’s
impact) and identify the challenges of marketers : emerge of digital edge in today’s business….., ethics and social

Needs - Biogenic/Primary
Wants - Secondary

Many specialists study consumer behavior.

Disciplinary Focus Product Role
Experimental Psychology Perception, learning, and memory processes
Clinical Psychology Psychological adjustment
Human Ecology Allocation of individual or family resources
Social Psychology Behavior of individuals as members of social groups

Sociology Social institutions and group relationships

Macroeconomics Consumers’ relations with the marketplace
Demography Measurable characteristics of a population
History Societal changes over time
Cultural Anthropology Society’s beliefs and practices
Study on other
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Study on -Social Media

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• Social media are the online means of

communication, conveyance, collaboration, and
cultivation among interconnected and
interdependent networks of people,
communities, and organizations enhanced by
technological capabilities and mobility.
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Pearson Education, Inc.
publishing as Prentice

Study on- Marketing Ethics and


Public Policy
• Business ethics are rules of conduct that guide
actions in the marketplace
• There are cultural differences in what is
considered ethical.
The Dark side of CB
• Code of conduct – ethical practices applications.
• Product harassment and effect to consumers –
ex cigar, alcohol, wave ( phone), medicine etc.
• Deception of ads.
• Manipulation of kids in ads.
• Protection of property / right – ex selling of data
of consumer by certain co.
• Development – causes lost of originality and
shrink of resources.
So to Summarizing all Chapter 1;

• Consumer behavior is a process.

• Consumer use products and brands to define
their identity to others.
• Consumers from different segments have
different needs and wants.
• Consumer behavior benefits from several fields.
• There are two major perspectives guiding our
study of consumer behavior.
Questions on CB
Jun 2014 ;
1. Discuss the view that Ads & Mkt assist co. actions. Answer; reduce search time and cost to get
2. Four types of consumer-brand r/ship that marketer should observe .
Dec 2013;
1. Distinguish between biogenic and psychogenic human needs.
2. Discuss 5 important of u/stand Cb which help marketer to carry out strategies.

• a) Define the terms Consumer behavior and by given a

related examples discuss how the interdisciplinary
science will reflected to the field of CB. ( 10 marks)
• b) By understanding the Model of consumer decision
making how would you describes peoples purchasing of
new 3G navigator and factors influencing them. (10
Thank you for your attention.

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