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Recruitment Policy of Human

Resource Management

Presented by:
Naitika Bhargava
Roll no:222801029
Recruitment Policy
A framework that specifies all of your company's

recruitment techniques and practices in a clear and

concise manner is called a recruitment policy.

A recruiting policy should have as its complete objectives

the promotion of uniformity, transparency, compliance,

and adherence to relevant labor regulations and

Policy Element
Question to Explore?

Heading What is the title of the policy?

Purpose What is the objective of the policy?

Principles What are the specific terms and conditions that apply to the policy?

Procedures What steps are to be followed in implementing the policy?

Policy Element
Question to Explore?

Responsibilities Who is responsible for the implementation and administration of the policy?

What are the terms unique to the policy, and what are the specific terms that
require particular clarification?

References What is the policy's relationship to other policies?

Review Process
What process needs to be followed for periodic review of the policies and

What sample forms, if necessary, are required to implement the procedure?
Key cornerstones of recruitment policies

1) Policy Statement

The policy statement gives a general overview of the

recruitment policy.
For example, the recruitment policy states that a fair and

transparent recruitment process will be followed for all

open vacancies so that the right candidate is placed in
the right role without discrimination.
2) Policy Purpose

The recruitment policy provides you with strategic direction

on attracting and choosing competent human capital to meet
your organization's goals while also ensuring that recruiting
and selection operations are in accordance with applicable
laws and regulations.
3. Policy Principles

It entails no bias in the recruitment and selection and is

objective, impartial, and applied consistently.

The interview panellists should be held accountable for the

outcome of the interview.

The organization will hire the best candidate based on merit.


All prospective job applicants should be treated equitably

without any gender bias.

All aspects of the recruitment process should be done

transparently and adequately documented.

All candidates should be handled with decency and


The recruitment process should be done so that the
decisions made and actions taken can withstand scrutiny.
4. Policy Procedure
It refers to the steps to be taken when conducting a recruitment process.

Below are some of   the steps  that should be followed  for an effective recruitment and selection

1. Vacancy Authorization

2. Develop or revise the job description;

3. Design the Selection Criteria

4. Advertise the vacancy

5. Shortlist the candidates

6. Identify and select the interview panel

7. Assessment Tests

8. Conduct the actual interview

9. Conduct Reference Checks and Vetting

10. Select the most suitable candidate

Vacancy Authorization

Before advertising a vacancy, the line manager

should fill out the requisition form. The requisition
form should outline the following: 
job title, experience, qualifications, justification
for the opening, duties, and responsibilities.
Development of the Job
After the authorization of the position, a job description needs to be

The job description gives the potential candidates the job requirements
and is used to stimulate demand from the applicants. Before recruiting
can begin, each role must have a job description . The job description
 should outline, among other things:
1. overall job purpose

2. duties and responsibilities

3. Person specification for the role: experience, qualifications,

knowledge, and skills need to execute the duties competently.
Design the Selection Criteria
The selection criteria outline the experience,
qualifications, and competencies required to
execute the job. You can choose 5- 8
competencies against which assessments will be
done depending on the priorities of your
business and policy requirements.
The selection criteria should include the
education, training, certification, experience,
and aspects of core functional competencies.
Advertise the  vacancy
Any organization needs to design advertisements that attract a high calibre of candidates.

All posts must be advertised to ensure transparency and equal opportunity. In any  job advert, they should clarify

 1. qualifications, skills, and experience required

2.  the remuneration;

3. the terms of the appointment

4. core functions of the job.

Internal Advert

It is advisable first to advertise the job internally once it arises within your organization. This will convey a strong
message to your internal personnel that you prioritize them above external prospects. In a scenario whereby an
adequate pool of qualified, experienced, and merited candidates are available internally, you may proceed to the next
recruitment phase with internal candidates only.

External advert

An external job advert can be done using various channels. The external advertising channels include, among other
things: recruitment agencies, newspapers, online job boards, careers portals, and LinkedIn pages.
This stage entails screening candidates against the
shortlisting criteria. They are certain activities that need
to be undertaken during the shortlisting stage, and these
include, among others :
prepare a long list of all the applications received
screen candidates against the qualifications, experience, and
competencies stated in the job description
Scoring of candidates in order of merit
prepare a report of candidates who meet the shortlisting
prepare a report of candidates who do not meet the
shortlisting criteria
After the shortlisting procedure is done,
candidates who satisfy the selection
criteria should take psychometric tests.
A mix of selection tools should be used
based on the nature and level of
position: psychometric tests,
personality tests, and assessment
Conduct the actual Interviews
 During this process, they are specific activities that will be undertaken,
and these include, among other things:

prepare the interview schedule

invite the shortlisted candidates for the interviews
constitute the interview panel
train the interview panel
design structured interview questions
conduct the interviews
score the candidates against certain competencies in order of
prepare the interview report

Appointment of a Successful Candidate 

 The  HR Manager is responsible for issuing the offer of

employment to the successful candidate, confirming their
entitlements and benefits. The successful candidate has to
sign the contract before the commencement of work. The
contract of employment should state, among other things:

job title
salary range
job grade
associated benefits
probation period
 Police Clearance

Some roles may require successful

candidates to complete a criminal
record check depending on your
recruitment policy. In a situation
whereby the pre-employment checks
are deemed to be unsatisfactory, the
offer of employment may be
 Reference Checking

As an organization, you must conduct

employment background checks before taking
any employee on board. The references furnish
information about a candidate's performance in
their previous roles. Such information will be
obtained from the candidate's previous
employers. Regardless of the candidate's skills,
experience, and talents, reference checks might
disclose information about a candidate's
behavior with previous employers that could be
significant to your selection.

Line Managers: make recruitment requisitions and

take part in interviews
HR Manager: oversee the entire recruitment process
Candidate's Responsibilities: External and internal
applicants who apply for a position are expected to
follow the policy's standards.
Major challenges faced by HR in
1) Adaptability to globalisation-
HR professionals are expected and required to keep in
with the changing times i.e the changes taking places
across the globe. HR should maintain the timelines of the
2) Lack of Motivation-
Recruitment is considered to be thankless job. Even if
the organisation is achieving results, HR department or
professionals are not thanked for recruiting the right
employees and performer.
3) Process analysis-
The immediacy and speed of the recruitment process are the
main concerns of HR in recruitment. The process should be
flexible, adaptive and responsive to the immediate
requirements. The recruitment process should also be cost
4) Strategic prioritization-
The emerging new systems are both an opportunity as well
as a challenge for the HR professionals. Therefore,
reviewing staffing needs and prioritizing the tasks to meet
the changes in the market has become a challenge for
recruitment professionals.
5) Technological changes-
The decision to strategy development relates to the methods
used in recruitment and selection. This decision is mainly
influenced by the available technology. The advent of
computers has made it possible for employers to scan
national and international applicant qualifications.
Although impersonal, computers have given employers and
job seekers a wider scope of options in the internal
screening' stage.
Technological advancement has made it possible for job
seekers to gain better access. They have begun sending C.V.
about themselves to a number of organizations without
wasting time and without spending money on travel
Factors affecting recruitments
Factors affecting recruitments can be classified as internal and external
1. Internal factors
a. Organisational polices and practices
b. Image of the organization
c. Wage and salary policies
d. Promotion and retirement policies
e. Working conditions
2. External factors
a. Government regulations
b. Trade union restrictions
c. Labour market conditions
d. Legal factors
e. Economic factors
Benefits of having a clearly defined
recruitment policy
It enables your business to employ the right personnel;
It protects your organization from legal responsibility
based on unfair discrimination or failure to comply with
statutory obligations.
It offers your recruiting process credibility;
It guarantees transparency in the recruitment process;
It guarantees that the hiring and promotion decisions are
based only on an individual's merit;
Recruitment policies allow your organization to be
consistent and fair in hiring and encourage practices that
ensure consistency and equal participation.

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