Basics of Networking

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Basics of Networking

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● Types of Network - Local Access Network (WAN) v Wide Area Network

● Network Topology - How is hardware (physically) connected?

● Addressing - How is a devices data destination identified? MAC, MASK, IP


● Message Delivery - How is data sent amongst devices in the LAN & WAN?

● Routing - what path the data takes through the network

● Security - how can strangers pass (private) messages?

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Computer Network
● A collection of computing devices connected in order to communicate
and share resources
● Connections between computing devices can be physical using wires or
cables or wireless using radio waves

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Types of Network (LAN)
LAN (Local Access Network) - consists of a series of computers linked together to form a network in a remote
location. I.e office or school.

● Typically connect using Ethernet cabling.

● Ethernet cabling is extremely reliable and much faster than WAN speeds.
● LAN speeds are typically 1,000 Mb/s to 40,000 Mb/s. Contrast that with the typical 150 Mb/s WAN speed and now we
have some speed.
● Easier to maintain and far less costly to construct.
● More secure than a WAN. LAN equipment is all on-site and controlled by a single company.

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Types of Network (WAN)
● Wide Area Network cover intermediate to large geographical areas around the world (Internet)
● Use public infrastructure to transmit data such as phone lines, cable lines, leased lines, and satellite.
● Far slower than LANs, the typical WAN speed is 150 Mbp/s. Some WANs can reach 1 Gigabit speeds, but this is not the norm.
● Not as secure as a LAN because the data is being transmitted over infrastructure the corporation does not own. This is one
reason why VPN or Virtual Private Networking was invented.
● WANs are not as reliable as a LAN. They rely on common public infrastructure while LANs can be controlled from within a
corporation. WANs are at the mercy of weather, other companies technical issues, a contractor’s shovel when digging, and
possibly gremlins.

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Network Topology
● A network topology is the physical and logical arrangement of nodes and connections in a network.

● Nodes usually include devices such as switches, routers and software with switch and router features. Network
topologies are often represented as a graph. Industry standard is the bus technology for Ethernet LANs.

● Bus, Star, Ring, Mesh, Tree, and Hybrid topologies are the different shaped physical topologies. A network's
design can directly affect how well it works. Because of this, businesses must choose the best topology for their
network to boost performance and improve data efficiency .

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A name made up of words separated by dots that uniquely
identifies a computer on the Internet:
IP address
An address made up of four one-byte numeric values separated
by dots that uniquely identifies a computer on the Internet
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Message Delievery (MAC & IP Address)
● An IP address can be split into: network address, which specifies a specific network
● host number, which specifies a particular machine in that network

● A hostname generally consists of the computer name followed by the domain name
● is the domain name
● MAC Address - Media Access Control - engraved in every single electronic device with
internet connectivity.

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● IP Routing is an umbrella term for the set of protocols that determine the path that data
follows in order to travel across multiple networks from its source to its destination.

● Data is routed from its source to its destination through a series of routers, and across
multiple networks. The IP Routing protocols enable routers to build up a forwarding table
that correlates final destinations with next hop addresses.

● When an IP packet is to be forwarded, a router uses its forwarding table to determine the next
hop for the packet's destination (based on the destination IP address in the IP packet header),
and forwards the packet appropriately.

● The next router then repeats this process using its own forwarding table, and so on until the
packet reaches its destination. At each stage, the IP address in the packet header is sufficient
information to determine the next hop; no additional protocol headers are required.

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A Firewall is a network security device that monitors and filters incoming and outgoing
network traffic based on an organization’s previously established security policies.

At its most basic, a firewall is essentially the barrier that sits between a private internal
network and the public Internet. A firewall’s main purpose is to allow non-threatening
traffic in and to keep dangerous traffic out.

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