Mid Term Exam Level 4

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Exam mid term

You must make a presentation that describes:

1. How your family or a special person has influenced in you. Give specific examples (present perfect, so –that).
2. Talk about your personal characteristics making emphasis in the ones you consider relevant in your future.
How would you use them in order to change other people’s mind (infinitives – ing / coul, may, might).
3. What kind of strategies would you use in order to change the effects of climate in Colombia. Talk about one
specific region (passive – past perfect).
4. How would you contribute to change financial issues in Colombia. Give specific situations and actions
(infinitives – ing 2 / passive 2).
5. Create a campaing in which you can teach children how to take care of the planet and save endangered
species. Talk about one in particular (unreal conditions / wish – hope).
6. Write your biography considering yourself as famous artist. Describe one specific piece of art (reported speech
/ adjective clauses 1).

In that presentation you must include:

 Grammar and vocabulary from lessons 1 to 6 Student book.
 A paragraph in letter calibri 12/14 with the description in each slide. (Minimun-50 words).

The presentation must be uploaded by 8:05 p.m. in the sharepoint in Google Drive. If not, please send it to my
email: lyda.camelo@unimilitar.edu.co

Then you will have to present it (2 minutes maximum).

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