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Course Lecturer:
Dr. Isyaku Hassan

 Definition of Communication
 Characteristics of Communication
 Communication Process
 Factors Affecting Communication
 It is a fact that we cannot live in this world without the
help of communication.
 In other words, communication is the basic need of
every person or institution.
Definition of Communication
 The word “communication” is derived from the Latin
noun “communis” whose verb is “communicare” which
means “to share” or “to make common”.
 Thus, communication means making ideas, opinions, or
information common, i.e. sharing of ideas, opinions, or
 Robert Anderson defines communication as the
“interchange of thoughts, opinions or information by
speech, writing or signs”.
 Newman and Summer simply define communication
as “an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotions
between two or more persons”.
 Communication progresses by means of keeping in
 When communication is referred to in an organizational
context, it is known as organizational communication.
 Nowadays, communication can take place via new
media; synchronous and asynchronous communication.
Characteristics of Communication
 Involves at least two persons – the sender and the
 Involves transfer of ideas, facts, emotions, gestures,
symbols, and or actions from sender to receiver.
 Communication may be intentional or unintentional.
 Comprehension/understanding is an essential
component of communication.
 Communication is a two-way process (feedback from
the sender to the receiver is an essential part).
 Communication is a dynamic process. i.e., it grows and
Communication Process
Communication is a process
A process has a purpose

A process involves more than one


A process requires connectivity among

the elements involved in the process

A process is driven or initiated by someone

or something. It does not usually happen on
its own.

For a process to be effective, there must

be feedback
The communication process is the transmission
of a message from a sender to a receiver in an
understandable manner.
 Communication is a five-step process: The sender has
an idea – the idea becomes a message – the message is
transmitted – the receiver gets the message – the
receiver reacts and sends feedback.
 The sender encodes the message which is sent to
the receiver.
 The receiver decodes the message which is shared
by the sender.
How the Communication Process Works
Components of Communication

There are four basic components in the communication

 Sender.
 Message
 Medium/channel
 Receiver
Effective Communication

 Communication is successful only when the sender and

receiver listen and understand the message in the same way.
 Successful communication must be clear and complete.
Purpose of Effective Communication in the
Social Context

 Maintaining the social order.

 Interaction among members of the community as well
as between communities.
 Ensuring the continuance of culture.
 Ensuring the flow of knowledge from generation to
 Sharing and dissemination of knowledge.
Factors Affecting Communication

 Status/Role
 Choice of communication channels
 Length of communication
 Disabilities
 Noise; e.g. physical, semantic, physiological,
psychological, cultural, technical
 Lack of interest

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