Classification Essay

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Classification Essay

➔ organizes or sorts items into categories.

➔ the key is to select one principle of organization.

The principle of organization

➢The organization principle shall be the method by which the writer

analyzes the information in the essay.

For example, in classifying types of movies, a writer can

choose among several principles of organization:

Genre (comedy, rom-com, sci-fi, etc.)

Period (Historical movies,Contemporary movies, etc.)
Audience ( Teen movies, Adult-oriented movies,etc.)
Here's a suggested structure for organizing the body paragraphs of a classification essay:

Introduction to the category: Begin each body paragraph by introducing the category or
type you are discussing. Provide a clear and concise definition or description of the
category to give readers a solid understanding of what it represents.
Criteria for classification: After introducing the category, explain the specific criteria or
characteristics that define and differentiate it from other categories. Discuss the key
features, traits, behaviors, or attributes that are common to this particular category.
Examples and evidence: Support your classification with relevant examples, evidence, or
illustrations. Provide specific instances, anecdotes, or case studies that demonstrate how
individuals or entities fit into the category. These examples should be representative and
provide a clear picture of what characterizes the category.
Sample Thesis Statements
★Considering the preferred learning styles, students fall into one of three
categories: visual learners, auditory learners, and kinesthetic learners.
★Teaching approaches can be classified into distinct categories, namely
traditional, progressive, and blended based on their instructional techniques.
★Exercise can be classified into three primary categories: cardio, strength
training, and flexibility exercises.
★Different forms of transportation can be categorized based on their modes,
such as land, water, and air, providing individuals with a comprehensive
understanding of available options for travel and transportation.
★It is possible to subsume artistic movements into 3 distinctive categories,
namely classical, modern, and contemporary, based on their historical
Possible prompts

● Types of universities
● Types of shoppers
● Types of video games
● Types of diets
● Types of renewable energy sources
● Types of cars
The Many Faces of Acting

Thesis Statement:
Modern acting comes in a variety of forms and
can be classified into three types: stage acting,
television acting, and film acting. Full essay
Vacations for Everyone
Thesis Statement:
The success and enjoyment of a vacation depends more on
the company than the destination itself, as it can be
classified into three categories: vacationing with family,
vacationing with friends, or vacationing alone. Full Essay
Types of Social Media Users

Thesis Statement:
By exploring and classifying three common types of social media users -
the self-promoter, the social butterfly, and the knowledge seeker -
valuable insights can be gained into the diverse ways people interact in
the digital realm. Full Essay
Wanna play a game?

★ Begin by selecting a topic that aligns with the given

★ Craft an introduction paragraph incorporating the given
words creatively.
★ Aim to incorporate as many words as possible to create a
compelling introduction.
The most creative group using all of the given words will be the winner.
Innovation- Advancement-Connectivity
Automation-Gadgets-Cyber Security-Virtual
Augmented-Smart- Cutting edge

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