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Qualitative Research

Mc. Monrey C. Bayot
• Describe qualitative research approaches
• Select appropriate qualitative research approach for your study
Qualitative Research Approaches
• Ethnography
• Historical Research
• Case Study
• Ethnography aims to get a holistic picture of a specific group,
society, institution or any situation.

• Ethnography uses in-depth interviews and continuous

participant observation to document everyday experiences of
the people involved.
Research topics suited for ethnography
• Voting behavior of people in one barangay
• Science-related practices of one tribe in Luzon
• Waste management practices of one school
What you must know about ethnography;
• Culture is the totality of the groups’ ideas, beliefs,
customs and behavior.
• An ethnographer must study the holistic perspective of
the culture of the group.
• The data gathered must be contextualized.
What you must know about ethnography;
• Emic perspective refers to the insider’s perspective of what is
being studied. Etic perspective refers to the outsider’s
perspective on what is being studied.
• Thick description means describing what the researcher saw,
heard and observed in great detail.
• Nonjudgmental observation means being completely
neutral to what the researcher is studying.
Advantages and Disadvantages of
Advantages Disadvantages
Dependent on researcher’s
More comprehensive
observation and interpretations
Gains deeper and richer
understanding of one’s behavior Bias is difficult to eliminate.
through natural setting
Suited in studying group
Close supervision is needed.
behavior over time
Historical Research
Historical Research
Historical research is a systematic collection and
evaluation of data to describe, explain and understand
events that occurred in the past.
Examples of Historical Research
Specific Problems:
a. What science activities were performed inside the
classroom during the last decade?
b. What competitions were won by the students in
your school since its establishment?
Advantages and Disadvantages of
Historical Research
Advantages Disadvantages
Permits investigation of topics Threats to validity are
and questions impossible to control
Can study evidence from the
Documents are limited
Can use wide range of evidences Sampling cannot be ensured
Provides rich source of info Probable bias in data
Case study
Case study
Case study is a documented study on a particular
person, group, institution or event. It is done to analyze
constructs and themes which leads to the identification
of variable.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Case
Advantages Disadvantages
In-depth investigation and
concentration on one particular Difficulty in getting cooperation

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