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Processor Organization

To understand the organization of a CPU, let us first of all
understand what CPU us supposed to do. The CPU should be
able to do the following things:
• Fetch Instruction: The CPU reads instruction from memory.
• Interpret Instruction: The instruction is decoded to
determine the action to be performed.
• Fetch Data or Operands: The CPU reads data or operands
from memory.
• Process data: The execution of an instruction requires some
arithmetic or logical operation to be performed.
• Write back: The result of execution may require writing
data memory or I/O module.
Components of CPU
• To do these operations, CPU should proper internal structure
and it should control the system bus.
• The CPU consists of ALU, CU and registers.
• ALU stands for Arithmetic and Logic Unit. It allows arithmetic
(add, subtract, etc.) and logic (AND, OR, NOT, etc.) operations to
be carried out.
• CU stands for Control Unit. It controls the operation of the
computer’s ALU, memory and I/O devices, telling them how to
respond to the program instructions it has just read and
interpreted from the memory unit.
• Registers are high speed storage areas in the CPU. All data must
be stored in a register before it can be processed. Eg. MAR, AC,
PC, etc. The CPU controls the complete system bus, i.e. address
bus, data bus and control bus.
Components of CPU (Cont...)
• The ALU includes arithmetic and logic circuits,
complementer circuit, shifting circuits and the flags to
indicate status information due to the results of operation.
• The CPU consists of number of registers for different
purposes. The internal communication to CPU takes place on
internal CPU bus.
• The Control Unit generates number of control signals which
keeps the control on the sequence in which the activities will
keep on taking place.
Diag. of CPU Internals
Practice Questions
Q1. Mention the major components present inside a CPU
and briefly explain the roles of each of them.

Q2. How are the various components inside of a CPU

arranged with respect to each other?

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