Invisalign Treatment

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Invisalign Treatment

by Guymon
Introduction to
• Invisalign treatment is an innovative orthodontic treatment offered
by Guymon Orthodontics.
• It involves the use of clear, removable aligners to straighten teeth
discreetly and comfortably.
• Invisalign aligners are custom-made for each patient, providing a
personalized treatment approach.
• Aesthetic Appe al: I nv isalig n alig ner s ar e
v ir tu ally inv isible , allowin g patie nts to Advantages of
straigh ten t h e ir te eth with ou t th e
appearanc e of trad itiona l m et al brac e s.
• Com for t and C onv en ie nc e: T h e alig ne rs
ar e sm ooth, r e movable , and d o n ot
invo lv e wir es or brac k e ts, m akin g th em
mor e c omf or table to w ea r an d e asy to
• I mprov ed Oral H y g ie ne : Sin c e th e
aligner s ar e r em ovable, pat ients c an
easily br ush an d fl oss t h e ir te eth ,
main taining g ood oral h y g iene
thro ughout t h e tr e atme nt.
• Custom ized Tre atme nt P lan: G uy m on
Or thodon tics c r eat es a d etaile d
tr eat men t plan using ad vanc ed 3D
imaging tech n ology , en sur in g pr ec ise
tooth m ovemen ts and optimal r esu lts.
Invisalign Process at • I nit ial Cons u lt at ion: Pat ie nt s mee t wit h
t he or t h odont ic te am at G uymon
Guymon Orthodontics Or th odont ics for an evalu at ion and
dis cu ss ion of t heir or t hodont ic ne eds
and goals .
• Cu s tomiz e d Tre at me nt P lan: Us in g
digit al s can s and imagin g t echn ology,
a pe rs onaliz e d t reat men t plan is
cre at ed, mapping out th e gra du al
movemen t of t e et h.
• Align er Fabric ation: G uymon
Or th odont ics man ufa ctu re s a s e rie s of
cus tom aligne rs t h at are wor n
s equ ent ially, each s et de s igne d to
progr es s ive ly mov e th e te et h into t he
des ired pos itions .
Success and Results
• Invisalign treatment by Guymon Orthodontics has successfully transformed the smiles of
numerous patients.
• The treatment provides predictable and effective results, addressing various orthodontic
issues such as crowding, spacing, overbites, and underbites.
• Patients typically experience improved dental health, enhanced self-confidence, and a more
harmonious bite alignment.
• Guymon Orthodontics ensures thorough follow-up care to maintain the achieved results and
provides post-treatment recommendations for long-term oral health.
Contact Us
1200 Cherry Lane Meridian, ID 83642


+1 208-898-0000


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