U11 - Lesson 5 - Social Learning Perspective (Part 2)

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(PART 2)
U N I T 11 – P S Y C H O L O G I C A L P E R S P E C T I V E S

• Describe the self-fulfilling prophecy and the influence of role models

• Explain social categorisation and stereotypes

• Discuss the impact on people when categorised or stereotyped in health and social

Embedding :-
Equality and diversity (inc. British Values):
Integral to all units, gender neutral tasks,
diverse case studies
Literacy: Research, reading and note
taking, word processing assignments
Explain how to promote anti-discrimination in health
Summarise conformity and how it contributes to
care settings
Discuss how socialdiscrimination.
leaning theory is applied to health
Numeracy: Data analysis Task 1 –
and social
LO A &care.

ICT: ICT based activities internet research


•  Group pressure may take different forms, for example bullying, persuasion, teasing, criticism,
etc.  Conformity is also known as majority influence (or group pressure).

• Indicates an agreement to the majority position, brought about either by a desire to ‘fit in’ or be
liked or because of a desire to be correct, or simply to conform to a social role.

• A person’s identifies themselves as the group they belong to.

https://youtu.be/ouyIC3mMq3Y - 50secs
Normative social influence - The desire to be liked –

when we conform to fit in with the group because we

don’t want to appear foolish or be left out.

Informational social influence - The desire to be right –

when we conform because we are unsure of the

situation or lack knowledge, so we look to others who we
believe may have more information than us.

So why do people discriminate?

• Watch the video - https://youtu.be/7P0iP2Zm6a4

• Can you identify different types of social categorisation?

• Can you identify different stereotypes?

• Can you explain how the social categorisation and stereotypes may effect people in health and
social care?
Promoting anti-discrimination in health care
• What is anti-discrimination?

• How can we promote it in health care settings?

Putting the individual at the heart of service provision
- Active Promotion of Individual rights 
- Identifying and challenging discrimination

- Personal Beliefs and Value Systems

- Committing to the care value base

- Developing greater self-awareness and tolerance of differences

How does this link to the social learning?

Applications of Social Learning Theory to Health & Social Care

Modelling Positive Health Behaviours

Celebrities may act as role models to help change people’s health
behaviours for the better. Born in Melbourne Australia, sultry
pop superstar Kylie Minogue was diagnosed with early-stage
breast cancer in May 2005. She put an end to her touring
Read the 4 schedule in order to have chemotherapy and radiation
scenarios and treatments.

answers the A sharp rise in the number of women aged 25 to 44 choosing to

questions… have breast imaging and breast biopsies was triggered by
Minogue’s diagnosis at the age of 37. Minogue likened her battle
with the disease to “experiencing a nuclear bomb.”

Explain below how social learning theory would explain this sharp rise in women
presenting for breast screening?
Modelling Anti-discriminatory Attitudes
Celebrities can act as role models to help break down
barriers that often cause prejudice and discrimination.

Here is one example. Actors Heath Ledger and Jake

Gyllenhaal starred in ‘Brokeback Mountain’, a movie that
highlights the prejudice and discrimination faced by gay

Explain below how social learning theory would explain how this kind of observed
behaviour can help to promote anti-discriminatory practice.
Modelling to Calm Anxieties
Going into hospital can be a very frightening
experience for a child. Where a hospital stay is
planned in advance, the child can be prepared by
showing them videos, or having visits. They then
become familiar with the people, procedures,
uniforms, smells and equipment. They will observe
other children, who look calm and cheerful, going
through the same processes that are planned for
them, and this will help to allay their fears.

Explain below how social learning theory would explain how this kind of observed
behaviour can help children to cope better with their anxieties about hospital.
Modelling to Encourage Desired Behaviours
One example of this is in potty training for toddlers. Young
children can watch videos of slightly older children going
through the process of potty training or using the toilet.
Alternatively they can observe other children at nursery who
are a little older than themselves and who are becoming potty

They should observe a whole range of behaviours and activities

needed to achieve the desired goals, and they should see that
these other children have no anxieties and are praised for
their successes.
Explain below how social learning theory would explain how this kind of
observational learning.
What Issues Are Treated With Social Learning Therapy?

A variety of psychological and non-psychological issues such as: anxiety, phobias, post-traumatic stress syndrome, anorexia,
bulimia, binge eating, substance abuse, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder obsessive-compulsive disorder,
social skill development such as public speaking and/or confidence-building, behavioural skills.

They look at -
• Self-Control
• Reinforcement COVID-19 anxiety and returning to the
• Support outside world.
• Family Involvement
• Willpower How would social learning treatment help a
service user?
• Goals
• Communication Are their any ethical issues?

Can you…

• Summarise conformity and how it contributes to discrimination.

• Explain how to promote anti-discrimination in health care settings

• Discuss how social leaning theory is applied to health and social care.

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