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13-June-2017, Friday

Event Security Breach Date & Time

1:00 PM
Manager Swapnil Wale

Timeline Impact Assesment

Date & Time Description Customer Impact High During a routine system upgrade some of our security protocols
were not followed which lead to our network being exposed.
During a routine system upgrade some of our security protocols Brand Impact High
13-June-2017, 12:45 PM were not followed which lead to our network being exposed. Possible hackers breached into out network and were able to get
Contractual Impacts Low access to our cusomer database. Customers have been informed
about the security breach. IT team is in the process of identifying
Possible hackers breached into out network and were able to get Medium the affected customers.
access to our customer database. Financial Impact
13-June-2017, 1:00 PM
Productivity Impact Low
Internal staff were alerted to a potential intruder. Upon getting the Data Loss Low
13-June-2017, 1:20 PM alert our internal network was shutdown to avoid further loss.
Privacy Breach High
Security Manager was informed about the incident. Security Analysis Approach
13-June-2017, 1:30 PM manager then alerted senior management and logged security
breach incident. The invesitgative team which consisted of Swapnil, Neel, Rajesh and Kumar conducted variuos
interviews. The team also looked at variuos procedures to find gaps.

Action Items Residual Risks

Item # Description Owner Risk # Description Risk Rating

Review our systems upgrade procedure to find gaps. Nakul Raje Until the polices and procedures are not updated there will be a risk of
Systems security breach happening again.
A001 RSK001 Critical

Review internal processes to ensure IT Team needs to know Swapnil Wale As IT Team is still analysing the impact the severity of the impact
communication plan when incidents occur. Security assessment could change. The severity could either go up or down
A002 RSK002 Medium
Manager depending on the outcome.

Implement system changes to enchance security protocol to make Tej Dubey

A003 our security robust. IT Manager

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