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Group 2

Physical properties of Group 2 elements

The metallic radius is half the distance between the nuclei in a
giant metallic lattice
Reactions of Group 2 elements
The calcium gets then gets completely covered by a layer sparingly soluble calcium sulfate and the
bubbles of hydrogen stop rising from the metal. Strontium sulfate and barium sulfate are even less
soluble than calcium sulfate so will quickly stop any reaction with the metals strontium and barium.

The Group 2 sulfates get less soluble

Reactions of the metals with water If the metals are not
available for test tube experiments, the reactivities can be
compared in this video: [reactions of Mg, Ca and Sr with water] [Ba reacting with water at 07:25] [summary of
reactions with water]
Reactions of the metals with oxygen
Available metals can be burned in air, or
oxygen gas produced first and then
combusted. [Mg burning in air] [Ca burning in air] [Sr metal burning in air] [Ba metal burning in air]
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Reac The Group 2 carbonates have the general formula XCO3
. The carbonates of magnesium, calcium, strontium and
barium are all insoluble in water.

However, the carbonates all react in dilute acid, forming a salt and water and
giving off carbon dioxide gas. For example, with dilute sulfuric acid:
MgCO3 (s) + H2SO4 (aq) → MgSO4 (aq) + H2O(l) + CO2 (g)
The effect of heat on the Group 2 carbonates

All the carbonates in this group undergo thermal decomposition to the metal oxide and
carbon dioxide gas. The term "thermal decomposition" describes splitting up a compound
by heating it.
All the Group 2 carbonates and their resulting oxides exist as white solids. If "X" represents
any one of the elements, the following describes this decomposition:
The effect of heat on the Group 2 Nitrates

The Group 2 nitrates undergo thermal decomposition to the metal oxide, nitrogen dioxide and oxygen
gas. These compounds are white solids and brown nitrogen dioxide and oxygen gases are also given
off when heated. Magnesium and calcium nitrates normally crystallize with water, and the solid may
dissolve in its own water of crystallization to make a colorless solution before it starts to decompose.

Both carbonates and nitrates of Group 2 elements become more thermally stable down
the group. The larger compounds further down require more heat than the lighter
compounds in order to decompose.

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