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Presented by: Noshaba Sharif

B.ED (2nd
Subject :Professionaliam in
Attributes of A
Professional Teacher:
A Reflective Teacher
Professional Teacher

A professional teacher is a person who cares

enough about his/her students irrespective of
their color, faith and caste; to whom the
students can approach with any problem or
concern. S/he abides by professional code of
conduct and earns great respect.
Reflective Practitioner

Reflective practice is the ability to reflect on

one's actions so as to engage in a process of
continuous learning. According to one
definition it involves "paying critical attention
to the practical values which inform everyday
actions, by examining practice reflectively.
Reflective Practitioner

A reflective practitioner is someone who, at

regular intervals, looks back at the work
they do, and the work process, and
considers how they can improve. They
'reflect on the work they have done. Thus,
Reflective teaching is a process where
teachers think over their teaching practices,
analyzing how something was taught and
how the practice might be improved or
changed for better learning outcomes.
• Key Features of Reflection
• Reflection results in learning through
changing ideas
• Reflection is an active process of learning
and is more than thinking or thoughtful
• Reflection encourages looking at issues from
different perspectives, which helps you to
understand the issue and scrutinize your
own values, assumptions and perspective.
Professional Teacher: An Enquiring
Enquiring Teacher

Developing an enquiring mindset and

culture is fundamental to teacher
professionalism. This enquiry stance keeps
a central focus on us always questioning
and "knowing why, knowing what, knowing
how". This emphasizes a professional
identity of the teacher as learner who
questions self, students, school and system.
Approaches Of Enquiring Teaching
• The 'style' approach: A common view of
teaching effectiveness which focuses on how
teachers teach.
• The 'outcomes' approach: A common view of
teaching effectiveness which focuses on
student results.
• The 'inquiry approach: An alternative view of
teaching effectiveness that incorporates style
and outcomes within an inquiry-based
Effective teachers inquire into the
relationship between what they do (style) and
what happens for students (outcomes). But
effective teachers do more than simply
inquire (or reflect) they take action (in relation
to what they are doing in the classroom) to
improve the outcomes for students and
continue to inquire into the value of these
Professional Teacher: A
Committed Teacher
The strength of any profession depends
upon the degree of commitment of its
members and the teaching has no
exception. Teacher commitment has been
identified as a key factor as to why
teachers make energetic efforts to
stimulate their students' learning, care
about their pupils' well-being and become
more 'effective' in a general sense.
Principles of Commitment
1. Commitment To The Students
The educator
• Shall not unreasonably restrain the student
from independent action in the pursuit of
• Shall not unreasonably deny the student's
access to varying points of view.
• Shall not deliberately suppress or distort
subject matter relevant to the student's
• Shall make reasonable effort to protect the
student from conditions harmful to learning or
to health and safety.
2. Commitment To The Profession

The educator
• shall exert every effort to raise professional
• Shall not misrepresent his/her professional
• Shall not assist any entry into the profession of
a person known to be unqualified in respect to
character, education, or other relevant attribute.

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