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Chapter 5


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Chapter 5
Learning Objectives
You should be able to
• Explain the role of demand forecasting in a supply chain.
• Identify the components of a forecast.
• Compare and contrast qualitative and quantitative forecasting techniques.
• Assess the accuracy of forecasts.
• Explain collaborative planning, forecasting, and replenishment.

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Chapter Outline
• Introduction
• The Importance of Demand Forecasting
• Demand Forecasting Techniques
• Forecast Performance
• Demand Sensing
• Demand Planning During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond
• Useful Forecasting Websites
• Forecasting Software
• Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Demand Forecasting
• Cloud-Based Forecasting
• Summary
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Organizations moving to a more effective demand-driven supply chain.

Suppliers must find ways to better match supply and demand.

Improved forecasts benefit all trading partners in the supply chain and
mitigates supply-demand mismatch problems.

Ways to closely match supply and demand:

Supplier holds plenty of stock available for delivery at any time.

Use of flexible pricing to change demand.

Utilize short-term methods to increase supply, such as overtime,
subcontracting, or temporary workers.
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The Importance of Demand Forecasting, Part 1

A forecast is an estimate of future demand and provides the basis for planning

The goal is to minimize deviation between actual demand and forecast.

The factors that influence demand must be considered when forecasting.

Buyers and sellers should share all relevant information to generate a single
consensus forecast.

Good forecasting benefits are lower inventories, reduced stock outs, smoother
production plans, reduced costs, and improved customer service.

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The Importance of Demand Forecasting, Part 2
Collaborative, planning, forecasting, and replenishment
Seeks cooperative management of inventory through joint visibility and
replenishment of inventory throughout the supply chain by information
sharing between suppliers and retailers.
Technological, organizational, and cultural challenges are reasons why
widespread adoption of CPFR has stalled.
Without a holistic view of account pricing, promotion, and new product
introductions, the promise of collaborative initiatives was not realized.

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Demand Forecasting Techniques, Part 1
Qualitative forecasting methods

Based on opinions and intuition

Generally used when data is limited, unavailable, or not currently


Jury of Executive Opinion

Delphi Method

Sales Force Composite

Customer Surveys
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Demand Forecasting Techniques, Part 2
Jury of executive opinion

Group of senior management executives collectively develop the forecast

Good for long-range planning and new product introductions
Delphi method

Internal and external experts are surveyed during several rounds

Summary of responses is sent out to all the experts; they can modify their
responses in next round

Good for high-risk technology forecasting; large, expensive projects; or
major new product introductions

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Demand Forecasting Techniques, Part 3

Sales force composite

Based on sales force’s knowledge of the market and estimates of
customer needs

Tendency for sales force to under-forecast
Consumer survey

Questionnaire uses inputs from customers on future purchasing needs,
new product ideas, and opinions about existing or new products

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Demand Forecasting Techniques, Part 4
Quantitative forecasting methods

Use mathematical models and relevant historical data to generate

All quantitative methods become less accurate as the forecast’s time
horizon increases

For long-time horizon forecasts, use a combination of quantitative and
qualitative techniques

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Demand Forecasting Techniques, Part 5
Quantitative forecasting methods:

Time series forecasting:

Assumes the future is an extension of the past

Types: naïve, simple moving average, weighted moving average,
exponential smoothing, and linear trend

Cause-and-effect models:

Assumes one or more factors (independent variables) predict future

Types: simple linear regression, multiple regression

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Demand Forecasting Techniques, Part 6
Components of Time Series Forecasting Models
Data should be plotted to detect for the following components:

Trend variations: increasing or decreasing over many years

Cyclical variations: wavelike movements that are longer than a year
(e.g., business cycle)

Seasonal variations: show peaks & valleys that repeat over consistent
interval (i.e., hours, days, weeks, months, seasons, or years)

Random variations: due to unexpected or unpredictable events such as
natural disasters

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Demand Forecasting Techniques, Part 7

Time Series Forecasting

Naïve Forecast: the estimate of the next period is equal to the demand in
the past period.

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Demand Forecasting Techniques, Part 8
Time Series Forecasting
Simple Moving Average Forecast: uses historical data to generate a
forecast. Works well when demand is stable over time.

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Demand Forecasting Techniques, Part 9
Simple Moving Average

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Demand Forecasting Techniques, Part 10
Time Series Forecasting
Weighted Moving Average Forecast: based on an n-period weighted
moving average

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Demand Forecasting Techniques, Part 11
Weighted Moving Average

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Demand Forecasting Techniques, Part 12
Time Series Forecasting
Exponential Smoothing Forecast: type of weighted moving average, with
only two data points needed

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Demand Forecasting Techniques, Part 13
Exponential Smoothing

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Demand Forecasting Techniques, Part 14
Time Series Forecasting
Linear Trend Forecast: trend can be estimated using simple linear
regression to fit a line to a time series

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Demand Forecasting Techniques, Part 15
Cause-and-Effect Models
Simple regression:

Only one explanatory variable is used.

Is similar to the linear trend model.

x variable is no longer time, but instead is an explanatory variable

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Demand Forecasting Techniques, Part 16
Simple Regression

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Demand Forecasting Techniques, Part 15
Cause-and-Effect Models
Multiple regression: several explanatory variables are used to predict the
dependent variable

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Forecast Performance, Part 1
Forecast error: the difference between the actual quantity and the forecast

Several measures of forecast performance can also be calculated:

Mean absolute deviation (MAD), Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE),
Mean square error (MSE), and Running sum of forecast errors (RSFE)

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Forecast Performance, Part 2
Mean absolute deviation (MAD): MAD of 0 indicates the forecast exactly
predicted demand

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Forecast Performance, Part 3

Mean absolute percentage error (MAPE): provides a perspective of the true

magnitude of the forecast error

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Forecast Performance, Part 4

Mean squared error (MSE): analogous to variance since large forecast errors
are heavily penalized

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Forecast Performance, Part 5
Running Sum of Forecast Errors (RSFE): indicates bias in the forecasts or
the tendency of a forecast to be consistently higher or lower than actual

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Forecast Performance, Part 6
Tracking signal determines if forecast is within acceptable control limits
If tracking signal falls outside pre-set control limits, then

There is bias problem with the forecasting method

Evaluation of forecast generation is warranted

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Forecast Performance, Part 7

Biased forecast will lead to excessive inventories or stockouts.

Key to accurate forecasts is collaboration with different partners inside and
outside of the firm working together to eliminate forecasting error.

Collaboration can lead to significant improvements in forecasting accuracy.

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Demand Sensing
Demand sensing is a way of identifying short-term trends quickly so
companies can better forecast what, when, and where consumers want goods.
A good one would include:

Real-time inputs from several external sources to generate forecasts of
the prevailing market situation.

Using pattern recognition technologies from AI and ML from sources of
big data to generate useful information.

An automated model with self-adjusting algorithms that can learn from
data without human intervention and generate forecasts for execution
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Demand Planning During the COVID-19
Pandemic and Beyond
Recommended plan of action:

Change forecasting models.

Identify future demand drivers.

Understand supply chain dynamics.

Increase communication with customers.

Restructure Sales and Operations Planning processes.

Plan product portfolio.

Clean data for the future.
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Useful Forecasting Websites

Institute for Business Forecasting & Planning:

International Institute of Forecasters:

Business Forecasting:

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Forecasting Software
Software can be used to simplify the process and save the time required to
generate a forecast when using a quantitative method.

Business Forecast Systems, Inc:

John Galt: https://johngalt,com/forecastx-new/

Mi9 Retail:


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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in
Demand Forecasting
Artificial Intelligence (AI): basically, is self-learning machines.
Machine Learning (ML): a type of AI that uses algorithms to better predict
MIT study conclusions:

Better data governance is needed.

Data privacy emerges as an opportunity.

Fostering an analytics culture improves innovation.

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Cloud-Based Forecasting
Cloud-based forecasting: supplier-hosted or software-as-a-service (SaaS)
advanced forecasting applications that is provided on a subscription basis
Benefits include:

Increase data storage and data analysis capabilities

New capabilities without extensive training

Reduction in IT costs

Improvement in forecast accuracy

Reduction in stockout and inventory carrying costs

Improvement in employee productivity
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End of Chapter 5

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