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Talent Management Systems

Micah Schmidt
(3.1) Industry: Talent Management Systems
Why Talent Management Systems/Software?

The industry I have chose is the Talent Management Systems industry. In today's competitive job market, organizations are
recognizing the importance of attracting, developing, and retaining top talent. Talent management systems offer a comprehensive
solution to streamline various HR processes, including recruitment, performance management, learning and development, and
succession planning. The growing demand for these systems drives the industry's growth.
1. Cost and time savings: Talent management systems automate many administrative tasks, such as resume screening,
candidate tracking, and performance appraisal processes. By reducing manual efforts and streamlining workflows, these
systems save time and enable HR professionals to focus on strategic initiatives. This increased efficiency translates into cost
savings for organizations.
2. Improved decision-making: Talent management systems provide valuable data and analytics on workforce performance,
skills gaps, and talent pipelines. HR professionals can leverage these insights to make informed decisions regarding talent
acquisition, development, and succession planning. Data-driven decision-making leads to better hiring outcomes and
improved organizational performance.
3. Scalability and flexibility: Talent management systems are designed to accommodate organizations of various sizes and
industries. Whether a company is a small startup or a multinational corporation, these systems can be tailored to meet
specific needs and scaled as the organization grows. The flexibility of these systems ensures they can adapt to changing
business requirements.
(3.1) Industry: Talent Management Systems
Headwinds impacting the industry Tailwinds impacting the industry

• Economic downturns: During economic downturns, • Advances in HR technology: Innovations such as artificial
organizations may face budget constraints, leading to reduced intelligence, machine learning, and data analytics can
investments in talent management systems, including training enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of talent
and development initiatives. management systems, enabling better decision-making and
• Competitive labor market: Increased competition for talent more personalized employee experiences.
can make it difficult to attract and retain top talent, putting • Remote work and flexibility: The shift towards remote work
pressure on talent management systems to be more effective and flexible work arrangements can expand the talent pool by
in sourcing, selecting, and developing employees. allowing organizations to access talent from different
• Technological advancements: Rapid technological changes geographical locations. Talent management systems can
can disrupt traditional talent management processes and support virtual recruitment, onboarding, and performance
require organizations to adapt their systems to keep pace management processes.
with new tools and platforms. • Employee development and engagement: Organizations
• Regulatory compliance: Evolving labor laws and regulations prioritizing employee development and engagement can
can create compliance complexities, necessitating updates to leverage talent management systems to provide continuous
talent management systems to ensure adherence to legal learning opportunities, career pathing, and regular feedback,
requirements. fostering a positive work environment and improving
employee retention.
(3.1) Industry: Talent Management Systems
Competitive Landscape and
Fragmentation Levels
• Talent acquisition is the largest segment
in the market, and North America is the
leading region and is predicted to
continue to
• The competitive landscape of talent
management systems is highly dynamic
and competitive.
• It is driven by the diverse needs and
preferences of organizations across
industries and sizes.
• The market fragmentation for TMS is
expected to be driven by the diverse
needs and preferences of organizations
across industries and sizes including:
• market consolidation
• technological advancements
• customer demand for integrated or
specialized solutions
(3.1) Industry: Talent Management Systems
Talent Mangement System Expected industry growth Expected industry growth rate
35.0 33.3

• The global Talent Management Systems market is
estimated to be valued at USD under 34 billion by
2034 from USD 8.1 billion in 2022
• Expected CAGR of 12.5% during the forecast
20.0 period 2022 to 2034
USD (Billions)

Bottom line
10.0 9.1
Ultimately, I have chosen this industry because talent
5.0 management remains a strategic priority for
organizations regardless of economic conditions. As
2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 we enter a period of unpredictability, an industry
Date (Year) with minimal cyclicality becomes even more
important, and talent management systems
exemplify that.
(3.2) Industry: Talent Management Systems
*Note: All companies are bootstrapped
(3.3) Email outreach: Adeva
Dear Katerina Trajchevska,
I hope this email finds you well. My name is Micah, and I represent Simple Search. We are a private equity firm specializing in investments
in high-growth companies. I came across your company and was impressed by your experience as a co-founder of Adeva and was
captivated by your passion for enabling work without boundaries and your dedication to remote work advocacy. Likewise, your dedication
to empowering women in the tech industry through your guidance and speaking engagements is truly inspirational.
We are always on the lookout for innovative and promising companies and individuals to partner with, and after reviewing your
background and accomplishments, we believe there could be exciting synergies between our organizations. We are particularly interested
in exploring potential investment opportunities, partnerships, or strategic collaborations.
We would love to schedule a call or a meeting at your convenience to discuss how we can potentially work together. We are eager to learn
more about Adeva and your vision for the future, as well as explore any areas where our expertise and resources could add value.
Please let us know if you would be available for a brief introductory call in the coming weeks. We can arrange a time that works best for
you. If you have any specific topics or questions you would like to address during our conversation, please feel free to share them with us
Thank you for considering this opportunity, Katerina. We admire your work and achievements, and we look forward to the possibility of
collaborating with you and Adeva. Should you have any further questions or require additional information, please don't hesitate to reach
out to me directly at or 410-699-3956.
We appreciate your time and consideration, and we hope to connect with you soon.
Best regards,
(3.3) Email outreach: Adeva
1. Based on her LinkedIn profile, not only is she active, but she also appears to be pivoting into a role that involves
helping other startups in a consulting capacity. For instance, if you examine her history of LinkedIn posts, you'll
notice that a year ago, all of her posts were related to Adeva. However, more recently, her posts have been
primarily focused on other companies she is either assisting or commenting on their situations. Could signal that
she is ready to depart?
2. She has spent less time working with her team at Adeva and more time traveling to attend conferences to advocate
for women in tech, possibly signaling her lack of attention to the company?
3. I made sure to personalize the first paragraph to catch her attention
4. Culturally she is from Europe, particularly North Macedonia, she brings a cultural background that emphasizes clear
and straightforward communication. Therefore, my intention in the email was to make our intentions and reasoning
as transparent as possible.
5. Finally, I tried to sound as friendly and welcoming as possible
• Growjo. “Adeva Revenue and Competitors.” Adeva: Revenue, Competitors, Alternatives, Accessed 25 May 2023. 
• Reports, Technology And Media. “Talent Management Systems (TMS) Market Size, Share, Trends, Growth,
Scope, Report.” LinkedIn,
Accessed 25 May 2023. 
• “Talent Management Software Market Size, Growth [2023-2030].” Talent Management Software Market
Size, Growth [2023-2030],
software-market-100374. Accessed 25 May 2023. 
• “Talent Management Systems Research Market Comprehensive Analysis of Latest Trends and
Developments by 2023-2030.” MarketWatch, 25 May 2023,
• “What Is a Talent Management System (TMS)?: SAP Insights.” SAP,
%20or,compensation%20management%2C%20and%20succession%20planning. Accessed 25 May 2023. 

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