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Background of the Study

Attractiveness is defined as the quality of being pleasing, charming, or alluring especially in appearance or
manner. According to Patzer (2012), physical attractiveness is the most visible and easily accessible of a person.
Physical attractiveness is also a consistently and frequently used informational cue. These facts may be the
reason why the physical appearance of a person is so important and the influence of it on almost every person in
today’s society.
Person Perception to physical attractiveness is firmly entrenched in a perception relationship is readily understood
when person perceptions are defined as the process by which a person perceives and thinks about other persons,
their characteristics, their qualities, and their internal traits (Taruiri, 1954) 
Social Media has a huge impact on how people view attractiveness which is society’s standard of beauty. A
negative body image can cause unrealistic expectations of how your body should look and could lead to unhealthy
behaviors and such. Mills and Hogue (2016) stated that social media engagement with attractive peers increases
negative state body image. People are perceived to be more attractive than them.
Beauty standards exist in every society we live in, it has become a human instinct to compare ourselves with others. Beauty standards are a
perception of beauty that women are expected to meet in order to represent the "perfect beauty standard." A standard that is almost
impossible to meet. Everyone at one time has been asked “does this make me look sexy, white, and flawless?”; this is one of the questions
that being considered to the standards of beauty. Thus, making us self-conscious and ultimately leading to self-disapproval. The images
posted by advertisements look flawless. However, these impressive pictures tend to be photoshopped and somehow still make us feel
insecure about ourselves. As a result, beauty standards present unreal expectations which consequently creates social pressure towards our
younger generation to conform to beauty standards. Admittedly, social comparison is part of identity formation but not everything we see has a
positive consequence. Social comparison has a big downside because it conflicts with mental and physical health such as lowering self-
esteem, self-image, and well-being.
 Beauty standards pose a threat to society because they cause a great deal of pressure for every woman. Ideal beauty presents an
unattainable and unrealistic standard of beauty which negatively impacts women's mental health, body image, and objectifies women’s

Beauty is in the mind of the beholder and to begin with the study, the standards of beauty can affect areas of your mental health such as
psychological distress. The researchers aim to identify what are those psychological effects that are more likely to experienced by the woman.
This research is based on how every person views attractiveness with their surroundings. It also
intended to discover how they perceive attractiveness.  Which could have been influenced by
society's standard of attractiveness. This study aims to understand and how people rate
attractiveness. This chapter focuses on what methods of data collection were used to receive the
most suitable information for this study. It will explain how participants for this research were
selected, such as who and how many people were involved in order for the appropriate data to be
received. Ethical considerations will also be explored such as ensuring informed consent was
received from all participants. The reliability and validity of this research will also be discussed and
what limitations this study was faced with.
Method of Data Collection
The researchers are going to use the Quantitative Method of data collection, in order to collect its
data, the researcher will use surveys. Surveys are quickly written procedures of answering on how
they rate attractiveness.


In this research, researchers use a simple random technique in which each sample has an
equal probability of being chosen, to be unbiased when conducting the survey.

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