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Lets Connect Education on this Pyramid

2022 PR & Organizational Communication

Understanding Culture, Society,

and Poloitics:
Concept, Characteristics
and Forms of
Stratification Systems
Here is where your presentation begins
Meaning and Nature of Social Stratification
According to Ariola 2012:

● It refers to what sociologists call it as “

institutionalized inequality” of individual
or “social injustice” due to social
Meaning and Nature of Social Stratification
According to Cole 2019:

● It is the way people are ranked and

ordered in society
Meaning and Nature of Social Stratification
According to Hebding and Glick 1992:

● It is a system whereby people rank and evaluate each

other as superior or inferior and, on the basis of such
evaluation, unequally reward one another with
wealth, authority, power, and prestige. One result of
each differentiation is the creation of a number of
levels within the society.
Meaning and Nature of Social Stratification
According to Sorokin 1927:

● It is the differentiation of a given population into

hierarchically superposed classes. It is manifested in the
existence of upper and lower social layers. Its basis and very
essence consist in an unequal distribution of rights and
privileges, duties and responsibilities, social values and
privations, social power and influences among the members
of a society
Social Stratification is Distinguished from
Social Differentiation
● Social differentiation refers to how people can be
distinguished from one another. People in a group may differ
in skin color, hair color, race, mental and physical ability, and
the like
Social Stratification is Distinguished from
Social Differentiation
● Social stratification refers to the ranking of people in a
society. In closed stratification, people cannot change their
ranks while those in open social stratification, people can
change their ranks. In short social stratification is the
separation of people into social categories and these
categories are ranked as higher or lower.
Indicators of Social Stratification
1 The higher or lower positions that come
about through social stratifications

Ascribe Statuses
2 are assigned or given by the society or group on the basis of some
fixed category, without regard to a person’s abilities or performance.

Achieved statuses
3 are earned by the individual because of his or
her talent, skills, occupation and perseverance

4 refers to the evaluation of status. You
have prestige according to your status.
Types of Social Stratification and their
Upper Class
1 The people in this class have great wealth
and sources of income

Middle Class
2 are the “sandwich” class. These white collar
workers have more money than those below them
on the “social ladder,” but less than those above

Lower Class
3 The lower class is typified by poverty,
homelessness, and unemployment.
The people in this class belong to the
bottom of socio-economic ladder
Differentiate the three social classes under
open system by completing the graphic
organizer below .Write your answer in a
separate sheet of paper
Lower Class Middle Class Upper Class
Open System
The class structure is an open system. It encourages
people to strive and achieve something. People belonging
to one social class have similar opportunities, similar
lifestyles, attitudes, behavior and possibly similar socio-
economic positions. It is based on achievement, allow
movement and interaction between layers and classes. One
person can move up or down to class through
intermarriages, opportunities, or achievement. People have
equal chance to succeed. Whether people do something to
improve their lives or not this greatly depends on them.
Close System
Closed system accommodates little change in social
position. They do not allow people to shift levels and do not
permit social relationships between levels.
India’s Caste System


India’s Caste System


(Warrior, King)
India’s Caste System


(Bussinessmen & trader)
India’s Caste System


Social Stratification and Social Mobility

● Social mobility refers to the movement within the social

structure, from one social position to another. It means a
change in social status. All societies provide some opportunity
for social mobility. But the societies differ from each other to
extent in which individuals can move from one class or status
level to another.
1. Horizontal mobility occurs when a person changes their
profession, but their social status remains unchanged
2. Intergenerational mobility happens when social position
changes from one generation to another, the change can
be upward or downward
3. Role mobility - is a job change where individuals move
from one position to another with little change in their
4. Vertical mobility any changes in status whether its
moving up to the highest or to the lowest
Venn Diagram: Caste System Vs Class
1. Describe the life/life situation of the person above
before he becomes successful.
2. Is the status of the successful person above ascribed
or achieved? Why?

3. Does social stratification affect life chances of an

individual? Explain.
PT1: Survey

rating prestige
these occupational
prestige rating from
General Social
Survey(GSS) are based
on a scale ranging from
a low of 1 to a high of
100. how would your
ratings compare?
PT1: Survey
1. Working in group, survey a sample of the population in your community to
create your own occupational prestige ratings. first list the 20 occupations from the
chart in alphabetical order on a piece of paper.
2. then ask each participants in the sample to assign a prestige value from 1 to 100
to each occupation
3 calculate a rating for each occupation by adding up the values that each
participants assigned and dividing by the number of students in the sample. rank
the occupations in order of their rating

1 compare your result with the GSS rating and discuss your finding as a class.
2. how might you explain the similarities or differences? what factors might
influence the values each person assigned?
Quiz: SA2 - Read very carefully the questions below and choose the letter that
corresponds to your answer. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.

1. The most distinguishing characteristic of a caste

system (where class is based on birth) is that _______
A. People can only move intergenerationally
B. People can move vertically, but not horizontally
C. Social status is inherited and cannot be changed
D. Social status can be changed by education and hard
Quiz: SA2 - Read very carefully the questions below and choose the letter that
corresponds to your answer. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.

2. What is the key distinction between a caste

system and a class system?
A. a marriage within a specific group
B. occupational prestige
C. educational opportunity
D. social mobility
Quiz: SA2 - Read very carefully the questions below and choose the letter that
corresponds to your answer. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.

3. An employee with five years of experience as a

sales development representative moves into a
marketing associate position.
A. Horizontal mobility
B. Intergenerational mobility
C. Role mobility
D. Vertical mobility
Quiz: SA2 - Read very carefully the questions below and choose the letter that
corresponds to your answer. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.

4. Any change in social status, whether it’s moving up to

a higher level or moving down.
A. Horizontal mobility
B. Intergenerational mobility
C. Role mobility
D. Vertical mobility
Quiz: SA2 - Read very carefully the questions below and choose the letter that
corresponds to your answer. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.

5. Which of the following defines social stratification?

A. Social isolation of people from each other
B. System in which everyone is equal but perform very
different tasks
C. System by which a person's place in society is
defined by birth
D. None of these
Quiz: SA2 - Read very carefully the questions below and choose the letter that
corresponds to your answer. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.

6. A factory worker's son earns his way through

college and eventually becomes a physics
engineer. This is an example of _______
A. Horizontal mobility
B. Intergenerational mobility
C. Role mobility
D. Vertical mobility
Quiz: SA2 - Read very carefully the questions below and choose the letter that
corresponds to your answer. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.

7. Which of the following best describes how social class is related

to social stratification?
A. Each layer has many layers of social stratification
B. Each layer of social stratification constitutes a social class
C. The terms social stratification and social class mean the same
D. Social stratification exists in caste systems, whereas social
classes only exist in non caste systems
Quiz: SA2 - Read very carefully the questions below and choose the letter that
corresponds to your answer. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.

8. If a doctor switches from a job in health care to

teaching in medical school, the profession
changes, but dignity and social status remain the
A. Horizontal mobility
B. B. Intergenerational mobility
C. Role mobility D. Vertical mobility
Quiz: SA2 - Read very carefully the questions below and choose the letter that
corresponds to your answer. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.

9. The unequal sharing of scarce resources and

social rewards is known as _____.
A. Social Inequality
B. Social Mobility
C. Social Sharing
D. Social Stratification
Quiz: SA2 - Read very carefully the questions below and choose the letter that
corresponds to your answer. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.

10. What is Social Stratification?

A. The division of society into categories, ranks, or classes.
B. The unequal sharing of scarce resources and social rewards
C. A social structure in which classes are determined by ascribed
D. A social structure in which classes are determined by achieved

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