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Life of Transgenders & their

Group 6

We realized that even in 2023, • Inspiration from Q Café • Literature Review

the community continues to stay
marginalized and are identified • To be able to contribute towards • In-depth interviews
as “Hijra” community, who are the society.
mainly into begging and work • Short-interviews
mostly as commercial sex • To help increase awareness
workers. They are still a subject amongst people around us. • Survey
to public mockery and people
are not sensitized enough to • Take a step towards changing
accept them in the mainstream perception.
society. Few companies have
taken a step towards • Sensitize people so that the
inclusiveness like Tata Steel, community can become a part of
Godrej and Kochi Metro the mainstream
• Debunk widely prevalent social
myths and misconceptions
Research Questions
How is the employment scenario of How does the day of a transgender What is the level of awareness about
transgenders? look like? transgenders?

-How did you come to know of this job? -Can you please tell us about the -Are you aware about Section 377? What
traditions followed by transgender are your views?
-Can you please share your job interview community?
experiences? -Have you ever been approached by a
-Can you tell us about the clap? transgender for employment?
-How has your experience at your
workplace been so far? -Can you enlighten us more about the -Has there ever been a sensitization
Guru Chela Parampara? program for your co-workers?
-What should be the policies around
trans gender in corporate organizations? -How is a Hijra different from a -Do you know about any organization
transgender? which can map you to transgenders for
-Can you share your educational employment?
qualifications? -Has your life changed after amendment
of Section 377?
-What are the sources of income for a
transgender? -How and when did you come to know
about your orientation?

-How did your parents react when you

disclosed about your identity?
Identified Themes
Traditions Daily Life Work Opportunities

Clap Health Experiences Type of Jobs

-Signal -Ones most impacted are trans women who -Not allowed to use washroom, hence some -BPO
-Happiness Hormones continue to stay as cis end up not having water the entire day -Security
-Prone to HIV, AIDS -Poor Work life balance -Parlours
Guru Chela -Prone to urinary infection -Low Income
-Guru is the only one who accepts -Transition ~ hair, laser, hormonal shots -No separate policies Search Experiences
-Can’t go against Guru -Identity
-Strict Hierarchy -HR not sensitive to conduct
-Sharing of Income ~ hence forced mangti Housing Expectations interviews
-Roots of mangti are very deep. To eradicate, -People in housing societies do not accept -Work Life Balance -Documents not in place
parents have to start accepting their children because of misconceptions and fear -Separate Policies
-Forced to stay with other trans genders -Accommodation
-Example of how they are tied by Guru Chela Attrition Skills
-Guru does not allow to work -Poor English speaking skills
-Boyfriend does not allow to work -Low education
Income -People around are not sensitive enough
-Mangthi ~ Presence Felt and basic rights Family -Difficult to sustain
-Badhaai Basthi ~ Misfortunes Most of the family members
-Prostitution ostracize their kids.
Perception of Corporates
Public Perception -Only a tick for them
Households -Foul language ~ Fear -Not many are concerned
-Seven households -Presentation
-Bhindi Bazaar, Lashkar, etc -Intersex ~ Media
-Identity responsible

● Confusion between section 377 and 370 ● Finds lack of basic facilities like washrooms in
● Can’t employ transgender in family places, organizations
places serving liquor ● Frustrated with the constant stares
● Co-workers not sensitized enough to work along ● Lack of educational and financial support
with a transgender ● Comparatively lower income than mangthi
● Never been contacted by transgenders for ● Lack of sensitivity amongst employees
employment ● No proper policies in place
● Undereducated and not suitable for specific VECTORS
level of employment
● Customers reaction can’t be controlled
● High attrition rate of transgender
Guru is the sole guardian and has
Proper laws not in place, their decision making authority
Gender sensitization should
leading to continuous
start from school level
faced by transgenders

Section 377 mostly benefitted

Transition phase is a LGB
critical phase in a life and not transgenders
of a transgender

They believe that

Something as basic as washrooms is a INSIGHTS clapping is their way to
find much needed
problem leading to urinary
infection happiness

Judging eyes and constant

mockery makes it difficult
Mangti is a way of to sustain in workplace
asking for basic rights

HR is not
Sensitized on
how to take interviews Attrition rate is high due to the
problems they face in
Sensitization and Policy Review workplace
are very crucial
Quantitative Research

Dependent Variable: Are you willing to employ a transgender person?

Independent Variables:
1.  Industry
2.  Number of Employees
3.  Age Group of Customers catered to
4.  Awareness about the community on a scale of 1-5
5.  Perception of willingness of employees of firm to work with a transgender on scale of
6. 1-5 Perception of willingness of customers to be catered by a transgender on a scale of 1-5

H0: Independent variables have no correlation with the dependent variable.

Survey Form-

Interpretation Limitation

• It is possible to forecast whether a • Difficult to predict using a

company will hire a transgender. quantitative method
• The respondents may share some of • The significance levels of the
the same considerations for independent variables, indirectly
employability which they can show that the respondents may
understand as a connection between share some of the same
perception and employability, as employability issues
secondarily demonstrated by the
significance levels of the
independent variables.

Sensitising the current employees

Anti-discriminatory & other policies

Proper Restrooms

Educating their parents

Support Systems – Counselling Cell

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