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Industrial University of Santander - Malaga Campus IPREDofForest

Table 2. Number Engineering
orders, families and genera identified. Exterior

Málaga, Santander, Colombia Street 20 # Road 6-20


The Andean region of Colombia stands out

for having species with limited distribution Table 1. Quantity of orders, families and genera identified. Interior

ranges, birds have been developing as a

biological model, establishing different
parameters for the establishment of
protected areas worldwide, drawing
attention for their high distribution,
taxonomic diversity awakening interest in
your study. (Sarmiento et al., 2022). With a
total of 1,941 bird species, Colombia thus
houses 10% of bird diversity, categorizing
itself as the country of birds. One of the
factors is the privileged situation of the
Colombian territory. (otalora et al.,
2018)Avifauna investigations in
thedepartment of Santander have increased
in recent years in areas of interest such as
the Chicamocha canyon, generating tourist
and academic interest in the area, the little
work in the municipality of Malaga and its
surroundings has led to misinformation
about this type of fauna.It is necessary to
carry out a study of avifauna in the
surroundings, focusing on the forests
surrounding the municipality through
observations and sampling in the field, thus DATA COLLECTION
determining the diversity and richness of Using two Celeston 10X42 binoculars and a
the province. Canon 2000D T7 with an 18-55mm lens, we
worked in non-breeding seasons (at this time
the populations tend to be more recurrent and

BIRD SAMPLING AND IDENTIFICATION • The study carried out determined that
General objective:
the forest presents a high diversity of
Data collection was carried out from 5:30 a.m.
Assess the richness, abundance and diversity of species with considerable populations,
to 10:00 a.m., at each point for twenty
the bird populations present inside the oak forest obtaining a richness of 25 species.
minutes according to the methodology, for a
located in Concepción Santander "Reserva la
total of five samplings per point during the • There is a similarity between the
day. internal and external part of the forest,
Specific objectives: the change of cover did not affect the
ANALYSIS OF DATA diversity of species and it was evidenced
Recognize and identify bird species associated that most of the birds were shared, the
with forested areas from the observation and use Once the database was formed and processed, highest number of species were of the
of camera traps. different indicators of species richness and order of Passeriformes.
diversity were identified and calculated in each
part of the forest.
Compare the bird species between the interior
and exterior of the oak forest by means of the
similarity or dissimilarity index.

AUTORES (foto)

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