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Soil Profile Differentiation


• The student will be able to

distinguish and characterize soil
horizons through soil profile
differentiation field activity.
A soil profile is usually studied to a
depth of 1 to 2 meters. To see the soil
profile, a soil pit was dug
approximately 2 meters deep. Soil
from each horizon were characterized
based on their physical differences.
A soil profile is divided into layers
called horizons, each with its own set
of characteristics. The soil horizons
are O, A, E, B and C which are also
referred as humus, topsoil, eluviation
layer, subsoil, and regolith
Soil Horizons
• O-Horizon — layer dominated by organic material, consisting of
undecomposed or partially decomposed litter, which has accumulated
on the surface
• A-Horizon — also called as topsoil; the layer contains dark
L A-Horizon  decomposed organic matter which is called "humus"
Y E-Horizon  • E-Horizon — being short for eluviated; has been significantly leached
E of its mineral and/or organic content, leaving a pale layer largely
R composed of silicates or silica
S • B-Horizon — also known as subsoil; and consists of mineral layers
which are significantly altered by pedogenesis, mostly with the
O formation of iron oxides and clay minerals
F  C-Horizon 
• C-Horizon — commonly referred to as regolith; and composed of
unconsolidated parent material from which the A and B horizons have
I  R-Horizon  • R-Horizon — the unweathered rock (bedrock) layer that is beneath all
L the other layers, bedrock is made up of igneous, sedimentary, or
metamorphic rock
O Horizon A Horizon E Horizon B Horizon C Horizon

Color brown almost black light brown strong brown lighter than B

Texture smooth very smooth smooth smooth smooth

Friability loose loose loose loose loose and hard

humus with minerals with very

Structure leaf litter humus weathered bedrock
minerals little humus

Presence of roots  ✓  ✓  ✓  ✓ ✗

Presence of rocks
 ✓ ✗  ✗ ✓  ✓

Presence of
pebbles  ✓  ✗  ✓  ✓ ✓
Soil from Different Horizons

O-Horizon A-Horizon E-Horizon

B-Horizon C-Horizon

Digging a soil pit up Marking each Measuring the Getting a sample Classifying each
to 2 meters horizon length of each from each horizon horizon

Classifying each Characterizing each Taking a selfie with

horizon horizon the soil pit

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