Know Yourself

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Personal Effectiveness (MMSE108) - Syllabus
Know Yourself – Self Discovery 1
Developing a Positive Attitude and Values MMSE108.1
Grooming - Corporate Etiquette and Manners MMSE108.2
Body Language MMSE108.2
Art of Speaking MMSE108.3
Art of Listening MMSE108.3
GD and PI Skills MMSE108.4
Written Business Communication MMSE108.5
CV and Resume writing MMSE108.5
Working in Groups and Teams MMSE108.6
Time Management MMSE108.6
Stress Management MMSE108.6
Career Planning 6
Personal Grooming/ Personal Effectiveness

Facilitated By- Prof. FARHEEN AHMAD

Course Outcomes
Outcomes At the End of the course a student will be able to… Coginition_Level
Understand about ones values, abilities, goals influences
about their attributes towards success, achievement &
MMSE108.1 disappointment both in personal & professional lines. Understanding
Demonstrate grooming basics & personal hygiene
management to enhance corporate & social image , body
MMSE108.2 language to increase your personal impact. Applying
Identify the key role that listening plays in ability to solve
problems & also the ability to communicate competently in
MMSE108.3 groups and organizations. Remembering
Classify augment skills related to important decisions of
MMSE108.4 selection process in organisation Analyzing
Summarise organisation & presentation of information for
maximum impact & clarity; also to write a functional resume
MMSE108.5 versus chronological resume & various cover letters Evaluating

Demonstrate capabilities to lead & succeed & be a good

team player, typical time wasters & various solutions to
overcome them, ability to deal with stress & pressure
MMSE108.6 effectively & to develop a personal development plan. Creating
Activity 1: Write an article on yourself?
Activity 2: Compare your strengths and
Activity 3: Compare yourself with others?
Activity 4: What happens to you when
comparing yourself with others? Do you plan
for the future to achieve those things which
you are lacking?
Use of Brain
– Johari Window
Reasons to Get to Know Yourself Better

1. You will discover something you don’t know about

yourself- and like it.
2. You will know where your moods, attitudes and beliefs
begin-and other people’s stop.
3. You will notice more than you imagined about the rest
of the world.
4. You will laugh more. You are really quite funny.
5. You will find yourself on track to getting what you want.
Know Yourself
4 Ways to Get to Know Yourself Better
1. Introspection
2. Observation
3. Feedback-giving & receiving
4. Assessment Tools
4 Ways to Get to Know Yourself Better
1. Introspection
• Pay attention and take notes of your own
experiences, actions and reactions.

• Pay attention to how you feel inside while you

participate in a variety of activities can give you
some insight into your own behavioral

• Pay attention to your body language and note

when you feel bored and tired or interested in
a particular activity. Also note down your
personal preferences.
4 Ways to Get to Know Yourself Better
2. Observation
• In addition to what you see in yourself, the observations
of others can also be helpful.

• Some times others see behaviors in us that we don’t see,

especially when we are too involved in activities to pay

• During observation, keep in mind the following key


Situation----------------What is going on?

Specific Behavior-------What happened?
Impact------------------What is the result?
4 Ways to Get to Know Yourself Better

3. Giving and Receiving Feedback

• Feedback information can be given in a helpful or a
harmful way. Actually sharing observation is an
interpretation of reality. So, be kind and real to yourself
and to others when sharing your observations.

• Feedback from others is the impression or opinion of the

observers. Try to evaluate the feedback and think deeply
on that for yourself improvement.
4 Ways to Get to Know Yourself Better

4. Assessment Tools

• Try to use assessment tools like taking personality

tests for comprehending your personality.

• Put some structure around observations, inner

thoughts, feedback and score of the assessment tool
to make some sense out of all the information.

• Assess your positive and negative points. Start Playing

game on your strengths and trying to improve your
RIDO Scale Self Assessment

John Holland's Hexagon Model
(6 Personality Types)

The Doers

The The
Organizers Thinkers

The The
Persuaders Thinkers
Self Assessment Activity
1. Dr. Phil’s Test-Know Yourself Personality
2. Dr. Susan Personality Test
3. Dalai Lama famous Tibetan Personality
Three Great Questions for Getting to Know
Yourself Better

1. If attention were currency, where would I be

2. What will change if I pay more attention to what is
already working for me?
3. If I woke up one morning with everything I want
now, what would I do next?
Two Things to Do Today to Get to Know
Yourself Better

1. Stop at regular intervals, take a breath, and

notice all the places your body is tense,
relaxed, warm, cool or tingling.

2. Stop thinking for a moment. Turn off the

voice in your head and notice what it says
when you turn it back on again.
Know what you can
and want to do in life
Set goals for yourself
and work hard to achieve them
Strive to have fun every day
Use your creativity as a means
Of expressing your feelings
Be Sensitive
In viewing the world
Develop a sense of confidence
Be honest with yourself
and with others
Follow your heart
and adhere to your own truths
Know that the more you give
The more you will receive
Believe in yourself
and your dreams
will come true – ( Susan Polis)
Getting Self Knowledge is mandatory for us. It
purifies and closes us to Almighty Allah,
enables us to choose rightly and to choose
how we will work for a better world, not only
for the human species but for millions of other
species sharing this planet with us.

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