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Rainwater harvesting



1. Introduction
2. Literate's Review
3. Scope of the present Investigation
4. Objective.
5. Objective of Rainwater harvesting in Modern Institute Of Engineering And Technology
6. Study Area And Data collection
7. Methodology
8. Conclusion
9. References

 India has a long tradition of water harvesting. Many of the traditional water harvesting systems have either
fallen to disuse due to a variety of physical, social, economic, cultural and political factors that have caused
their deterioration, and due to the decline of institutions that have nurtured them or have lost their relevance
in the modern day context due to their inability to meet the desires of communities. While the first dimension
of the decline in water harvesting tradition has been well researched and documented, the second
dimension is much less understood and appreciated. The lack of willingness to appreciate the fact that
different periods in history are marked by the genesis, rise and fall of new water harvesting traditions, is also
very clear.
 India is one of the developing countries. Due to faster industrialization and urbanization and increase in
population water demand is increasing day by day. Rainfall in India is highly irregular. Most of it is
concentrated during a few months of the year and maximum amount flows away resulting in poor recharge of
ground water. There is significant spatial imbalance in water resource available and water demand.
Therefore, it is becoming necessary to bring water from distant places increasing the cost of conveyance. It
is also a common observation that underground water table is depleting due to uncontrolled extraction of
water. The state of Maharashtra covers an area of 307,713 square km and supports a population of 82
million. Over half of this population is in rural area which faces problems related to water. Conventional
sources like open well, bore well and piped water supplies have failed due to depleting water tables, poor
water quality and high cost involved in operation and maintenance. Every year a great amount of water is
being lost that falls on terraces, all of which finds its way to the storm water drains. Rain water harvesting can
play important role for solving the water problems.


 Rainwater harvesting means the activity of direct collection of rain water which can be
recharged in to the ground water to prevent fall of ground water level or storing in surface
or underground water tank. It is most suited in today’s context due to following reasons.
1. It is the most scientific and cost effective way of recharging the ground water and
reviving the water table.
2. It offers advantage in water quality for both irrigation and domestic use.
3. It provides naturally soft water and contains almost no dissolved minerals or salts,
arsenic and other heavy metals.
4. It can be done at individual as well as in a community level. This way we can be self-
sufficient in terms of domestic water requirements and not just dependent on the actions
initiated by government or any other local body.


Rainwater Harvesting is a simple technique of catching and holding rainwater where its falls.
Either, we can store it in tanks or we can use it to recharge groundwater depending upon the
1.1.1. Features of Rainwater Harvesting are: Reduces urban flooding.
1. Ease in constructing system in less time.
2. Economically cheaper in construction compared to other sources, i.e. dams, diversion, etc.
3. Rainwater harvesting is the ideal situation for those areas where there is inadequate
groundwater supply or surface resources.
4. Helps in utilizing the primary source of water and prevent the runoff from going into sewer
or storm drains, thereby reducing the load on treatment plants.
5. Recharging water into the aquifers which help in improving the quality of existing
groundwater through dilution.


 Dewas is the name of the city located in Madhya Pradesh. This roof water filter is
first practiced at Dewas and hence the name Dewas roof water filter. Fig.1 shows
details of Dewar roof water filter. It can be made easily using sand pebbles of
different sizes. In this two caps are provided as T1 and T2. Keep the cap T1 and T2
always closed. The T2 is used for periodical back washing of filter and cap T1 is
used for backwash drainage. Small pebbles of size 6 mm are on entry side of
rainwater. Use of medicine for water purification is made through cap T2. Do not
recharge rainwater for first two days in rainy season. Keep the roof always clean,
especially in rainy season so that quality of rain water falling on roof is not
deteriorated. The cost of this roof filter excluding connecting pipe is about Rs 800.
For average condition in Maharashtra, from 100 square metres roof area about 50
m3 of water can be percolated through this filter.

 Utilization of Rainwater for Recharging Pit

 Where there is no well or bore well in the house, total rainwater falling on the open plot can
be recharged by making recharge pit. Water flowing out of the plot can be directed to this
pit. This pit may get filled 10 to 15 times in one monsoon and can recharge water up to 200
m3. This method is effective in the area where permeability of soil is more. The capacity of
the pit may be taken up to 10m3. The percolation of water through this pit of the order of
200 m3 per annum is possible. The cost of this structure may come about Rs 7000.

 . Utilization of Rainwater for Well Recharging

 Rainwater flowing in the farm is diverted to a water collecting tank of size 6 m x 6
m x 1.5 m
 near well and a small filter pit of size 1.5 m x 1.5 m x 0.6m is made at the bottom of
large pit. Otherwise suitable pit may be excavated depending upon the availability
of space near well. Filter pit is filled with sand, pebbles larger than 20 mm and
pebbles/boulders larger than 75mm pebbles is filled in three equal layers and
connected to the well by 150 mm diameter PVC pipe and this pipe projects 0.5 to
1.0 m inside the well. The capacity of the water tank may be taken about 50 m3.
The percolation of water 400 to 1000 m3 per year is possible through this

 Utilizing of Rainwater for Bore well Recharging

 A six metre diameter collecting pit of 1.5 m depth is excavated around the bore well
casing pipe. Another small pit of 1.5 m x 1.5 m x 0.6 m depth is made at the bottom
of large pit and filled with filter media. A 75 mm diameter PVC pipe is connected to
the bore well casing pipe after first layer of 75 mm pebbles. An inverted elbow is
connected to the pipe.

 . Utilizing Roof Water to Recharge Trench

 The roof water collected can be recharged through recharge trench. Water can be
recharged throughout the year either by using used water or rainwater. This
recharge trench may get filled many times as per availability of used or rain water.
This method is effective in the area where permeability of soil is more. The
capacity of the trench may be taken up to 20 m3. The percolation of water through
this pit of the order of 100 to 200 m3 per annum is possible. The cost of this
structure may come about Rs 5000.

 Utilizing Roof Water to Collect into the Storage Tanks

 Rainwater from the roof surface is drained through gutters into storage tanks. To
prevent contamination and dust to flow into the storage tanks there is a provision of a
hand movable gutter connection which can be manually moved to divert the water out.
The rooftop is used as the collection device. Guttering generally made of PVC is used
to transport the rainwater from the roof top to the storage tanks. Storage tanks may be
either above or below the ground and should be properly covered. In apartments more
than one storage tanks can be used and they can be interconnected through
connecting pipes. The storage tanks should have provision of an adequate enclosure
to minimize contamination from human, animal or other environmental contaminants.
The end of the gutter, which connects the storage tank, should be attached with a filter
to prevent any contaminants to get into the storage tank. It is also advisable to drain
the first flow to get rid of the dust and contaminants from the roof top.


 A rainwater harvesting system comprises of components for - transporting rainwater through
pipes or drains, filtration, and tanks for storage of harvested water. The common
components of a rainwater harvesting system are:-
 Catchments: The surface which directly receives the rainfall and provides water to the
system is called catchment area. It can be a paved area like a terrace or courtyard of a
building, or an unpaved area like a lawn or open ground. A roof made of reinforced cement
concrete (RCC), galvanized iron or corrugated sheets can also be used for water harvesting
 Coarse Mesh: It prevents the passage of debris, provided in the roof.
 Gutters: Channels which surrounds edge of a sloping roof to collect and transport rainwater
to the storage tank. Gutters can be semi-circular or rectangular and mostly made locally
from plain galvanized iron sheet. Gutters need to be supported so they do not sag or fall off
when loaded with water. The way in which gutters are fixed mainly depends on the
construction of the house, mostly iron or timber brackets are fixed into the walls.

 Conduits: Conduits are pipelines or drains that carry rainwater from the catchment
or rooftop area to the harvesting system. Commonly available conduits are made
up of material like polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or galvanized iron (GI).
 First-flushing: A first flush device is a valve which ensures flushing out of first
spell of rain away from the storage tank that carries a relatively larger amount of
pollutants from the air and catchment surface.
 Filters: The filter is used to remove suspended pollutants from rainwater collected
from rooftop water. The Various types of filters generally used for commercial
purpose are Charcoal water filter, Sand filters, Horizontal roughing filter and slow
sand filter.

 Storage facility: There are various options available for the construction of these
tanks with respect to the shape, size, material of construction and the position of
tank and they are: - Shape: Cylindrical, square and rectangular. Material of
construction: Reinforced cement concrete (RCC), masonry, Ferrocement etc.
Position of tank: Depending on land space availability these tanks could be
constructed above ground, partly underground or fully underground. Some
maintenance measures like disinfection and cleaning are required to ensure the
quality of water stored in the container. If harvested water is decided to recharge
the underground aquifer/reservoir, then some of the structures mentioned below
are used.

 Recharge structures: Rainwater Harvested can also be used for

charging the groundwater aquifers through suitable structures like dug
wells, borewells, recharge trenches and recharge pits. Various recharge
structures are possible - some which promote the percolation of water
through soil strata at shallower depth (e.g., recharge trenches, permeable
pavements) whereas others conduct water to greater depths from where it
joins the groundwater (e.g. recharge wells). At many locations, existing
structures like wells, pits and tanks can be modified as recharge
structures, eliminating the need to construct any fresh structures. Some of
the few commonly used recharging methods are recharging of dug wells
and abandoned tube wells, Settlement tank, Recharging of service tube
wells, Recharge pits, Soak ways /Percolation pit, Recharge troughs,
Recharge trenches, Modified injection well.
Literature REVIEW

 V.S. Pawar-Patil, Sagar P. Mali (2013) et al. conclude that Water is scarce natural
resource, even though 71% of land is covered by water. Out of total water on the earth near
about 2.5% are fresh which is being utilized for various purposes viz. domestic, irrigation
and industrial are common. Here, an attempt has made to estimate the potential of roof rain
water harvesting in a Pirwadi village of Kolhapur district (MS), India, with geospatial
techniques. Google image of study area, global mapper and Arc Gis ver. 9.3 software were
used to identify and calculate the various types of roof areas of houses and buildings
located in the village. Rande’s coefficient of runoff index for various types of roof and Gould
and Nissen formula (1999) have been utilized for calculation of potential of roof rain water
harvesting. Analysis reveals that, the total potential of roof rain water harvesting has
estimated as 11457490.78 Lt. which would be more than enough to satisfy the total annual
drinking and cooking requirement of the people in this village. Rain water harvesting
techniques are proficiently useful to tackle down the water scarcity problem in rural areas.
Literature REVIEW

 Bhagawati P. B, Panhalkar N.M, Dr. Zende A. M. (2015) find out that The great challenge
for the coming decades will be the task of scarcity of water .The dependency on water for
future development has become a critical constraint for development. This paper presents
the best way of utilizing the stored water. Rainfall harvesting from rooftops can increase the
water supply for various uses such as constructing new infrastructure building, gardening
and artificial recharge of ground water. Performance of the rooftop rainwater harvesting
system was evaluated on the basis of three indicators reliability, resilience and vulnerability.
On the basis of these determinants the future of rain water harvesting schemes will be
assessed. The study concludes with policy recommendations related to applicability of rain
water harvesting scheme for meeting water crisis at Annasaheb Dange Engineering
College, Campus of Maharashtra. Rainwater harvesting is considered as a best alternative
to bridge the gap between the demand and supply.
Literature REVIEW

 Sharma R K (2010). Observed that the rate of consumption of most valuable natural
resource “Water” resulting in augmentation of pressures on the permitted freshwater
resources. In order to conserve and meet our daily demand of water requirement, we need
to think for alternative cost effective and relatively easier technological methods of
conserving water. Rain water harvesting is one of the best methods fulfilling those
requirements. The technical aspects of this paper are rainwater harvesting collected from
rooftop which is considered to be catchment areas from all hostels and Institutes
departmental building at N.I.T. Rourkela Campus. First of all, required data are collected i.e.
catchment areas & hydrological rainfall data. Water harvesting potential for the hostels and
faculty apartments was calculated, and the tank capacity with suitable design is being
considered. Volume of tank has been calculated with most appropriate method of
estimation. Optimum location of tank on the basis of hydrological analysis and GIS analysis
was done in the campus. Finally, Gutter design, its analysis, first flush and filtration
mechanism are also dealt with in detail.
SCOPE and objective

 Basically 100% of sea level only we can use 3% of sea surface upper water and
those 3% of 0.2% is drinking water what we can use. So, the drinking water level
decreasing also the ground water level also fall down after 10 years the ground
water is fully end. So, rainwater harvesting can help increase the ground water
level in form.
 In view of the above, the specific objectives for present study are to assess the
potential of roof rain water harvesting in Modern Institute Of Engineering And
Technology, Hooghly ,bandel.
 Modern Institute of Engineering and Technology has been selected as study area for this
work. This college extends from740 11’ 01” E Longitude to 160 39’ 17” N latitude, located in
Hooghly, Bandel, specifically the average height of the village is1965 feet above mean sea
level and it experiences monsoon type of climate. The region receives rain from south west
monsoon and average rainfall is 1025mm.
 In view of the above, the specific objectives for present study are to assess the potential of
roof rain water harvesting in Modern Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hooghly
 Basically 100% of sea level only we can use 3% of sea surface upper water and those 3%
of 0.2% is drinking water what we can use. So, the drinking water level decreasing also the
ground water level also fall down after 10 years the ground water is fully end. So, rainwater
harvesting can help increase the ground water level in form.
Study area & data collection

Serial no Building name Rooftop area (m2)

1. Main Building 2339.56  

2. Hostel 517.13  

3. Lab 921.19  

4. Diploma Building 1151.62  

5. Workshop building 632.23  

Total Rooftop Area(m2) 5561.73  



MONTH NORMAL 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

January 8 2 13 14 20 80 350
February 16 1 53 49 35 31
March 29 54 25 4 5 110
April 44 70 71 4 88 103

Rainfall (mm)
May 118 72 67 102 66 179
June 256 243 285 179 242 131 150

July 316 257 288 368 223 417 100 Normal rainfall
August 278 343 49 268 541 342 50
Septembe 287 419 72 384 119 222 0
r ry ry ch ril ay ne ly st er er er er
n ua rua ar Ap M Ju Ju ugu emb tob emb emb
October 139 106 50 94 106 40 Ja Feb M A pt Oc ov ec
Se N D
Novembe 28 13 3 155 0 1
Decembe 4 0 0 0 0 11
Total for 1523 1580 1176 1621 1445 1605
the year


 The rooftop surface area is nothing but the catchment area which receives rainfall.
Catchment areas of the hostels,, Diploma Building, Workshop laboratory
departments are measured. This measurement was done, actually with the help of
Reinforced Fiber Tape which is the simplest technique known as Tape Survey. Before
using tape, tape was checked for any zero error and also length of the tape was also
carefully checked for its accuracy. Those places which areas not accessible to land on are
measured by using the ruler from tool box of Google Earth. Given below the table for
calculated the rooftop areas of all the building suited inside the campus.

 On the basis of experimental evidence, Mr. H. Darcy, a French scientist enunciated in 1865,
a law governing the rate of flow (i.e. the discharge) through the soils. According to him, this
discharge was directly proportional to head loss (H) and the area of cross-section (A) of the
soil, and inversely proportional to the length of the soil sample (L). In other words,

 Here, H/L represents the head loss or hydraulic gradient (I); K is the co-efficient of
 Hence, finally

Similarly, based on the above principle, water harvesting potential of the catchment area was
 The total amount of water that is received from rainfall over an area is called the rainwater legacy
of that area. And the amount that can be effectively harvested is called the water harvesting
potential. The formula for calculation for harvesting potential or volume of water received or
runoff produced or harvesting capacity is given as: -

 Runoff coefficient for any catchment is the ratio of the volume of water that runs off a surface to
the volume of rainfall that falls on the surface. Runoff coefficient accounts for losses due to
spillage, leakage, infiltration, catchment surface wetting and evaporation, which will all contribute
to reducing the amount of runoff. Runoff coefficient varies from 0.5 to 1.0. In present problem
statement, runoff coefficient is equal to 1 as the rooftop area is totally impervious. Eco-Climatic
condition (i.e. Rainfall quantity & Rainfall pattern) and the catchment characteristics are
considered to be most important factors affecting rainwater Potential.

Calculation Area of catchment(m2) X Amount Of

rainfall(mm)X Runoff Coefficient
Main Building 2339.56 m2 1961.02 m3
Hostel 517.13 m2 433.46 m3
Lab 921.19 m2 772.14 m3
Diploma Building 1151.62 m2 965.29 m3
Workshop Building 632.23 m2 529.94 m3
Total 5561 m2 4661.23 m3


 Finally, we need to store the water which is obtained from the rooftop areas of the
different buildings. The volume of tank which stores the harvested water will be
directly proportional to the total volume of water harvested.
 Technically, there are two types of methods for distributing the harvested rainwater:


The Rationing method (RM) distributes stored rainwater to target public in such a way that the
rainwater tank is able to service water requirement to maximum period of time. This can be done
by limiting the amount of use of water demand per person.
Suppose in this method, the amount of water supplied to student is limited which is equal to say,
50lit/day per capita water demand
Again, Number of students at Main Building = 1400
Then, Total amount of water consumption per day = 1400x0.05 = 70m3/day
Total no. of days we can utilize preserved water = stored water/water demand For Main Building =
4380/70 = 62 days (2 Month 2 days)
Volume of water stored in tank was taken approx. = 4380 m3
For long term storage of preserved water in good condition, preserving chemical should be added.


In Rapid Depletion method, there is no restriction on the use of harvested rainwater by consumer.
Consumer is allowed to use the preserved rain water up to their maximum requirement, resulting in
a smaller number of days of utilization of preserved water. The rainwater tank in this method is
considered to be only source of water for the consumer, and alternate source of water has to be
used till next rains, if it runs dries.
For example, if we assume per capita water demand = 80 lit/day = 0.08 m3/day

Total amount of water consumption per day = 1400x0.08= 112m3/day

Total no. of days, preserved water can be utilized = stored water/water demand= 4380/112= 40
days (1 Month 10days)
Hence, finally it is observed that, if the amount of water stored is equal to 4380 m3, then applying
RDM, consumer can only utilize the preserved stored water for about 15 days,
Where as in RM, preserved stored water can be utilized for a period of 30 days (1 month).


 The total rooftop area of the MIET building available for the rainwater harvesting is 5560 sq.
m. The cumulative runoff that can be captured from the paved area is calculated using
Orissa Meteorological Department. The cumulative rainfall runoff at the end of the year is
calculated to be 4660 cubic m. The tank capacity can be estimated to be a lower value
accounting for the continuous consumption going on during period of rainfall.

 We can see that, we can obtain 4660 cubic meter of water annually. One of the
most logical steps towards this goal would be acknowledging the importance of
rainwater harvesting. This should not only encompass rooftop rainwater harvesting
but also storm water harvesting systems. Hence, an equal and positive thrust is
needed in developing and encouraging the water harvesting systems. We have to
catch water in every possible way and every possible place it falls. It can be
concluded from above findings that rainwater, if conserved and utilized using the
rainwater harvesting technology, can be an effective tool of replenishing ground
water resources. We can harvest total annually 4660 cubic meter water which is
9% of total water demand. So by using Rain water harvesting methods we can
harvest and store the rain water into ground aquifer or into percolation well.

 1. Dutta, B.N., Estimation and costing in civil engineering Book.

 2. Pacey, Arnold and Cullis, Adrian, (1989), Rainwater Harvesting:The collection of rainfall and runoff in rural areas, Intermediate
Technology Publications, London
 3. Punmia, B.C. and Jain ,Ashok, and Jain, Arun Kumar Jain, R.C.C. Designs Book.
 4. Reddy P.Sai Rukesh and Rastogi A.K., (2008), Rainwater Harvesting in hostel 12 and hostel 13 of IIT Bombay, The Indians society for
Hydraulics and Journal of Hydraulic Engineering.
 5. Garg, S.K. Table 7.31, Chapter Hydrology and runoff computation, Irrigation Engineering & Hydraulic Structure, by
 Web portal support (INTERNET)
 1. http://as.ori.nic/balangir/rainfall/pubNormaldtl.asp
 2.
 3.
 4.
 5.
 6.
 7. Google Earth

 Ankita Samanta

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