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Identify the different

functions of education
Lesson 1
Manifest and Latent Functions
of Education
Six Major
Functions of
The manifest functions are the
ones that society intends those
institutions to have. 
1. Socialization- tech student roles,
specific academic subjects and
political socialization.
Education is used to promote the
norms and values of a society from
one generation to the next.
2. Social Control-refer
to the responsibility of
the schools to teach
values to the students.
3. Social placement- school are responsible for
identifying the most qualified people to fill
available positions in the society.
Social Placement- education helps students
to discover approved statuses and roles that
will help the society’s longevity.
4. Transmitting
Culture- as a social
institution education
performs a role in
dominant culture. 
Cultural Innovation- Educational institutions are the
center of cultural innovation because they stimulate
intellectual inquiry and promote critical thinking. It
enables new ideas to develop, as well as provide bases
for new knowledge to become accepted in the
5. Promoting Social and
Political Integration
Social Integration- education is used to transmit
norms and values, it can also be regarded as a
unifying force. It promotes desired values and
ensures conformity. In cases of deviance, it
provides widely known approaches to convert.
6. Agent of change-
education can
stimulate or bring
about desired social
Functions of
The latent functions are the
ones that are not intended,
but which come about even
•Restricting some activities
•Match making
•Production of social networks
•Creation of generation gap
•Child care

Lesson 2
Functions of
1. Knowledge Acquisition – schools
lay down the foundations for structured
learning and providing students with a
range of learning tools, materials, and
interactive learning experience.

2. Skills Development – schools bring out

from the students their hidden potentials, skills,
and talents that are developed through sport and
training, and participation in co-curricular and
extracurricular activities.
3. Values Formation- schools mold the character of
students by imbibing in them the values integrated in the
courses or subjects that they take up, as well as the core
values that the school promotes though disciple and habit.

4. Socialization- schools offer a new environment, a

second home, a second family with peer groups, a second
parents with teachers. The student learns to establish
rapport, relations, and attains status recognition.
5. Life Preparation – schools prepare the student
for a life of independence, self- reliance, and
competence for an occupation or a job. Students
learn about task responsibilities and hardship in the
pursuit of goals.
Lesson 3
The functions being played by
education towards individual,
society and nation are as follows:

1. Development of inborn potentialities- Education

helps the child to develop the inborn potentialities of
child providing scope to develop.

2. All around development – Education aims at the

holistic development of child-physical, mental,
social, emotional, and spiritual.

3. Preparing for the future – after the completion

of education the child can earn its livelihood getting
proper education, which has productivity. The
education should be imparted according to the own
interest of the child.

1. Development of social and moral value- animality can be

changed with moral education. It teaches the moral value and
social value like cooperation, tolerance, sympathy, love
affection, respect towards elder, helping the poor.

2. Providing opportunity or equality- education teaches us to

give equal opportunities in all aspects irrespective of caste,
creed, color, sex and religion.

3. Social change and control – the old traditions,

customs are preserved and transmitted with the
situations, which are ever changing. Education helps to
walk with the development of science and technology.

1. Inculcation of civic and social responsibility-

Education helps to make rising generation to understand
its rights and duties as citizens of a democratic country.

2. Training for Leadership- the leadership quality of

individual is developed when he participates in all
spheres of social, political, religious, and educational

3. Total national development- Education helps

for bringing by developing its all aspects i.e.
social, cultural, spiritual, moral, educational, etc.

4. National Integration

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