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Write the BOYLE’S

LAW equation
Derive the following formula for:
What are your ideas on the
following phenomena?
1.What will happen if deep sea fish are
brought to a shallow area?
When deep-sea organisms are brought to the surface,
they encounter several serious problems. If they have
any gas space in their body, such as a swim bladder, the
gas will expand due to the pressure difference between
the deep sea and the surface and will kill the animal.
The swim bladder is a
gas-filled organ in the
dorsal coelomic cavity
of fish. Its primary
function is maintaining
buoyancy, but it is also
involved in respiration,
sound production, and
possibly perception of
pressure fluctuations
(including sound)
2. If fish are brought to the
surface, what will happen to their
inner pressure?
• If we just bring a fish straight up to the surface, the
pressure decreases (less water pressing down), so the
volume of gas in the swim bladder increases. If we
bring a fish up too quickly, the swim bladder could
actually pop inside the fish's body
3. What will happen to the volume
of gases inside their bodies?

• The pressure affects the gases in the fishes'

bodies, decreasing the volume occupied by the
gases with each increase in depth. Conversely, as
a fish rises in the water column, the decreasing
pressure causes the volume of the gases in the
body, primarily the swim bladder, to increase.
It is a known fact that the pressure under water increases due
to the weight of the water. for every 10m underwater, the
atmospheric pressure increases by 1 atm. Scuba diving
equipment provides air pressure equal to the surrounding
water pressure. This allows the diver’s lungs to function at
their normal volume, although at higher pressure. A diver
must take great care to breathe out regularly while returning
to the surface to prevent the trapped air in the lungs from
expanding. The sudden expansion of air could cause the air
sacs to burst, allowing the air bubbles to enter the
bloodstream and result in a dangerous blockage called
“bends”. Extreme cases could cause loss of consciousness,
heart attack, brain damage, and even death.
The breathing
As air flows into the lungs, the pressure in
the lungs becomes equal to the pressure of
the atmosphere, as a result, the lungs
expand. In the exhalation phase, the lungs
decrease in volume, making the pressure of
air in the lungs greater than the pressure of
air in the atmosphere. This process shows a
continuous change in the pressure and
volume in the lungs.
Identify which of the following describes Boyle’s Law. Put a
check (/) if it does and a cross (X) if it does not.
/ X
1. Lungs 11. Exhaling
/ 2. Air trapped in syringe 12. Ping pong X
3. Heating aerosol13. Tires X

4. Inflating a balloon 14. Placing

/ a balloon
X in liquid nitrogen
/ 5. Inflated balloon15. Hot air balloon X
6. Spraying aerosol
7. Pressure cooker X
8. Deflated tire
9. Baking bread
10. Hot air breeze

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