Gender and Sexuality As A Psychosocial

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This comprised by two primary aspects:
—pertains to anything associated with mental
process and behavior.
—pertains to anything associated with human
relationships connection and interaction.
Psychological Aspects
—anchor itself on the field of psychology.
—this is know how does people think and
feel and how thoughts and feelings interact
and lead to behavior.
3 Primary Psychological
1. Affect
—pertains to people’s emotions and feelings.
2. Behavior
—pertains to people’s actions, both
observable or not readily observable.
3. Cognition
—pertains to people’s thought processes
such as memory, perception, and information
Social Aspect
—primarily anchors itself on the field of
sociology and allied fieldd such as social
sociology which concerns itself with the
human person’s realities and experienced as
part of groups and institutions.
• Human female is capable of bearing a
—society interprets this capacity as
associated to womanhood.
—fulfillment of reproductive role as an
expectation among woman.
•Human male has a relatively larger
muscular-skeletal frame.
—society expects the human male to
perform the productive role
—associated this role to men.
Capabilities that both sexes can do:

• Both can perform child-rearing roles.

• Both can engage and succeed in the world of work.
• Limits are only set by social expectations.
Psychosocial Goal
—Is to understand the psychosocial aspects
of our experiences is well-being.
—State of satisfaction, meaning and purpose.
The essential elements of our
gender and sexuality is the
psychosocial dimension because
aside from upholding human
dignity and human rights, one of
the ultimate goals of our gender and
sexuality is to ensure well-being
amomg people of different genders.
And it is also to understand our
psychosocial needs and concerns as well
as various elements of psychosocial
conditions as humans is important.

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