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G10 Mathematics Teacher
Quarter 3 Week 5
Heavenly Father and Your Beloved Son Jesus Christ,
We thank you for giving us another life,
We thank you for another day.
As we go on through our lessons today,
May you make us instruments to do good things.
Please enlighten our minds,
Give us the strength to participate in our subject today.
Thank you for this opportunity to learn and serve others,
and help me to always remember the Truth of Your Glory!
In Jesus’ name. Amen
Intersection and
union of events
At the end of the lesson the students should
be able to:
a.Illustrate union and intersection of events.
b.Determine the union and intersection of two
or more events.
c.Appreciate the importance of the lesson in
the real life situations.
a) Science Lovers
b) English Lovers
c) Science and English Lovers
d) Another subject please

How many are Science Lovers? English Lovers?

Science and English Lovers?
What mathematical concept was used in the activity?

What operation in sets denotes the sum of “a” and “b”?

the number of “c”?
Intersection and
union of events
The extracurricular activities in which the class participate are shown in the
Venn diagram below:
1. How many students are in the senior
class? ______ ( U345
2. How many students participate in
athletics? ______159
3. How many students participate in drama or
band? ______ ( D U B)141
4. How many students participate in drama and
band? ______ ( D Π B )30
5. How many students participate in drama,
10Π A )
band and athletics? ______ ( D Π B
In a hospital, 240 frontliners liked to order meal for lunch. 180
ordered chicken curry and 200 ordered pork adobo. How many
frontliners liked both chicken curry and pork adobo ? How many
liked chicken curry only? How many liked pork adobo only?
A =180 B=200
𝑼 = 𝑨+ 𝑩−( 𝑨 ∩ 𝑩)
( 𝑨∩ 𝑩 )=𝟑𝟖𝟎 −𝟐𝟒𝟎 140
( 𝑨∩ 𝑩 )=𝟏𝟒𝟎
Thus, frontliners
In a hospital, 240 frontliners liked to order meal for lunch. 180
ordered chicken curry and 200 ordered pork adobo. How many
frontliners liked both chicken curry and pork adobo ? How many
liked chicken curry only? How many liked pork adobo only?
A =180 B=200
𝐴=𝑚+( 𝐴 ∩ 𝐵)𝒎=𝟒𝟎
𝑚= 𝐴−( 𝐴 ∩ 𝐵) 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒕𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒓𝒔
𝑚=180− 140 40 140 60
𝐵=𝑛+( 𝐴 ∩ 𝐵) 𝒏=𝟔𝟎
𝑛= 𝐵−( 𝐴 ∩ 𝐵)
𝑛=200 −140
It’s Your
Turn Now!
Students enrolled in a MAPEH class were grouped depending on their
skills in dancing. This is shown in the following Venn diagram.
Answer the following:
1. J Π S Π T
2. J Π S
3. S Π T
4. T Π J
5. J U S
6. S U T
7. T U J
8. How many can dance jive only?
9. How many can dance salsa only?
10.How many can dance tango only?
1. In nursing home, 95 babies were given vitamin C to strengthen
their immune system against viruses. 30 were given vitamin C of
brand A and 41 were given vitamin C of brands B. How many were
given both brands of vitamins?

2. The home for the aged resident doctor reported that 150 of
their aged residents had been experiencing fever for the last 3
days. He said that they have been given medication but still no
sign of improvement. He also added that 100 of them were
given medicine of brand Y and 89 were given medicine both in
brand Y and Z. How many of the aged residence were
given medicine of brand Z only?
In nursing home, 95 babies were given vitamin C to strengthen their
immune system against viruses. 30 were given vitamin C of brand A
and 41 were given vitamin C of brands B. How many were given
both brands of vitamins?
( 𝑨 ∩ 𝑩 )=𝟐𝟒
The home for the aged resident doctor reported that 150 of
their aged residents had been experiencing fever for the last 3
days. He said that they have been given medication but still no
sign of improvement. He also added that 100 of them were
given medicine of brand Y and 89 were given medicine both in
brand Y and Z. How many of the aged residence were
given medicine of brand Z only?

𝒁 =?

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