Study of International Teacher Training Development

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Study of International Teacher Training Development

-From the Perspective of Lesson Study & Curriculum Management-.


●Lesson Study & Curriculum Management

●Pedagogical Knowledge Content (PCK)

●Knowledge Leadership, SECI model, KJ method

●Student’s Knowledge (Individual Student Lesson Plan)

Tetsuo Kuramoto
  Yokohama National University (Japan

co-researchers in Japan
Chief Researcher Yokohama National University Tetsuo Kuramoto
① Chief Program
Nagoya University Hiroyuki Kuno

International co-researchers Nagoya University Sarkar Arani Mohammad Reza

UK Cambridge University Peter Dudley Mastuyama University Bruce Lander

Lesson Study & Aichi University of Education Ryan Anthony Gerard
USA M ills College Catherine Lewis
Curriculum Management
Farhangian Teacher Education University Khanifar Hossein Program Development Aichi University of Education Miyuki Takahashi
The Educaiton Unversity of Hong Kong CHENG, Chi Keung Eric Aichi University of Education Masataka Isobe
Hong Kong
National Institute of Education/M oE M am Chansean Fukuoka University of Education Kiyotaka Sakai
Vietnam Hanoi National University of Education Nguyen, Nam Phuong National Institute of Education Toshiya Chichibu
② Chief Empirical Project
Kazakhstani M inistory of Education Assel Sharimova Ehime University Kenji Tsuyuguchi

Singapore National Institute of Education/M oE Jiang Heng Osaka University of Education Tomoko Tamura
Lesson Study & Curriculum
Management Empirical Shiga University Yasuki Ohno
Akita Prefecture University Daisuke Ito
③ Chief Online Project Yokohama National University Yoichi Nonaka
Online Project Yokohama National University Takehiro Wakimoto

• Our project study aims to corroborate to develop an “International Teacher

Training network”

• and contribute to improve teachers’ quality and school systems from the
comparative perspective of teacher education internationally. (Phase1-4, PDCA).

• Firstly ( Phase 1&2, Plan & Do, 2021-2012, ) , Japan team will develop the
“teacher training program” from the point of view of lesson study and curriculum

• which doesn’t’ only mean “subject teaching lesson study”, but also “whole
school organizational improvement”.
Phase 1. (Plan): Lesson Study & Curriculum Management Program Development


Phase 4. Action Phase 4. Action
:the program Asia :the program
improvement improvement

Phase 2. (Do): Direct conduct L ・ S & C ・ M ( with online training )

Phase 3. Check: Empirical study regarding the effectiveness of L ・ S & C ・ M

Study of International Teacher Training Development

-From the perspective of Lesson Study & Curriculum Management-.

( Phase 1-4 ・ PDCA Cycle)

Research Methods and Research Questions

• Secondly (Phase 3. Check 2021-2012), we would like to prove the

effectiveness of the program, after the teachers have done the program,

• with the quantitative research(questionnaires), and qualitative research

(semi-structured interviews) as the empirical researches.

• Also, tentative empirical framework is below.

Phase 3. Check: Empirical study regarding the effectiveness of L ・ S & C ・ M

School culture/System

・ growth of students

School Improvement F2
Intellectual Capital Effectiveness of ・ empowerment of  
LS & CM Curriculum   teachers
program School Improvement Management
・ development of

・ partnership with
community & parents
SECI model
Lesson Study

The effectiveness of program for school Improvement

Conclusion (Phase 4. Action)

• Finally, as a result (2023), we internationally discuss our results of the

programs to improve our teacher education in each country,

• especially, from the perspective of lesson study, curriculum

management and school improvement, which has the factors 1,2,3.
1. (Plan):
ture Review
Curriculum Management with Lesson Study
(MEXT /Central Council for Education, 2016).

1) It is required to approach common educational content for

students from the interrelation of each subject, and to systematically develop
integrated curriculum based on school goals.

2) To establish a PDCA cycle the following are required, a planned series of steps,
check and action, formulate curriculum, practice, evaluate and improve, for
developing teaching skills based on examinations concerning the conditions of the
whole school, and various data for improving the quality of school education.

3) It is required to effectively manage the common educational content, human and

material internal resources in the school, as well as utilizing external resources in
the community.
1. (Plan):
ture Review

(“Input and Output Theory” of “Curriculum Management”)

1. (Plan):
ture Review Teachers’ Knowledge Management ≒ School Management
                 (Curriculum Management)

Knowledge Leadership
(Leadership of Lesson Study )

Lesson Study

Lesson Pre-
Plan Meeting

Improvement (SECI model)

After Lesson
Meeting Class
1. (Plan):
ture Review
Knowledge Leadership≒Curriculum Management

(Nonaka SECI, Ba and Leadership: a Unified Model of Dynamic Knowledge Creation, p2)
1. (Plan):
ture Review

Lesson Study with Knowledge Creation Process (SECI Model) and Knowledge Leadership
young teachers
●Experienced teachers + (able to keep rules)
students (S)

●A large school
●Busy schedules
having difficulty
Meaning Materials Internalization Combination
causing a perception
gap among teachers - associating
with others
Teachers’ (I) (C)
Knowledge Assets
Teachers’ Culture Students’ Culture Experiential Conceptual SECI /Lesson Study
Knowledge Knowledge
Ba /School Culture
Assets Assets Achievement
Set up Ba and give energy Routine Systematic Promote the Process of SECI
Knowledge Knowledge
●Distribution of leadership as a
●Precisely understanding the site and Assets Assets   facilitator   (Distributed leadership)
making judgments
●Awareness of knowledge creating a
●Management of adjustment of the site
(Communication, time and cost, and
Define and Redefine   spiral

others) Knowledge Vison ●Management of promotion

  (Quality, procurement, risk and others)
Consider and practice education suited to
students currently


(Kuramoto & Komuro 2017)

1. (Plan):
ture Review Structure of Curriculum Leadership Theory
Principal’s Curriculum Leadership Sch ool Ma n a gem en t
Mission a n d Vision
T Educational
Distribute Facilitating B T
O Leadership
Leadership U Communication O O
P on
on P between Teachers T P
T School
Curriculum D & and Principal
O D Management
Issues O D M
Opinions O
N on Curriculum U
W & Instruction N
Curriculum BOTTOM U P
Class room
Coordinator’s U P & DOWN Teacher
-F ost er in g Tea ch er ’s
P r ofession a l Cu lt u r e
& Colla bor a t ion
-Tea ch in g
-Curriculum Design St u den t s
-E du ca t ion a l Lea dersh ip
-Managing Lesson Study -Cu r r icu lu m
& Stuff Meeting -Coa ch in g sk ill Im plem en t a t ion
(Kuramoto & Moriyama 2014)
1. (Plan): . Input and Output Theory of Curriculum Management
ture Review
Black Box (Knowledge Leadership) Output (Result)

Curriculum Lesson Study

Philosophy, (SECI model)
Individual Teacher Student’s
Goal. (Internalization) Academic
Teacher’s Team
(Socialization) Student’s
(Externalization) Personal Growth
School Theory
(Combination) Teacher’s

Knowledge Empowerment
of Teacher’s
Leadership skills

School Mission,
Vision, Strategy. Teacher’s
Parents &
Assets Community
School Culture Involvement
Phase 2. (Do): KJ method (Knowledge Creation Process /SECI Model)
M Plus Area
( or online training )

Active discussion Question


Attitude of students
Black board

Minus Area
Picture: Educational center of Ibaragi (Miyashita 2013)
Phase 2. (Do):
( or online training )

Lesson Study in Japan

Phase 2. (Do):

( or online training )

Picture: Educational center of Ibaragi (Miyashita 2013)

Phase 2. (Do):

( or online training )

Picture: Educational center of Ibaragi (Miyashita 2013)

Phase 2. (Do):
( or online training )
Combination & Internalization

Picture: Educational center of Ibaragi (Miyashita 2013)

Phase 2. (Do):
( or online training )


Leadership for
School Goals
Lesson Study

At the beginning of AY (2014


Internalization Third SECI

First SECI model Second SECI model

Figure 3-2. The structure of Combination & Internalization in Lesson Study
(Kuramoto et al., 2014, p31/modified.)
Phase 2. (Do):
Lesson study Spiral with SECI model
( or online training ) 4th SECI

Creation of “BA” New School management
3rd SECI
model curriculum and strategies
S I teaching E (Curriculum
strategies Management)
2nd through LS
SECI model
Reorganize the
I individual C
lesson study
1st Individual
SECI model
teacher’s own
lesson study in C
the each team
lesson study as
Leadership for a whole school
School Goals I at the E C
& beginning of
Lesson Study school year Promotion of SECI cycle
Goals/Hypothesis (Knowledge leadership)

At the beginning of AY (2014
Spiral of SECI model
Komuro & Kuramoto 2017
Phase 2. (Do): Structure of School Management ,Curriculum Management and Lesson Study
M MBCO 1 MBCO part2 Management By Curriculum Objects part3
( or online training ) Mission Vision, Strategy Plan, Implementation, Evaluation, Improvement
Community Management of School Curriculum Design
& Parents Organization Structure (Curriculum Philosophy)

・ Teachers jobs for School    Classroom Management Plan
National Curriculum

・ School Nurse Room  


School Educational Goals

Prefecture Curriculum Goals
Teacher’s Student’s
・ School Grade Team

Out Put of CM ( LS) = SI

Needs Needs
School District Curriculum Goals

School Lesson Study

・ Class Room Management
・ Others CG & TS by Teacher’s Innovation
Principal Leadership Lesson Plan
Teacher’s Teaching Activities
Management of
Budgets and Info

School Evaluation System

・ School Secretary
Budget Manager
・ School Information Lesson Study
Knowledge Management
Administrative CM by Professional Learning
External Collaboration Community
School Culture & Knowledge Leadership
(Collaboration in the school)

Kuramoto 2014
Phase 2. (Do):
L・S&C・ 5th level: Educational sociology
( or online training ) 3

4th level: Educational Administration & Law

3rd level:   School Management

2nd level: Curriculum Development

-Action Research-

1st level: Teaching Instruction

-Action Research-

Kuramoto 2014
<Objectives> Equip teachers with knowledge and skills for appropriate school management and promotion of characteristic teaching activities and to train teachers to be the core of individual school and community as "a teacher with
continuous learning"
<Contents> Goal for training "teachers who can continue learning" and improve overall independent abilities for solutions and management, coping systematically with problems and difficulties which individual schools confront

Phase 2. (Do): Stage

StageⅠ[ education – employment ]
a teacher who is equipped with a basic years experience ]
constant improvement in quality and specialty through stages of education, employment and training
Stage Ⅱ[ starting rank – several
Stage Ⅲ [to ten-year training course]
Stage Ⅳ[ from mainstay ]
heightened specialty as a member of a team
Stage Ⅴ[ from veteran ]

L・S&C・ Middle Top leader

Quality and specialty playing a role with a wider perspective in both the school and community
attitude of continuous learning and meet only a teacher with basic attitude as a teacher acquisition of teaching specialty with expanded school or a middle leader, deepening
requirements for employment by Nagoya City but also a class teacher gaining comprehensive practical ability cooperation or collaboration, and exerting
and Aichi Prefecture to start working capability propulsive force 1. veteran teachers 2. managerial position

Initial teacher

Quality of teachers
Sense of mission complying with laws with a sense of mission as a public service teacher

M Human relationship

Pedagogical Love
having a deep understanding of human growth and a keen sense of human rights and building a trusting relationship with infants, school children, teachers, parents and guardians, and communities

with the respect to communities and having great pride as a teacher, showing pedagogical love to infants and young school students Principal
( or online training )
Teaching of subjects-fields an attitude of self-improvement of specialized knowledge in subjects and fields, including moral education, special activities and integrated study, and the capability of independent learning

Well-educate d having knowledge to cope with social changes and wide-ranging cultural education with broad perspectives

capable of setting up and the appropriate ability to perform and contrive class
capable of conducting appropriate
capable of preparation and performance of performance of learning plans in accordance teaching and supporting and advising, guiding teachers in school for the
Understanding of capable of preparation of teaching models examinations, modification and improvement of
teaching plans based on the guidelines for the with guidelines for the course of study and the regarding teaching classes, to teachers in improvement in class teaching to further
contents of specialized based on teaching plans and performance of teaching plans with overall perceptions on
course of study, considering teaching managements plans and teaching policies of the school for the improvement in promote specialty and to reduce overall
subjects class teaching various learning problems of subject depending
procedures school various issues in overall school teaching school problems
on schools and grades
and also in a specialty subject

capable of understanding meanings and capable of reconstructing learning materials

Comprehension of actual capable of learning specialized knowledge ability to provide support and advice supervising the improvement of teaching
necessities of conducting studies on learning capable of conducting appropriate examinations and/or tools to adjust to actual situations of
states and setting up regarding teaching plans and utilizing that based on their specialized knowledge to materials and tools based on their
materials which meet students' needs for on learning materials to achieve teaching goals school children and to correct teaching plan
goals (Plan 1) knowledge to enhance teaching material study improve teaching materials and tools specialized knowledge
understanding procedures

Preparation of teaching not only learning basic and fundamental skills

1Ability/knowledge of lesson teaching
deeply understanding teaching units (theme)
not only relating goals to teaching contents and ability to set up an overall plan for each
ability to support and advise, not only
clarifying meanings of teaching plan
guiding not only with clarifying meaning
of preparation of teaching plans based What is teacher’s knowledge (PCK ) ?
Ability of class teaching
regarding contents, guidance, and assessments assessments, but also being able to prepare teaching unit (theme) focusing on the preparation based on individual school on individual school policies, but also
plan and assessment and materials, and being able to prepare
of the guidelines for the course of study, but teaching models with clear plans and methods development and learning level of school teaching policies, but also understanding with comprehension of problems in
plan (Plan 2) teaching unit (theme) plans with clear goals
also understanding the forms of teaching plans for assessment children various issues of teaching in individual individual school teaching and for the
schools to improve teaching plans improvement of teaching plans

not only comprehension of actual states

playing a role not only of comprehension
learning and acquiring skills of how to talk, able to develop a teaching lesson according to of individual teachers regarding their
Perceptions of teaching learning and acquiring skills of approach (asking capable of writing on blackboards, focusing of actual states of individual teachers,
write on a blackboard and how approach to development and learning level of school class teaching, but also able to give
skills and forms (Plan 3) questions, instructions and explanations) students' flow of understanding and thinking but also of guidance for the improvement
students children appropriate support and advice to them
of class teaching
for the improvement of class teaching

ability to appropriately evaluate class play a role to appropriately evaluate

Guidance and
understanding meaning of classroom lesson for capable of asking a question which can elicit capable of asking proper questions with a deep capable of performing a model workshop class lessons which each teacher performs, class lessons which each teacher
assessment during class
school children to acquire scholarly ability diverse opinions from students understanding of the thinking flow of students for in/outside the school and to promote teachers' motivation by performs and to motivate teachers with
giving them support and advice instructions

Check and Action

able to understand the importance of
preparation in evaluation criteria based on
able to prepare evaluation criteria based on
able to reexamine skills and goals that teachers able to improve class teaching on their own
want students to acquire, and reconstruct
able to set up concrete schemes
through observing multiple teachers' classroom regarding in-school systems for the
play a role in presenting and conducting
concrete schemes regarding in-school
systems for the improvement of class
Teacher’s Knowledge Management
(Teacher’s competency and standard)
goals evaluation criteria and teaching contents lessons improvement of class lessons
Creating a culture of continuous learning for teachers

able to consider the importance of playing a role to promote effective

training human resources, and being able development in human resources, with
Human resources understanding the importance of continuous able to improve practical skills through able to promote environmental improvement for
able to consult and share points of uncertainty to improve the environment for effective consideration of the importance of
development and learning, attentively listening to others' advice consulting and sharing points of uncertainty and mutual support, sharing problems and troubles
and troubles development in human resources human resources development,
leadership and making efforts to improve themselves troubles and supporting each other
focusing on experience of individual according to individual teachers'
teachers experiences and characteristics
Specialty of teachers

able to understand individual teachers'

understanding individual teachers' roles
roles and capacities, to promote
able to work collaboratively as a member of an listening to coworkers, senior and managerial capable of promoting a teacher group, which and capacities, promoting collaborative
Cooperation as a team collaborative organization and to prepare
able to work collaboratively in various groups organization through teaching practice and persons with modesty, and being capable to has the same direction for the goal, as a head systems and establishing measures for
with co-workers policies for schools, families,
volunteer activities actively participate in the organization teacher of a grade or a division systems which collaborate with families,

2. Ability/knowledge of management skills

communities related organizations and
communities and related organizations
collaborative organizations

Cooperation and

Teaching knowledge by Lesson Study

collaboration with
understanding necessity to build harmonious able to establish networks to achieve
parents, gradians and understanding the importance of cooperation able to build harmonious relationships with able to prevent and solve problematic behaviors play a role to enhance the system with
relationship with parents and guardians, and cooperation and collaboration with
institutions outside and collaboration with parents and guardians, parents and guardians, and communities based through cooperation and collaboration with establishment in a cooperative and
other organizations, providing information to parents and guardians, communities and
school (establishment of and other organizations on cooperation and collaboration various related organizations collaborative network
Management skills

them various related organizations

communities with the
school as the core)

Taking advantage of

Teaching and management knowledge

when solving problems in a class or a grade, able to effectively utilize available play a role to effectively utilize available
capacity to find a countermeasure for troubles having a full understanding of necessary
resources (human, being capable of finding necessary resources determining effective resources for problems resources which they have in/outside resources which they have in/outside
when they are involved in a diverse variety of resources for solutions of class problems,
things, events, and taking advantage of various resources overall school and teaching activities and school to promote systems and to school, to promote systems and to
problem-solving while they are university learning how to take advantage of methods
information, time and in/outside school, such as different types of utilizing them provide appropriate support and advice provide appropriate guidance to other
students with resources
funds) schools and communities to other teachers teachers

able to establish a cooperative system

with schools, families, communities and
play a role to establish cooperative
systems with schools, families,
communities and various related
by Curriculum Management
various related organizations regarding
able to adopt appropriate measures for risk able to plan and conduct training sessions organizations regarding risk management
Risk managements and able to learn basic knowledge regarding school able to learn necessary knowledge for risk risk management and safety
management and safety management for the regarding risk management and safety and safety management in the school, to
safety management security and risk avoidance management and safety management management in the school, and to
class management of the school determine and conduct appropriate
determine and conduct appropriate
countermeasures in emergency, to

Student Guidance is also teacher’s knowledge

countermeasures in emergency,
comprehend the management system
comprehending the management system
and to deal with the aftermath
Team School: System
correspondence toward
problems of education at
able to make continuous effort to gain always being cautious about the latest
present (Information and able to have appropriate knowledge and
able to actively learn basic knowledge and able to make efforts to exert support and able to plan, prepare and conduct training the latest information regarding present information to enforce systematic
Communication understanding as an organization, to a certain
understanding of problems in education at guidance for children regarding problems in sessions and report meetings regarding present educational issues and to enforce correspondence with the school
Technology, ICT, career level, regarding problems in education at
present education at present educational issues systematic correspondence with the regarding problems in education at
education, human rights, present
school present
social integration,
Education for Sustainable
Development, ESD)

able to provide teachers with support playing a role to establish promotion

able to understand the importance of respecting able to provide flexible and appropriate aiming to understand that individual students act
able to provide systematic and deliberate and advice including preventive systems in enhanced cooperation with
individual characteristics and personality of measures, understanding diverse children independently and being able to systematically
Student guidance guidelines for students with an aim of measures along with the construction of related institutions, and to provide
students through meeting a diverse variety of through teaching practice and experiences of correspond with them in accordance with
Ability of corresponding to students

understanding a diverse variety of children a promotion system in enhanced guidance to teachers, including
children volunteer activities student guidance policies
cooperation with related institutions preventive measures

3. Ability/knowledge of Student Guidance

capability to actively talk to children, learning
understanding of the importance of attentive
grasping situations regarding the class, grade understanding of students with consideration of
able to provide teachers with appropriate
and concrete support and advice, where
play a role to provide appropriate
Understanding of school how to provide appropriate actions with and measures, being able to actively consult guardians' thoughts and family background, guidance for individual teachers to act
listening and being able to provide proper individual teachers are involved with
children consideration to concerns of surrounding with coworkers, senior and managerial being capable of instructing students to have properly, being involved with school
support based on educational needs of students school children on all fronts in/outside
situations persons, and to provide proper support mutual understanding between students children on all fronts in/outside school

Responding to

Isobe & Kuramoto 2016

community issue
making continuous effort to gain the
education: non-Japanese able to acquire, based on local characteristics, play a role, making continuous effort to
able to provide correspondence, to a certain latest information regarding community
education, scientific knowledge and understanding in non-Japanese able to make an effort to exert support and able to plan and prepare training sessions and gain the latest information regarding
level, based on appropriate knowledge and issue education and being capable of
monozukuri education education, scientific monozukuri education guidance for children regarding community report on meetings regarding community issue community issue education, to send and
understanding regarding community issue sending and spreading the information to
(productive activities) (productive activities) and problem-solving issue education education spread the information to the overall
education the overall school, and also to provide
and problem-solving education school and also to guide teachers
education (education in support and advice for teachers
Phase 2. (Do): What should the Mikawa region Consider regarding Disaster Prevention Measures? (Social Studies
L・S&C・ for 6th grade)
M Individual Student Script
( or online training )
  for PSL

To understand each student’s idea

for the lesson study (before the lesson).

In individual student scripts, to

understand each student’s cognition and
all students’ learning structures for a
successful lesson study.

(Problem-Solving Learning )

Yellow sampling student

The consciousness that the extension of disaster
prevention measures is required.
The consciousness that citizens’ consciousness
of disaster prevention and preparation for
disaster are important.
Children’s consciousness of whether there is
anything that they can do for Okazaki City and
its citizens.
Phase 2. (Do): The structure of problem-solving learning (student-centered)
L・S&C・ at the research school of AUE
M Individual Student LP
( or online training )

Input(before the lesson) Black Box (during the lesson) Output (after the lesson)

1. development of sample students

2. how to handle students’ ideas

by the teacher

3. students who are deeply engaged

4. flexible lesson with students’


5. class room culture by students

and teacher

The lesson strategy (Zasekihyo)

how to understand individual students
Improving teacher’s skills of
(cognition, sensibility, and life reality) lesson study
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