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Part I
• PowerPoint is a program that is
included in the Microsoft
Office suite. It is used to make
presentations for personal and
professional purposes.
•The program was created in a software
company named Forethought, Inc. by
Robert Gaskins and Dennis Austin.
•It was released on April 20, 1987, and
after 3 months of its creation, it was
acquired by Microsoft.
•The first version of this program, when
introduced by Microsoft was MS
PowerPoint 2.0 (1990).
•It is a presentation-based program that
uses graphics, videos, etc. to make a
presentation more interactive and
•The file extension of a saved Powerpoint
presentation is “.ppt”.
•A PowerPoint presentation comprising
slides and other features is also known as
•Gradually, with each version, the
program was more creative and
more interactive. Various other
features were added in PowerPoint
which massively increased the
requirement and use of this MS
Office program.
What is Powerpoint?

•PowerPoint (PPT) is a powerful,

easy-to-use presentation graphics
software program that allows you
to create professional-looking
electronic slide shows.
What is Powerpoint?

•A combination of various slides

depicting a graphical and visual
interpretation of data, to present
information in a more creative and
interactive manner.
What is a slide show in a
PowerPoint presentation?
•When all the slides of a
PowerPoint presentation are set in
series and then presented to a
group of people, where each slide
appears one after the other, is a set
pattern, this is known as a
PowerPoint slide show.
The following elements can
be added to a Powerpoint
•Clip Art •Charts
•Graphs •Media Clips
•Tables •Videos
Ten simple rules
for effective
presentation slides
Ten simple rules for effective
presentation slides
•Rule 1: Include only one idea
per slide
Each slide should have one
central objective to deliver—the
main idea or question.
Ten simple rules for effective
presentation slides
•Rule 2: Spend only 1 minute
per slide
When you present your slide in
the talk, it should take 1 minute
or less to discuss.
Ten simple rules for effective
presentation slides

•Rule 3: Make use of your heading

When each slide conveys only one
message, use the heading of that
slide to write exactly the message
you are trying to deliver.
Ten simple rules for effective
presentation slides
•Rule 4: Include only essential
While you are speaking,
audience members’ eyes and
minds will be wandering over
your slide.
Ten simple rules for effective
presentation slides
•Rule 6: Use graphics
As a rule, you should almost
never have slides that only
contain text.
Ten simple rules for effective
presentation slides
•Rule 7: Design to avoid cognitive
The type of slide elements, the
number of them, and how you present
them all impact the ability for the
audience to intake, organize, and
remember the content.
Ten simple rules for effective
presentation slides
•Rule 8: Design the slide so that a
distracted person gets the main
It is very difficult to stay focused on a
presentation, especially if it is long or
if it is part of a longer series of talks at
a conference.
Ten simple rules for effective
presentation slides
•Rule 9: Iteratively improve slide
design through practice
Well-designed slides that follow the
first 8 rules are intended to help you
deliver the message you intend and in
the amount of time you intend to
deliver it in.
Ten simple rules for effective
presentation slides

•Rule 10: Design to mitigate the

impact of technical disasters
•The real presentation almost
never goes as we planned in our
heads or during our practice.
Creative and
•Advanced use of PowerPoint
includes adding visual interest
to your presentation that will
grab the audience's attention
through custom animations
and transitions.
•Features such as effects and
sounds, layered instructions,
and narrated and timed
presentations allow presenters
to polish their slides at a
professional level.
5 Advanced PowerPoint tips for
awesome presentations
•1. Create a master slide
Using PowerPoint's master slide
section allows you to be consistent
throughout your entire presentation.
Apply your logo, set your font sizes
and colors, and create background
styles all in one place.
5 Advanced PowerPoint tips for
awesome presentations
2. Use the Selection Pane to manage
multiple boxes.
Using his tool is great for testing
animations and hiding elements you don't
need at the moment. By clicking the small
eyeball on the right side, you can
temporarily hide an object from view.
5 Advanced PowerPoint tips for
awesome presentations
3. Make super smooth transitions with the
Morph tool
Morph transitions are more than just a
"slide in from right" option. They allow
you to dynamically move individual
objects on the slide in whatever way you'd
like, and even animate multiple objects
5 Advanced PowerPoint tips for
awesome presentations
4. Dive deeper with the Zoom option
This method allows me to have a slide
that acts as an overview slide with
multiple subjects. As slides advance,
PowerPoint will zoom into the slide
thumbnail as if zooming into a deeper
layer of the slide.
5 Advanced PowerPoint tips for
awesome presentations
5. Fine-tune your presentation with
Presenter Coach
The Presenter Coach is available in the
online version of PowerPoint, provided you
are using a compatible browser. Once you
have access to the Presenter Coach, it can
help you with everything from your
delivery to your timing.
Importance of PPT
PowerPoint allows presenters to
translate complex ideas, facts, or
figures into easily digestible visuals.
Visual representations of information
activate the right hemisphere of the
brain, which allows viewers to
interpret, expound, and engage with
what they're seeing.
Thank You!

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