A Detailed Explanation-What's A Skeletal System ?: - by Calvin

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A Detailed

What's a Skeletal
System ?

-By Calvin
• The skeletal system is also called the bone
•  It is composed of bones and cartilages, which
are connected by joints.
•   The skeletal system provides structure and
support to the body, allowing movement and
What's a protecting organs. 
Skeletal • It also produces new blood cells, stores minerals
System ? and produces hormones. 
• The bones of the skeletal system are classified
into different categories: long bones
• short bones
•  flat bones 
•  irregular bones.
• There are 206 bones in the adult human body and
they can be categorized into four types: long, short,
flat, and irregular. Long bones, such as the femur in
the thigh, are longer than they are wide and serve
as levers for movement.
•  Short bones, such as those found in the wrist and
What and ankle, are roughly equal in length and width and
provide stability and support. 
How ? • Flat bones, such as those in the skull and ribcage,
protect internal organs and provide attachment
points for muscles.
•  Irregular bones, such as the vertebrae in the spine,
have unique shapes and serve various functions in
the body.
• Additionally, bones are made up of
bone tissue, which is a dynamic and
living tissue that is constantly being
broken down and rebuilt through a
process called remodeling. This
process allows bones to adapt to the
Remodeling mechanical stresses that are placed
upon them and to maintain their
integrity over time. The skeletal system
works in conjunction with other organ
systems, such as the muscular system,
to enable movement and overall bodily
Thank you 
-BY Calvin

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