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Michelle Abrenilla
Alvencent B. Aleligay

Nadia L. Bidara

Kelvin Jay A. Buendia

Background of the Study
 Consumer behavior is defined in traditional economics as
how a consumer spends a certain amount of money on
various combinations of goods or services in order to
enhance their happiness. In order to attain wealth, peace,
and happiness in this world and the next, Islam as a
comprehensive way of life acts to govern and constrain
human conduct as consumers.
Theoretical Framework
 The researchers have sought the use of one theory for this study which
is Economic Theory of Segmentation and Durkheim Theory.
 Economic Theory of Segmentation describes how a company offering
a homogenous product in a market with heterogeneous demand may
make the most money.
 This demonstrates that the company may obtain optimal profitability
utilizing customers' marginal reactions to pricing and price elasticity.

Conceptual Framework
 The conceptual framework being used is visual presentation and concept map
wherein the study's relationship between phenomena and variables is shown.
The study offered empirical evidence to prove the relationship between
variables. The concept map have multiple variables that affect one another. In
the segmentation and profiling of Muslim consumers, it is described as Muslim
consumers having a heteregeneous demand of a homogeneous product.
Statement of the Problem

 The study will sought to find out the profile and segmentation of Muslim Consumers

in the City of Koronadal.

Specifically, it will sought to answer the following questions.


1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of Socio-demographic

2. What is the level of religious acceptance of Muslims? 

3. What is the consumption pattern of Muslim Consumers’ in terms of:

4. What are the different segments of Muslim Consumers’ based on their religious

5. What is the profile of the different segment in terms of demographic data and
consumption pattern?
Significance of the Study
This study aims to segment and profile the Muslim consumers towards their religion
acceptance and consumption. The study is significant to the following:

Academe. It is significant to the academe to know the buying behavior of Muslim

students inside the institution.

Business Establishments. This study is also significant to business establishments in

order for them to know potential customers with similar needs and behaviors.

Business Owners. This research is very important to business owners in order for them

to identify what are products needed to distribute especially to community which is

dominant in Muslim groups.

Future Researchers. It will assist the future researchers when it comes to determining

what influences a Muslim consumer's purchasing.

Scope and Limitation
 This aims to know the different factors of consumption pattern in the
Muslim consumers. The respondents of this study are Muslims
living in Koronadal City.
 This is a quantitative descriptive-correlational design utilizing test
variables: Segmentation and Profiling of Muslim Consumers,
Religious Acceptance (Segmenting Variable), and Consumption
Pattern (Variable).
 This study has limitations, which is time constraints, conflicts
arising from cultural biases, and limited access to relevant
information, but future researchers can continue to solve the main
Research Design
 It is the best tool for researching Koronadal customers' purchasing behavior.
This technique obtains data by sampling a population and using
questionnaires as the primary data collection tool.
 This study's respondents include Muslims who live in Koronadal City and
Muslims who have activities in Koronadal City. The researchers will
conduct an explanatory survey to investigate the purchasing behaviors of
Koronadal City Muslim Consumers.
Figure 2: Map of Koronadal City
Respondents, Sample Size and Sampling
 The purpose of this study is to identify the factors that cause the problem of the
availability of options when buying that is permitted for Muslim consumers.
Among the number of 195,398 residents in Koronadal City, the researchers will
survey a Muslim resident of Koronadal City has buying and selling activities
since they are the focus of the study.
A sample of any given size provides more information about a smaller

population than a larger one, so there’s a ‘correction’ through which the

number given by Cochran’s formula can be reduced if the whole population is
relatively small. The population of shoppers is unknown; the sample size will
be derived using the Cochran’s formula:

n=Z2 [p (1-p)]/e2
 Where n = number of samples, Z = the value from the normal distribution
table corresponding to a desired level of confidence (95%), which is 1.96,
P(1-p) = maximum data variability and e = error tolerance.
Research Instruments
 Online survey questionnaires are personal but structured surveys. It aims to
identify the segmentation and profiling of Muslims’ specifically in Koronadal

Data Gathering Procedure

 Online survey questionnaires are personal but structured surveys. It aims to
identify the segmentation and profiling of Muslims’ specifically in Koronadal
Statistical Tools and Treatment of Data
This table shows the summary of the researchers’ statistical
tool. The number 1 is frequency distribution to display the
data gathered of personal information of the respondents in
the table.
The statistical tool for numbers 2, 3, and 4 is Likert Scale to
measure the level of influence and preferences towards
product quality.

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