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Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion
Step 1. After initial brainstorming, enumerate all GENERAL
TOPICS your group hopes to consider:

1. Factors Affecting the decisions of Grade 12 Student in choosing a career choice.

2. The effects of Social Media platforms on the mental well-being of a Grade 7
3. Grade 11 Student s common errors in writing intervention program.
4. Academic performance of Grade 10 Students in Sudlon National High School in
1st quarter and 2nd quarter.
5. Incorporating Cross-Peer Tutoring in Developing the Reading Skills of Grade 7
Students in Sudlon National High School.
Step 2. Of the topics listed in step 1, decide on one topic that
you want to work on. Once you have already chosen the best
topic based on your judgment, formulate a research title
about it.

Incorporating Cross-Peer Tutoring in Developing the Reading Skills of

Grade 7 Students in Sudlon National High School
Step 3. List down at least 5 reasons of choosing your topic among
the other 7 listed options. Make sure these reasons will strengthen
the need of conducting your study.

1. The researchers discovered that the Grade 7 students are in need of assistance in
terms of reading since they are the product of the COVID-19 pandemic.
2. This is the primary concern of Grade 7 students in Sudlon National High School.
3. The researchers seek to support such students and provide assistance to
individuals who are non-readers.
4. It greatly aids in advancing their reading development.
5. It enhances their likelihood of learning, which could result in better grades.
Step 4. Go online. Look for KEY LITERATURE OR STUDIES that can
support the development of your chosen research topic. Present at least
five (5) sources in APA bibliographical format. Make sure to use valid
sources of data and not just from random site.


4. 5.https
Step 5. What type of research will you be doing? Explain.

Quantitative Correlational Research

Step 6. What method do you intend to use in gathering your data? Explain.

The researchers uses the ORV or Oral Reading Verification and Cross-Peer
Tutoring as a method to gather the data. The ORV will be used by the
researchers in order for them to identify those students who experience
difficulties in reading and needs to be assisted, after identifying who are the
students who needs help, the Cross-Peer Tutoring will be used to serve as a
help to improve the reading skills of the students.
Step 7. How do you plan to analyze your data? Explain.

The randomly selected Grade 7 students from SNHS/Sudlon National High

School will participate the ORV, then the researchers will identify those
students who will be classified as a slow, moderate and fast reader, after that
the researchers will set a date when to conduct the Cross-Peer Tutoring
especially to those students who classified as a slow reader. After the Cross-
Peer Tutoring the researchers will conduct again an ORV which will serve as
an Assessment to see if there is an improvement in their reading skills.
Step 8. Kindly indicate the key persons who are possibly involved in your

Research Adviser Mrs. Virginia L. Jaca

Ms. Jessa M. Desoyo

Research Consultant/s


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