Group Therapy Center For Mental Health by Slidesgo

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Adult survivors of physical

•For the presentation, the group selected is adult survivors of physical abuse

•The primary reason for selecting this group is because of the high prevalence of physical abuse survivors who need support today

•The presentation will explore the population that would be serving, which includes individuals of different cultural backgrounds

•The group will have ten sessions a week

•The number of participants will be 10 per group

•The primary goal of the counseling groups is to provide a safe space for individuals to develop coping skills, promote healing as well as

share their experiences

•The theoretical approaches include trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy

•The screening questions that will be explored in the presentation will aid in examining the group members' sustainability
Group type
•The group selected is adult survivors of physical abuse

•Abuse is regarded as emotional or physical nonconsensual harm that is perpetrated on a group or

a person

•Reports suggest that one in four women and one in nine men often encounter physical abuse from

their partner ‌(NCADV, 2011)

•The primary reason for selecting survivors of abuse is that the experience has a long-lasting

negative impact on their physical and mental health

•Group counseling can be instrumental in providing a supportive setting for growth and healing
Population serving

•This group will serve adult physical abuse survivors of different ethnic and cultural


•The cultural consideration that will be taken into consideration is the effect of culture on a

person's experience of abuse as well as healing from trauma

•Some of the special group who will be considered is disabled persons and immigrants

•Another special group is individuals belonging to the LGBTQ community

Length of session and number of

•The group will have up to ten participants

•the group will have ten weekly sessions

• the length of the session will be ninety minutes

Goals of the group
•The group will have a number of counseling group goals and specific goals

•The goals of the counseling group are to provide aid and develop coping skills for

the survivors

•To promote healing among members

• To provide space for individuals to share their experiences

Specific group goals
•One of the primary specific groups of the group is to provide an environment where the survivors feel


•To foster the development of trust and healthy relationships with other people via group therapy

•To allow the survivors to share their emotions and thoughts in a nonjudgmental background

•To foster coping skills, including emotional regulation and mindfulness, which can effectively manage


•To offer psychoeducation programs that will explore trauma related to abuse and the effect on mental

health, which is common in many survivors

Theoretical approaches
• In the group, the theoretical approach that will be utilized in trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy

• The primary reason for picking this approach is that it is evidenced based, and it has demonstrated its

efficacy in assisting adolescents, children, and adults who have experienced trauma-related events, including


• The approach can aid in addressing the common trauma-related symptoms, such as mental health problems,

that survivors often experience

• One of the key benefits of this theoretical approach is that it can effectively lower symptoms of PTSD,

anxiety, and depression.

Theoretical approach
•Another theoretical approach is person-centered therapy

•It often focuses on the customer's subjective encounters in order to empower them to take a role in the healing process

•In this therapy, the client is often needed to be actively involved in the therapy session

•The counselor often provides a supportive and safe environment for individuals to explore their experiences and

emotions (Renger, 2021)

•One of the most important things in this approach is the therapeutic relationship

•Reports indicate that persons centered therapy can effectively aid in managing trauma, depression, and anxiety.

Theoretical approach
1.To add to the previously mentioned theoretical approach, another approach is dialectical behavior


2. It is a cognitive-behavioral strategy that often emphasizes on integration of change and acceptance


3.The approach was first developed to aid in the management of personality disorder (Linehan and

Wilks, 2015)

4.However, it is has shown that it can aid in the management of mental conditions that are trauma

Dialectical behavior therapy
• Dialectical behavior therapy has demonstrated its efficacy since it touches on diverse training skill

•These include distress tolerance and interpersonal effectiveness

•Another skill that the cognitive approach utilizes includes emotional regulation, which is instrumental

in the management of mental conditions (Linehan and Wilks, 2015)

•Finally, Dialectical behavior therapy has shown that it is effective in the management of mental

conditions that arise from trauma since it encompasses phone coaching and individuals therapy

sessions during a crisis

Ethical considerations
•These groups must uphold the ethical principles that guide professional organizations

•The member should seek guidance from the National Association of Workers or the American

Counseling Association to ensure that they adhere to the ethical principles in the professional setting

•The leaders must explicitly set the limits of confidentiality in the group

•The group members must treat one another with dignity and respect (‌Smith, 2003)

•No one should be discriminated against based on their gender identity, race, religious affiliation, or

sexual orientation
Ethical consideration
•In the group, the ethical consideration includes informed consent, cultural competence, and confidentiality.

•First, information that any group member will be sharing will be kept confidential

•Confidentiality in the group is instrumental since it promotes loyalty, confidence, and trust

•Informed consent is another important ethical consideration where the members will be told about the nature of the adult

abuse survivors' group.

•At the same time, the members will be educated on the benefits and risks of participating in the group

•Another thing that they will be informed of is their rights as members of the groups (‌Smith, 2003).

•The final ethical consideration is cultural competence, where the members will be informed about respecting other people's

cultures as well as being sensitive since individuals will come from diverse cultural backgrounds.

Screening questions
•The screening questions are a set of questions that aid in assessing the potential group members' sustainability

•Diverse questions will be utilized to examine the group members' sustainability

• Are you presently attending a therapy session

•Have you encountered self-harming and suicidal thoughts

•Are you cable of attending all the ten sessions

•Do you feel uncomfortable sharing your abuse encounters in a group

•Are you committed to practicing coping strategies and complementing provided homework in the group

Screening questions
•This set of questions will be utilized to explore the participant's history of abuse.

•These questions include

•Have you ever experienced physical abuse in the past

•Have you recently encountered traumatic events

•do you have any prescribed mental health medications

•do you have any physical condition that can impact your participation in the group

•what are your concerns about participating in the group

Screening questions
• Have been diagnosed or hospitalized because of mental condition

•Have been diagnosed with a personality disorder

•Have been involved in legal processing linked to violence and abuse

•Did you experience any crises recently

•Have you abused any drug

•This presentation explores adult survivors of physical violence abuse

•The group provides a supportive and safe space where survivors can develop coping skills and share their


•The presentation explores diverse theoretical approaches, including trauma-focused cognitive behavioral


•Some of the ethical considerations that were demonstrated include confidentiality and informed consent

•A number of screening questions were shown in the presentation. '

•These screening questions examine the member's suitability.

• Cohen, J. A., & Mannarino, A. P. (2015). Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy for

Traumatized Children and Families. Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North

America, 24(3), 557–570.

• Linehan, M. M., & Wilks, C. R. (2015). The Course and Evolution of Dialectical Behavior

Therapy. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 69(2), 97–110.

• ‌NCADV. (2011). NCADV | National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
• Renger, S. (2021). Therapists' views on the use of questions in person-centered

therapy. British Journal of Guidance & Counselling, 1–13.

• ‌Smith, D. (2003, January). Five principles for research ethics. American Psychological

Association, 56.

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