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Agriculture of pakistan


Main Agricultural product of
Pakistan and their utilization

Topic B
Challenges faced by
agriculture sector

Impact of agriculture on
C environment
Introoduction of
agriculture of
Pakistan's principal natural resources are
arable land and water. Agriculture
accounts for about 18.9% of Pakistan's
GDP and employs about 42.3% of the
labour force. The most agricultural
province is Punjab where wheat & cotton
are the most grown.

Common Plants Common Animals

The most common plants for The most common animals

agriculture in Pakistan are in Pakistan for agriculture
wheat, rice, sugarcane, include buffalo, cow, goat,
cotton, maize, and fruits like sheep, and chicken for milk,
mango, citrus, and guava. meat, and egg production.
Main Agricultural product of Pakistan and
their utilization
Here's what you need to know:

Pakistan's main agricultural products include

wheat, rice, sugarcane, cotton, and maize. These
crops are primarily used for food, clothing, and
biofuel production. Wheat and rice are staple foods
in the country, while sugarcane is used to produce
sugar and ethanol. Cotton is a major export crop
and is used for clothing and textile production.
Maize is used for both human and animal
consumption. Additionally, Pakistan produces
various fruits like mango, citrus, and guava, which
are consumed locally and exported.
Challenges faced by agriculture sector
Here's what you need to know:

Challenges faced by the agriculture sector in

Pakistan include water scarcity, climate change,
outdated farming practices, lack of
mechanization, low productivity, and limited
access to credit, technology, and markets.
Seed Sowing
Seed sowing in Pakistan for agriculture typically
begins in the early to mid-spring season, with crops
like wheat, maize, and cotton sowed using various
methods, including drilling, broadcasting, and

Irrigation of Crops
Irrigation of crops in Pakistan for agriculture is
primarily done through canal systems, tube wells,
and drip irrigation. Water management is critical due
to scarcity and climate change impacts.
Pakistan uses nitrogen-based fertilizers for
agriculture, especially urea. However, overuse and
mismanagement have caused soil degradation and
water pollution, contributing to environmental and
health cocerns.

Harvesting in Pakistan for agriculture is
usually done by hand, with labor-intensive
methods. The timing of harvesting varies by
crop and region, with wheat, rice, cotton,
and maize being the most commonly
harvested crops.
Impact of agriculture on
Impact of agriculture on environment

Agriculture has a significant impact on the

environment, including deforestation, soil
erosion, water depletion, pesticide and fertilizer
pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, and loss of
biodiversity. Sustainable agriculture practices,
such as conservation tillage, crop rotation, and
agroforestry, can help mitigate these impacts.
Suggestion to improve agriculture in Pakistan
How to improve agriculture
of pakistan

• Promote sustainable agriculture practices

and invest in modern farming technologies to
increase productivity while reducing
environmental impact.
• Improve water management and irrigation
systems to mitigate water scarcity and
improve crop yields.
• Provide training and education to farmers to
enhance their skills and knowledge, and
promote research and development to
improve crop varieties and farming practices.
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