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A Global Perspective

Philip Kotler
Gary Armstrong
Swee Hoon Ang
3 Siew Meng Leong
Chin Tiong Tan
Oliver Yau Hon-Ming

The Marketing PowerPoint slides adapted by

Peggy Su


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The Marketing Environment

• The marketing environment includes the

actors and forces outside marketing that affect
marketing management’s ability to build and
maintain successful relationships with

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The Marketing Environment

Marketing Environment
• The microenvironment consists of the actors
close to the company that affect its ability to
serve its customers, the company, suppliers,
marketing intermediaries, customer markets,
competitors, and publics.

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The Marketing Environment
Marketing Environment
• The macroenvironment consists of the larger
societal forces that affect the microenvironment.
• Demographic
• Economic
• Natural
• Technological
• Political
• Cultural

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The Company’s Microenvironment
• The company
• Suppliers
• Marketing intermediaries

• Customers
• Competitors
• Publics

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The Company’s Microenvironment

The Company
Internal environment includes:
• Top management
• Finance
• R&D
• Purchasing
• Operations
• Accounting
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The Company’s Microenvironment

• Provide the resources to produce goods and
• Treated as partners to provide customer value

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The Company’s Microenvironment
Marketing Intermediaries
• Help the company to promote, sell, and distribute its
products to final buyers
• Include:
• Resellers
• Physical distribution firms
• Marketing services agencies
• Financial intermediaries

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The Company’s Microenvironment

Marketing Intermediaries
• Resellers are the distribution channel firms that
help the company find customers or make sales to
them. These include:
• Wholesalers
• Retailers
• Physical distribution firms are the distribution
channel firms that help the company to stock and
move goods from their points of origin to their final
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The Company’s Microenvironment

Marketing Intermediaries
• Marketing service agencies are the marketing
research firms, advertising agencies, media firms,
and marketing consulting firms that help the
company target and promote its products to the
right markets.
• Financial intermediaries include banks, credit
companies, insurance companies, and other
businesses that help finance transactions or insure
against the risks associated with the buying and
selling of goods.
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The Company’s Microenvironment

• Customer markets consist of individuals and
households that buy goods and services for
personal consumption.
• Business markets buy goods and services for
further processing or for use in their production

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The Company’s Microenvironment

• Reseller markets buy goods and services to
resell at a profit.
• Government markets buy goods and services
to produce public services or transfer goods
and services to others who need them.
• International markets consist of buyers in
other countries including consumers,
producers, resellers, and governments.

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The Company’s Microenvironment
• Firms must gain strategic advantage by positioning
their offerings against competitors’ offerings.
• Each firm should consider its own size and industry
position compared to those of its competitors.

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The Company’s Microenvironment
• Any group that has an actual or potential
interest in or impact on an organization’s
ability to achieve its objectives:
• Financial publics • Local publics
• Media publics • General public
• Government publics • Internal publics
• Citizen-action publics

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The Company’s Microenvironment

• Financial publics influence the company’s
ability to obtain funds—banks, investment
houses, and stockholders.
• Media publics carry news, features, and
editorial opinion—newspapers, magazines, and
radio and television stations.
• Government publics influence product safety
and truth in advertising.

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The Company’s Microenvironment

• Citizen-action publics include consumer
organizations, environment groups, and minority
• Local publics include neighborhood residents
and community organizations
• General publics influence the company’s public
• Internal publics include workers, managers,
volunteers, and directors
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The Company’s Macroenvironment

• Demographic environment
• Economic environment
• Natural environment
• Technological environment
• Political environment
• Cultural environment

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The Company’s Macroenvironment
Demographic Environment
• Demography is the study of human populations in
terms of size, density, location, age, gender, race,
occupation, and other statistics.
• Demographic environment is important because
it involves people, and people make up markets.
• Demographic trends include age, family structure,
geographic population shifts, educational
characteristics, and population diversity.

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The Company’s Macroenvironment
Demographic Environment
Changing Age Structure of the Population
• Generational marketing is important in segmenting
people by lifestyle of life state instead of age.

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The Company’s Macroenvironment
Demographic Environment
Changing Age Structure of the Population
• Baby boomers include people born between
1946 and 1964
• Includes most affluent Asians

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The Company’s Macroenvironment

Demographic Environment
Changing Age Structure of the Population
• Generation X includes people born between
1965 and 1976. They tend to:
• Have high divorce rates
• Are concerned about the environment
• Respond to socially responsible companies
• Are less materialistic
• Emphasize quality of life
• Consumer organizations, environment groups,
and minority groups

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The Company’s Macroenvironment
Demographic Environment
Changing Age Structure of the Population
• Generation Y includes people born between 1977
and 1994.
• The Internet generation

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Generation Z includes people born
between 1995 and 2012

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The Company’s Macroenvironment
Demographic Environment
The Changing Asian Family
More people are:
• Divorcing or separating
• Choosing not to marry
• Choosing to marry later
• Marrying without intending to have
• Higher divorce rates
• Increased number of working women
• More stay-at-home dads

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The Company’s Macroenvironment
Demographic Environment
Geographic Shifts in Population
• Trends include:
• Migratory movements between and within
• Moving from rural to metropolitan areas
• Changes in where people work
• Telecommuting
• Home office
• Divorce or separation

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The Company’s Macroenvironment
Demographic Environment
Changes in the Workforce
Trends include:
• More educated
• More white collar
• More professional

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The Company’s Macroenvironment
Economic Environment
• Economic environment consists of factors that
affect consumer purchasing power and spending
• Subsistence economies consume most of their own
agriculture and industrial output.
• Industrial economies are richer markets.

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The Company’s Macroenvironment

Natural Environment
• Natural environment involves the natural resources
that are needed as inputs by marketers or that are
affected by marketing activities.
• Trends
• Shortages of raw materials
• Increased pollution
• Increased government intervention
• Environmentally sustainable strategies
• Green marketing
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The Company’s Macroenvironment
Technological Environment
• Most dramatic force in changing the marketplace with many
positive and negative effects
• Rapid change
• Provides new markets and new opportunities
• Internet
• Medicine
• Miniaturization
• Weapons
• Credit cards
• Communication

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The Company’s Macroenvironment
Political Environment
• Political environment consists of laws, government
agencies, and pressure groups that influence or limit
various organizations and individuals in a given

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The Company’s Macroenvironment

Political Environment
• Legislation regulating business
• Public policy to guide commerce—sets of laws and
regulations that limit business for the good of society
at large
• Increasing legislation to:
• Protect companies
• Protect consumers
• Protect the interests of society

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The Company’s Macroenvironment
Cultural Environment
• The cultural environment consists of institutions and
other forces that affect a society’s basic values,
perceptions, and behaviors.

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The Company’s Macroenvironment

Cultural Environment
Persistence of Cultural Values
• Core beliefs and values have a high degree of
persistence, are passed on from parents to children,
and are reinforced by schools, churches, businesses,
and government.
• Secondary beliefs and values are more open to

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