Brockway - Mycelium in PH Environments

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Mycelium in Several PH Environments

Ryan Brockway
Dr. Anuja Kamat
Wentworth Institute of Technology

Abstract Results
Day 3 Day 5 Overall, there was a total of 10 experiments conducted for a
Mycelium, a fungus like bacterial colony, was tested in several
total of 30 set-ups that were monitored. It was found that
different PH environments in order to predict its reaction in Day 7 Day 10 around 30% sustained growth in their experiment.
various concrete materials. Experiments conducted by mixing
However, most experiments reported black spots mold
activated mycelium with an alkaline, acidic, or basic liquid and
along with minimal to no growth as well, including within
monitored results over a 10-day period.
Day 7 ` Day 10 the control. This, signifies that the experimental setup had

Introduction been contaminated to some extent.

With infrastructure in America on a trend of Conclusion and

Further Research
deterioration , there is a push to find cheaper, longer lasting
solutions. Researchers are looking to use new materials in
construction to help. One of these materials that is
There are several possible reasons for failure of growth
particularly interesting is the use of bacteria. Many Growth Through the experiment Mold in Several Experiments
and mold in the experiment. It is debated that several
professionals have looked to include bacteria in concrete, in
different types of flour could effect growth. It Is also
which the living nature will help to heal cracks when
activated with water. Broadly, bacteria must be understood
Procedure Excel Data
possible that incorrect ratios could result in lack of
growth, and the improper ventilation along with the voter
more before used on large scale construction projects. One The bacteria was exposed to multiple different Ph
added may propel the mold accumulation. However,
can begin with mycelium. Mycelium, a fugus, is beginning to environments by including different fluids into the mix required
contamination is another likely reason for mold. It is
be used in various residential applications and could for mycelium activation. Acidic environments, neutral to basic
therefore debated if construction sites are sterile enough
potentially be implemented in construction materials. To environments, and alkaline environments were all included in
for the growth of mycelium. Therefore, further
predict its reaction in many different situations, mycelium the tests.. Classmates submitted data via excel in which they
experiments must be conducted before widespread
will be observed in various PH environments. measured growth of their own experiments of measuring
inclusion of this bacterial in construction.
growth of mycelium in other various fluids. This data will also
Day 1 include pictures of the growth.
Each experiment consisted of a control, which includes
I would like to thank the Fall 2020 Advanced Materials Class for
mycelium mixed with ¼ teaspoon of flour and 10 mL of water the use of their data and thoughts on the conclusions of their
required for growth. Another bag included a mix of mycelium, experiment. I would also like to thank Professor Kamat for her
flour, water, and 5 mL of a fluid. A third bag was again made up
of a mix of mycelium, flour, and water, but included 10 mL of a
Data Collection consisted of a table in which the PH was Bibliography
recorded as well as qualitative observations. The
fluid. Pictures and observations will be recorded initially and 1. says:, Praveen Varam R S, et al. “Mushroom Cultivation: 5 Common Mistakes to
observations consisted of noting any growth within the 2.
Avoid.” Fungi Academy, 25 Aug. 2020,
van der Hoeven , Diederik. “Mycelium as a Construction Material.” Bio Based Press, 7
then every 3-5 days and submitted via excel. On day 5, another Apr. 2020,
experiment every other day. As also stated, images of
¼ teaspoon of flower was added to encourage growth. The
growth for each control, 5 mL sample, 10 mL were uploaded
overall timeline will be at least 10 days to fully observe
Initial Set Up of Metal Polish for the specified day.
mycelium growth.

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