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Video Activity

Friends S07E14 –
The one Where
They All Turn 30
Teacher Cristiane
Decide if the following statements are
true(T) or false(F) 

At Rachel’s apartment

Monica prepared breakfast

Joey’s thirties were okay
Rachel feels she is overreacting.
Match the beginnings (1-4) with the endings
1. Ross bought

2. Ross claims he has

3. Phoebe wants to go

4. The sports car is completely boxed in

A. always been interested in cars.

B. a red sports car.

C. for a ride.

D. and then can’t get out.

Choose the correct word for each gap
At Chandler and Monica’s apartment


Chandler has organized a SURPRISE
Monica’s parents had never SEEN ROSS
Choose the correct word for each gap
At Ursula’s apartment

Phoebe gives her twin sister a  (DOLL /

BALL / HIPPITY-HOP) as a birthday
Ursula says they are (29/ 30/ 31/ 32)
Ursula sold Phoebe’s birth certificate to
Complete the script with the following words:
married – hug – couple – joke – list  – guys – grandma – funny – card – any

Tag: This is from me!

Rachel: Ahhhh!
Tag: It wasn't on the list, but hopefully you'll think it's really fun!
Rachel: A scooter!
Ross: Stick to the____________. Always stick to the list.
Rachel: No! No, no, I love it. Thank you.
Chandler: Okay, open ours next. Open ours next!
Rachel: Okay.
Joey: Now that you’re a____________ we don’t get two presents
from you____________?
Chandler: For my last birthday you gave me a____________!
Okay, read the card! Read the card!
Rachel: Okay. Happy birthday____________! It’s better to be
over the hill than buried under it. All our love Monica and
Chandler. That’s____________, yeah!
Chandler: No-no-no-no! That was the____________!
Rachel: No, I know! I get it! It’s funny!
Chandler: No, because you’re not a grandmother!
Rachel: No, I know, because to be a grandmother you have to
be____________ and have children and I don’t
have____________ of those things. That’s why it’s so funny.
Monica: All you had to do was buy the____________!
Complete Rachel’s plan with numbers

Rachel wants to have ______kids.

She should have the first one by the time she’s______.

She doesn’t have to get pregnant until she is______, which

gives Prada______ years to start making maternity clothes!

She wants to be married for ______ year before she gets


She doesn’t have to get married until she is______, which

is______ whole years from now!

However, she needs a year and a half to plan the wedding,

and she would like to know the guy for a year, year and a half
before they get engaged.
Which means she needs to meet the guy by the time
Who said that?
“Why God? Why?!! We had a deal!! Let the others grow old! Not
me!!”” ____________

“I really like to say that I’m... You know what I’d really like to
say? I’m drunk!! That’s right mom and dad your little Harmonica
is hammered!! And guess what? I’ve been drunk before! And
I’ve smoked a cigarette! It’s all okay. It’s okay because I turned
thirty today. And, and I can do anything I want... because I am a
grown up.”” ____________

"How would you feel if you found out you were 31? It totally
ruined my schedule! I haven’t done any of the things I wanted to
do by the time I was 31! I haven’t met any Portuguese people! I
haven’t had the perfect kiss! And I haven’t been to sniper’s
school!” ____________

“Do you realize in ten years we’re going to be forty?”


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