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Effects of Online Games in Academic

Performances among Grade 12 ICT

Researchers: GROUP 1 12 TVL-5 (ICT-B)

Introduction, Statement of the Problem and Hypothesis

Methodology, Theoretical Frameworks

Graphs and Tables

Research Design, Instrument and Procedure

Findings and Conclusion

Online games rather what we also called computer games are very popular in our today’s
modern society, in terms of entertainment which it targets most of the adolescents. Within the
internet, we can explore many activities such as: Facebook, Twitter, browsing Google for
information, internet for communication etc. Some claimed that playing online games is one way
to release stress and fill your free time. While some said that too much game can affect one's mind
and attitude. For example, people who play games are constantly feeling tired. When someone is
more likely to spend more time in playing online game, some of them may end up with being
addicted to it. Based on established researches, its an interesting discovery about the reasons
behind why young people start to play online games as well as how playing such games affects
the daily lives and activities of them.
21st century students are the learners that live with the use of technology. Technology,
internet to be distinct is very useful tool for everyone, notably students, it helps them gather data
which support them throughout their studies. But because of the broaden technology access–
sharing files, documents, and most specially playing online games which cause their goals and
achievements breakdown. Seems like their academic performance was affected logically. If that
continues, they may suffer from a long term different major problems. Because of this, we,
researcher was prompted and had a desires to know if the selected senior high school students are
having achievement breakdown due to the lack of focused on their study and what possible ways
are we going to do to prevent the portentous problem. This study is trying to show the effects of
playing online games to the academic performance of the selected grade 12 senior high school
students of PSAT.
Statement of the Problem
This study will discuss the effects of online games on academic performance of the senior students in the grade 12.
The researchers found importance to gather the following factors:
1.What is the profile of the respondents, in terms of:
1.1. Gender
1.2. Age
1.3. Strand
2.What are the effects of online games?
2.1. Health Problem
2.2. Addiction
2.3. Improve Academic Function
3.What affects student’s academic performance?
3.1. Poor eyesight
3.2. Peer Relationship breakdown
3.3. High Grades
4. Is there any significant relationship between the online games on the academic performance and their personal-related
Background of the Study
This study will examine the effects of online games on academic
performance of Senior High School students in Pangasinan School of Arts and
Trades specifically in grade 12 ICT students. Most of students spent their time
playing online games even girls take their time playing online games too. With
this, more than 5 or 3 got their lower grades and failed on their respected
courses until they drop/ unpassed because of being unworried about their
future. This is why the researchers conduct a research about this current

H 0 : The hypothesis of the study was developed from research question

number 3 and was tested at 0.05 level of significance which states that
Playing Online Games and Student Performance among Grade 12 Students
of Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades has no significant relationship.
Theoretical Framework

This study is anchored on the theory of Greene and Bavelier (2003) which states playing online
games improve student’s performance by enhancing consideration and concentration, visual
discernment, visual memory, concurrent handling, meta-cognitive abilities such as arranging, and
speed of data preparing of learners. Furthermore, playing online games is indicated by: addiction,
need for advancement, need for mastering the mechanics, need for relationship and need for
escapism (Xu, Turel and Yuan, 2011).In figure 1, the conceptual paradigm of the study shows the
independent and dependent variable. The independent variable is Playing Online Games and the
dependent variable is the Student Performance.
Signifinance Of Study
This study will benefit the following:
The result of this study will help the students have an insight on the impact of online games towards their academic
The result of this study will serve as basis to help share with other parents the information about certain games or ideas to
help each other in parenting. Also it will help them understand the behavior and study habit of their children when they
are engaged into such activity
Teachers. The outcome of this study will provide additional information on what strategy to use to educate students about
the well - known effects of online gaming on the academic performance of students, problem solving strategy, decision
making and spatial visualization.
Future Researchers.
The results of this study will help future researchers in establishing their ideas when it comes to the relationship of
playing online games and student performance.
Conceptual Framework

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

• Health Problems • Poor eyesight

• Addiction • Peer Relationship Breakdown

• Improve Academic Problems • High Grades

According to some researchers, addictive players exhibited signs or symptoms such as social
neglect, loss of interest in other leisure activities, social and psychological isolation (Jeong &
Kim, 2011; Young, 2009), escape problems(Billieux et al., 2015; Young, 2009), aggressive
behavior (Anderson et al., 2010), psychological stress, reduced school performance, decreased
sleep quality,suicidal ideation (Rehbein, Kleiman & Mössle, 2010), low sociability and self-
efficacy and lower satisfaction with life (Festl, Scharkow & Quandt, 2013). In certain cases,
digital game playing was allowed to act as a coping strategy for deficiencies or problems in the
player’s life such as a lack of friends, relationship troubles, or dissatisfaction with physical looks.
Furthermore, prolonged exposure to digital game was associated with physical health problems
such as musculoskeletal symptoms and worsening of blurred eyesight (Lui, Szeto &Jones, 2011).
Alberto Posso (2016), from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, analyzed data from high school
students across Australia taking the2012 Program for International Student Assessment (Pisa) – internationally
recognized tests that are administered by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD). The study looked at the correlation between academic scores and the children’s personal interests and
activities outside of school, including internet usage. Posso, who published the research in the International
Journal of Communication, said: “The analysis shows that those students who play online video games obtain
higher scores on Pisa tests, all other things being equal. “When you play online games you’re solving puzzles to
move to the next level and that involves using some of the general knowledge and skills in math, reading and
science that you’ve been taught during the day. ”The cause of the association between game playing and
academic success is not clear from the research. It is possible that children who are gifted at math, science and
reading are more likely to play online games. Alternatively, it could be that more proficient students work more
efficiently, and therefore have more free time, making online gaming a marker of possible academic ability
rather than something that actively boosts performance.
Scope and Limatation

This study covers the PSAT grade 12 ICT students, who are open to technology
and often play through online. The researcher will gather information about the
effects of online games through the academic performance of the senior high
school grade 12 ICT students. This will further explain and discuss the reason
beyond the illiterate behavior of the teenagers.

Research Design Population Sample Size Instrument

Descriptive- Students at 50 students Survey

Correlation Pangasinan School of
Arts and trades Grade Questionnaire
Research Design
12 ICT
This chapter contains the discussion of research design, research subject, research instrument, data gathering
procedures and statistical treatment of data.
Research Design
The researchers used the descriptive-correlation method. It was used in the Study because it describes the level of the
two variables and relationship between playing online games and student performance among selected grade 12
students Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades, school year 2022-2023. According to Harcourt (2016) descriptive-
correlation method is based on observation, of an event or events, from which theories may later be developed to
explain the observations.
Research Subject
The respondents of this study are the selected grade 12 ICT students in Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades. The
researchers employed stratified random sampling and Raosoft Sample Size Calculator in finding the sample for the
study. Table 1 shows the distribution of respondents.
Research Instrument
The instrument used in the study is adopted from Xu, Turel, and Yuan (2011).The research questionnaire is
composed of profile of the respondents and the questions for the independent variable.
Tables 1 As shown in Table 1,
ICT-B ranges got the
highest percentage with
Section/ Populatio Percentag 30 or 60%: followed by
Strand n e
ICT-A above which is
ICT-A 39 20 40% 20 or 40%.
ICT-B 39 30 60%

Total 78 50 100%
Tables 2.
Scale Descriptive Equivalent Interpretation

This means that the level of Playing online Games is

4.21-5.00 Very High
very frequent.

This means that the level of Playing online Games is

3.41-4.20 High

This means that the level of Playing online Games is

2.61-3.40 Moderate
moderate frequent.

This means that the level of Playing online Games is

1.81-2.60 Low
less frequent.
To determine the level of Perfomance among senior high student of PSAT,
the following rating was used:

Scale Descriptive Equivalent Interpretation

This means that the level of Playing online Games is

96-100 Very High
very frequent.

This means that the level of Playing online Games is

89-95 High

This means that the level of Playing online Games is

82-88 Moderate
moderate frequent.

This means that the level of Playing online Games is

75-81 Low
less frequent.
Table 3.
Indicators Mean


Playing online games has sometimes interfered with my work or study.

2.83 Moderate

When I am not playing online games I often feel restless. 2.40 Low

Arguments have sometimes arisen athome because of the time I spend

2.31 Low
on online games

I often fail to get enough sleep because of playing online games. 2.41 Low
Table 4.

Level of Students Performance among Grade 12 ICT students



GRADE 86.80
Summary of Findings
The following were the findings of the study:
1. The mean result gained in Playing Online Games in terms of Addiction is 2.41,Poor
Eyesight is 2.49, High Grades is 2.56, Need for Improving Academic Function is 2.14,
Need described that the level of internet addiction is less frequent.
2. The mean rating obtained in student performance of the Grade 12 ICT students of
Pangasinan School of Arts and Trades is 86.80 interpreted as good.
3. The computed r-value of Playing Online Games and Student’s performace is -
0.500590247 and with p-value of 0.0000194481 which is less than 0. 05. It implies that the
null hypothesis is rejected.
Based on the mentioned findings, the following conclusions were
1. The level of Playing Online Games is High.
2.The level of Student’s Performance of the Grade 12 Students is good.
3. There is significant relationship between Playing Online Games and
Student Performance among grade 12 ICT Students of Pangasinan School
of Arts and Trades.
Based on the findings and conclusion, the following recommendations are drawn:
1. The student shall play online games in their free time, especially in academic purposes to lessen
the possibility of being addicted to the Online Games and to have positive result in their academic
2. The parents should pay attention to their children especially in playing online games and they
should also give their children a time limit in playing to avoid Online Gaming addiction.
3. The teachers shall guide and teach the student how to control their time in Playing Online Games
and also to help the student engage in an educational way to improve their academic performance.
The result of this study could be used by the researchers to plan further studies around Playing
Online Games and Student’s Performance.
Thank you!

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