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Acoustic reverberation was maximized by elegantly exposing the roof structure within the
auditorium. The roof is a spectacular arrangement of two way-spanning trusses supported on
slender columns. The internal geometry was developed to provide appropriate sound diffusion.

Exposed roof trusses and slender columns

The hall is protected from its own noise by housing all major plant items in a detached tower. Services are
supplied from the tower through acoustically-lined ducts. The two air conditioning ducts are 20 times
normal size – ensuring air flow is slow and silent.

Air conditioning ducts

To achieve total protection from external road and railway noise, the lower levels of the auditorium are
surrounded by a cocoon of foyers and offices. A limestone-clad double skin insulates upper walls from
airborne sound, and the building rests on 280 sets of steel springs to isolate it from noise from the adjacent

Upper walls limestone clad

Building resting on steel spring to

isolate it from adjacent railway
To deliver the balance of loudness, clarity and intimacy required for classical, symphonic and choral music,
acoustic considerations were central to every stage of the design.

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